Tag Archives: Z69

Nyheter från december 2024

Våra Nyheter

Båda T21-loken har fått en del service, främst för att förbättra trappsteg och ledstänger. Stödblock har monterats bakom de värsta stegenheterna för att göra dem mindre flexibla, så att ledstänger inte hoppar ut vid normal användning! T21 87 färdigställdes under december, men arbetet med T21 64 ska vara klart under januari.

Z69 659 har också sett en del kosmetiskt arbete utfört; ett steg har tillhandahållits under varje hyttdörr och detta har gjort det möjligt för oss att tillhandahålla ett bättre placerat “uttag” för ledstänger närmast dörrarna så att de inte ser ut som om de blockerar dörrarna från att öppnas. En liten detalj, men bra för att hålla kompetensen uppdaterad samtidigt som det inte finns mycket annat arbete som kan göras just nu…

Samtidigt som vi har förberett platsen för den nya järnvägen har vi också kämpat mot hinder, varav ett är Sveriges höga arbetslöshet (för närvarande 7,4 %), som påverkar oss här; och ingen start på den nya järnvägen kan påbörjas förrän en personlig inkomst har skaffats! Ett Gantt-diagram har tagits fram för att hjälpa till med planering av järnvägens projektion, men 2025 är ett mycket “lätt” år av denna anledning. Om det kommer bra sysselsättningsnyheter snart så kan schemat flyttas fram (oaktat behov av ny bil, ny dator, ny den här, ny den och så vidare)!

Tillverkarens Nyheter

Jeco/MJ-Hobby släpper en ny modell den 1 februari, men dess identitet förblir en hemlighet. Det blir en ”nyhetslördag” i butiken under dagen, där folk uppmanas att boka sin närvaro. Även om dramatiken och spänningen i att avslöja hemligheten kan vara kul; om den nya modellen inte är något som folk vill ha, skulle det vara en bortkastad resa med en känsla av besvikelse. RTJ-vännerna överväger oddsen på följande möjligheter; den omarbetade T43-dieseln (som tidigare antytt, så inte precis en “överraskning”); ångloket S1 som föreslogs för några år sedan; X50 Regina-tågen som föreslogs för några år sedan; Z67 diesel shunter som föreslogs för några år sedan; elloket Mg som en välbehövlig möjlighet; T4 eller senare T41 diesellok som en välbehövlig möjlighet; och ånglok typ B som en välbehövlig möjlighet! Släpvagnarna till Y6-rälsbussarna har föreslagits ett tag så de kan knappast betraktas som en hemlighet; och Jeco har annonserat ytterligare en orange Rc2 (som 1094) och en svart Rc3 (som 1067).

Andra intressanta nyheter

2024 var det 75 år sedan den första Saab-bilen gick i produktion. Vi hade hoppats på att ha ett bilrally någonstans på en layout (som vi har gjort tidigare) för att fira detta, men vi har ingen layout, bara ett fåtal av våra modeller tillgängliga, och den nya modellen av 9000 är inte tillgänglig ännu. Så vårt foto (på den engelska nyheterna) visar en 92B, 99 och tre versioner av 900.

Detta är vår sista månadsuppdatering. Vi kommer att ge korta uppdateringar under månaderna 2, 5, 8 & 11; så nästa kommer inte att vara för långt efter, och kommer förmodligen inte att ha så mycket nyheter! Gott nytt år till alla våra vänner, nära och fjärran.

News from December 2024

Our News

Both T21 locomotives have received some servicing, mainly to improve the steps and handrails. Supporting blocks have been mounted behind the worst of the step units to make them less flexible, so that the handrails don’t pop out during normal use! T21 87 was completed during December, but the work on T21 64 should be completed during January.

Z69 659 has also seen some cosmetic work done; a step has been provided under each cab door and this has enabled us to provide a better-placed ‘socket’ for the handrails nearest the doors so they don’t look as if they’re blocking the doors from opening. A minor detail, but good for keeping the skills up to date whilst there is not much other work that can be done at this point…

Whilst we have been preparing the location for the new railway, we have also been battling obstacles, one of which is Sweden’s high unemployment rate (currently 7.4%), which is affecting us here; and no start on the new railway can commence until a personal income has been sourced! A Gantt chart has been produced to help with planning the railway’s projection, but 2025 is a very ‘light’ year for this reason. If there is good employment news soon, then the schedule can be brought forward (notwithstanding the need for a new car, new computer, new this, new that, and so on)!

Manufacturer News

Jeco/MJ-Hobby is to release a new model on February 1st, but its identity remains a secret. There will be a “News Saturday” in the shop on the day, where people are invited to book their attendance. Whilst the drama and excitement of revealing the secret might be fun; if the new model is not something that people want, it would be a wasted trip with an air of disappointment. The RTJ-Friends are considering the odds on the following possibilities; the retooled T43 diesel (as previously hinted, so not exactly a ‘surprise’); the S1 steam loco which was proposed a few years ago; the X50 Regina trains which were proposed a few years ago; the Z67 diesel shunter which was proposed a few years ago; the Mg electric loco as a much needed possibility; the T4 or latterly T41 diesel loco as a much needed possibility; and the type B steam loco as a much needed possibility! The trailers for the Y6 railbuses have been proposed for a while so they can hardly be considered a secret; and Jeco has announced another orange Rc2 (as 1094) and a black Rc3 (as 1067).

Other News

2024 was the 75th anniversary of the first Saab car going to production. We had hoped to have a car rally somewhere on a layout (as we have done in the past) to commemorate this, but we have no layout, only a few of our models available to hand, and the new model of the 9000 is not available yet. So our photo shews a 92B, 99, and three versions of the 900.

This is our last monthly update. We will provide brief updates during months 2, 5, 8 & 11; so the next one won’t be too far behind, and probably won’t have very much news! Happy new year to all our friends, near and far.

Nyheter från oktober 2022

Våra nyheter

Mitt i månaden reparerade vi den trasiga bufferten på en av FV1/F5-L-modellerna. När vi jämförde detta med de andra två som vi har här, fann vi att en av de andra också hade en skadad buffert. Denna skada orsakades av originalförpackningen, så både buffert och förpackning har modifierats. Vi avslutade med att modifiera den hemmagjorda innerbrickan för den lika hemgjorda kartongen till FV1:an som köptes begagnad utan originalkartong. Detta kommer att skydda den från ytterligare skador.

När månaden gick mot sitt slut byttes växlingsloket Z66 000 till Z69 659 med de nya dekalerna.

Vi tog emot ersättningsbuffertarna till N-loket i oktober, men det har ännu inte avsatts tid för montering. Vi tittar på en helg i december…!

Tillverkarens Nyheter:

Årets största nyhet måste vara tillkännagivandet av ett nytt lok, detta från Jeco; T23 diesel. Det kommer att finnas sex olika nummer, och det kommer att finnas tillgängligt i analogt och digitalt, och två livery-versioner. Under 1950-talet köpte SJ 25 smalspåriga ’Tp’-lok för att ersätta ångloken på 891 mm spårvidden. Men när de smalspåriga linjerna lades ner en efter en stod det snart klart för SJ att de hade fler lok än de behövde, och de lyckades inte sälja dem; så beslutades det att bygga om femton av dem till standardspårlokomotiv. Ombyggnaderna skedde i samarbete mellan SJ’s verkstad i Örebro och AB Svenska Järnvägsverkstäderna i Falun. Ett nytt ramverk måste konstrueras och lokkarosserna breddas. Axelbeskrivning ändrad till D (0-8-0 i brittisk nomenklatur) istället för 1’C1′ (2-6-2), men fortfarande med kopplingsstångsdrift. Loken fick en färg liknande T21 i rödbrunt med gula dekorativa ränder. De användes i godståg och växling i bland annat Halmstad och Jönköping, men tjänstetiden var kort. Mot slutet av 1970-talet togs loken ur drift och avsattes som beredskapslok. Ett lok (115) såldes som industrilok till Gullfiber och hamnade i början av 1990-talet hos fraktföretaget Österlentåg. Efter att företaget gått i konkurs såldes loket till ett skrotföretag. 2002 beslutade Banverket att göra sig av med de T23-lok som stod i beredskap och de såldes till olika museiföreningar och skrothandlare. Flera T23-lok är därför bevarade; representeras av fem av de sex som ska produceras som modeller.

Jeco har också förnyat sin avsikt att producera fler lokomotiv i Rc-serien, inklusive Rc1 och Rc4 i orange färg, och flera mer moderna färger på Rc2 och Rc3.

Dekas utökar sitt sortiment av spannmålsvagnar med tre märkta ’Udg’, lämpliga för den tidigare delen av Epoch-IV; och ett par som S-RT (Epok-VI). S-RT Ugkkpp är en modell av SJ sandtåg täckt trattvagn, använd från 2015 och för närvarande. Dessa förväntas alla i januari 2023.

Brekina har gjort en modell av Büssing Senator 12D-bussen i ”Stockholms Spårvägar” (SS)-livery. Beskriven som 1962 års modell är den egentligen i ombyggt skick med dörrar till höger för högertrafik (från september 1967). Minst en av dessa finns bevarad i Stockholmsområdet. Ett prov har kommit hit; mycket snyggt gjort, men tråkigt nog utan några dekaler för ruttnummer eller destination!

När vi gjorde en sammanfattning av tillverkarnas uppdateringar (vilket vi inte gör så ofta som vi borde) hittade vi en död länk, och vid ytterligare undersökning fann vi att Brimalm Engineering AB försattes i konkurs 2017. Brimalm var mest känt för handbyggda modeller i etsad mässing, riktade till höginkomsttagare och samlare, och tillverkade i mycket begränsade upplagor. Det anses dock allmänt att Brimalm inte gjorde något för modelljärnvägar som en “helhet”; modellerna var prissatta i en annan liga än seriösa järnvägsmodellerares intressen. De ansågs ofta vara i en liknande klass med “Fabergé-ägg”, mer om investeringar än äkta järnvägsmodellering, och absolut inget för att locka barn och ungdomar till hobbyn. Naturligtvis har företag av den här karaktären en hög risk att kollapsa vid minsta vackling i den globala ekonomin, och så verkar det ha varit fallet.

Andra intressanta nyheter:

I vår genomgång av semestern kring Sveriges Järnvägsplatser i år hänvisades till sjukhusvagnar, om vilka ingen information gick att hitta. SJK:s senaste upplaga av Tåg innehåller en artikel om sjukhus- (och ambulans-) vagnar, men dessa två nämns tydligen inte (en vid Oxelösund och en på Grängesberg). Det hänvisades dock till två Bo14b-vagnar, 1899 och 1901, som hade byggts om till So10, och beskrivningarna passade (och ytterligare forskning visar att dessa ursprungligen var Co6-vagnar med träkaross). Men deras bortgång citeras (i Tåg) som den ena på Nässjö Järnvägsmuseum och delar av den andra på Gävle Järnvägsmuseum. När vi grävde djupare upptäckte vi att 1899 är inköpt från Gävle för några år sedan och finns på FSVJ i Oxelösund. Man tror att hänvisningen till ‘1899’ på ‘delarna’ förmodligen relaterar till något annat, eller något som hade passat tillfälligt! 1901 sades senast vara i järnvägsavdelningens bruk, och det ena fotot som vi har av vagnen vid Grängesberg visar visserligen en liten del av ett vagnnummer under den grå färgen; vilket med stor sannolikhet är 1901. Webbplatsen för Nässjös Järnvägsmuseum säger ingenting om den rullande materielen där, och vi har inte varit där (sedan 1998), så vi är försiktigt övertygade om att vi har identifierat båda vagnarna.

Vi tittade nyligen ordentligt på vår hemsida för att se om något behövde uppdateras. Åh ja; och några stavfel måste också korrigeras. Vi kommer att spendera tiden mellan nu och slutet av året för att finslipa och polera, men det verkar inte vara någon mening med att katalogisera dem här. Eventuella stora förändringar kommer naturligtvis att få ett omnämnande.

News from October 2022

Our News

With a work-free weekend mid-month, there was a plan to paint over the Z66 000 number on the little shunting loco so that we could apply the Z69 659 decals; but the decals were in a safe place and couldn’t be found! So, instead, we repaired the broken buffer on one of the FV1/F5-L models. Comparing this with the other two that we have here, we found that one of the others also had a damaged buffer and we could see that the cause was the nature of the inner packaging that is supposed to support the model and protect it from damage! This was also repaired. Using available time, we finished by modifying the homemade inner ‘tray’ for the equally homemade box for the FV1 that was bought second-hand without an original box. This will protect it from further damage.

As the month drew to a close, and having located the decals, Z69 659 was accordingly branded, and is now fit for full service.

We took delivery of the replacement buffers for the N-loco in October, but time has not yet been allocated for fitting them. We are looking at a weekend in December…!

Manufacturer News

Without a doubt, the biggest news of the year has to be the announcement of a new loco, this from Jeco; the T23 diesel. There will be six different numbers, and it will be available in analogue and digital, and two livery versions. During the 1950s, SJ bought 25 narrow-gauge ‘Tp’ locomotives to replace the steam locomotives on the 891mm gauge lines. However, as the narrow-gauge lines were shut down one by one, it soon became clear to SJ that they had more locomotives than they needed, and they were unsuccessful in selling them; so, it was decided to rebuild fifteen of them into standard gauge locomotives. The rebuilds took place in collaboration between SJ’s workshop in Örebro and AB Svenska Järnvägsverkstäderna in Falun. A new framework had to be constructed and the locomotive bodies widened. Axle-description changed to D (0-8-0 in British nomenclature) instead of 1’C1’ (2-6-2), but still with coupling rod drive. The locomotives were given a livery similar to T21 in red-brown with yellow decorative stripes. They were used in freight trains and shunting in, among other places, Halmstad and Jönköping, but the period of service was short. Towards the end of the 1970s, the locomotives were taken out of service and set aside as standby locomotives. One locomotive (115) was sold as an industrial locomotive to Gullfiber and ended up in the early 1990s with the freight company Österlentåg. After the company went bankrupt, the locomotive was sold to a scrap company. In 2002, Banverket decided to dispose of the T23 locomotives that were on standby and they were sold to various museum associations and scrap dealers. Several T23 locomotives are therefore preserved; represented by five of the six to be produced as models.

Jeco has also renewed their intention to produce more Rc-series locomotives, including Rc1 and Rc4 in orange livery, and several more modern liveries on Rc2 and Rc3.

Dekas is extending their range of grain wagons with three marked ‘Udg’, suitable for the earlier part of Epoch-IV; and a couple as S-RT (Epoch-VI). The S-RT Ugkkpp is a model of SJ sand-train covered hopper wagon, used from 2015, and currently. These are all expected January 2023.

Brekina has released a Büssing Senator 12D bus in “Stockholms Spårvägar” (SS) livery. Described as a 1962 model, it is actually in rebuilt condition with doors on the right for right-hand traffic (from September 1967). At least one of these has been preserved in the Stockholm area. A sample has arrived here; very nicely made, but disappointingly without any decals for route number or destination!

Whilst doing a round-up of manufacturers’ updates (which we don’t do as often as we ought), we found a dead link, and upon further investigation, found that Brimalm Engineering AB was declared bankrupt in 2017. Brimalm was best known for hand-built models in etched brass, aimed at the high-earners and collectors, and made in very limited editions. It is generally considered, however, that Brimalm did nothing for model railways as a ‘whole’; the models were priced in a different league to the interests of serious railway modellers. They were often considered to be in a similar class with “Fabergé eggs”, more about investment than true railway modelling, and certainly nothing to attract children and youth into the hobby. Naturally, businesses of this nature have a high risk of collapse in the slightest wobble in the global economy, and this seems to have been the case.

Other News

In our review of the holiday around Swedish Railway places this year, reference was made to hospital carriages, of which no information could be found. SJK’s latest edition of Tåg carries an article about hospital (and ambulance) carriages, but seemingly no mention of these two (one at Oxelösund, and one at Grängesberg). Reference was made however to two Bo14b carriages, 1899 and 1901, which had been converted to So10, and the descriptions fit (and further research shews that these were originally wooden bodied Co6 carriages). But their demise is quoted (in Tåg) as one at Nässjö Railway Museum and parts of the other at Gävle Railway Museum. Digging deeper, we found that 1899 was purchased from Gävle a few years ago and is at the FSVJ at Oxelösund. It is believed that the reference to ‘1899’ on the ‘parts’ probably relates to something else, or something that had been a temporary fit! 1901 was last said to be in railway ‘department’ use, and the one photo that we have of the carriage at Grängesberg does show a tiny part of a wagon number under the grey paint; making this very likely to be 1901. The website for Nässjö’s Railway Museum says nothing about the rolling stock there, and we’ve not visited (since 1998), so we are cautiously confident that we have identified both carriages.

We recently had a good look around our website to see if anything needed updating. Oh yes; and a few typos need correcting also. We will be spending the time between now and the end of the year to tweak and polish, but there seems little point in cataloguing them here. Any big changes will, of course, get a mention.

Behind the Scenes

Mini-Series about the FLMJ, 11: The Team behind the Railway

Whilst the FLMJ was managed by one person, it ought to be remembered that it was owned by Adnalms Järnvägar, and the operation and maintenance of the Railway was carried out by a team of dedicated volunteers. These friends of the Railway were known as a club, Adnalms Järnvägsklubb (AJK); and when the belligerent site owner decided to ban clubs from the (residential) estate, we changed our status to ’Friends of the Railway’ thus Adnalms Järnvägsförening (AJF)! (The site owners really were control freaks who imposed many pointless and unnecessary rules and prohibitions; they even tried to prevent the development of the railway!) The railway’s investment was assumed to come from one source, the Manager (or Director General to use the official title), but this was not the case. There were several outside sources who were suitably inspired by the railway to want to contribute to its success and development. But the Railway’s influence resulted in a number of volunteers building their own Swedish or multinational railway layouts, and to them we are sorry for the FLMJ’s closure.

Adnalms Järnvägsförening (the ’Friends’ of the Railway) continues to this day, albeit as a remote club sharing news, ideas, and inspiration, largely via this website. The Friends will continue to receive our support and encouragement especially with the development of their own Swedish railway modelling. Adnalms Järnvägsklubb (the Club) will be re-established once a start has been made on the new railway. We have no delusions about how big such a club could become, especially considering that ‘DCC’, in which we have no interest, has quite a large following here; and the railway will be designed in the same way as before, so that it can be operated by just the one person alone if necessary, or by a team.

Because of the nature of sharing this hobby, our updates tend to use ‘we’ instead of ‘I’; and it is fair to record that almost everything that is done – even the outings – has more than just the one person taking part. The summer tour of railway museums was mostly in the accompaniment of one or more friends; the work on developing a temporary layout here in Odensala is being made possible by housemates’ assistance; and so on.

Next month, in our final instalment*, we’ll look at the possibilities for the way forward.
*Well, we actually have something ‘different’ but related, planned, for 2023!

December 2021 News

Our News

We were fortunate to acquire two Roco ballast wagons in a plain grey livery. They are the same specification as the yellow ones, but not as brightly coloured! Unfortunately, one of them has a number duplicating one of the decaled duplicates! However, we have been able to order new decals from a supplier here in Sweden, so we hope to be able to supply them before too long. At the same time, the supplier has agreed to make up some decals for our ‘freelance’ Z69 so that it can carry an authentic number quite neatly. A future order will be to replace the painted numbers that were to relabel the duplicate carriages (B7 5501, WL2 4477, and others); and even later transfers to renumber the many wagons that have incorrect UIC control digits! Check on our links page for Byggsvenskt.nu if you would also like to renumber your Swedish models (and see all the other things that are available here — this is, for example, where we got our X10 chassis from)!

Manufacturer News

SVLV (Skultorps Vagn & Lokverkstad) has produced a new motorised chassis for the Perl/UGJ Y6 railbuses. The motor is of the Faulhabertyp with flywheel and can be suited to Analogue or digital. It costs SEK 1 990 — 2 380 according to version. (Divide by 11 to get vague GBP amount!)

The Minichamps cars that were advertised for December 2021 are now shewing December 2022. There is no change to the other dates; Volvo 240 models are expected in January and Saab 900 models in February. The screenshots were taken December 29th.

Other News

Enthusiasts of the Swedish railways, in the UK seem to be in for some good news. In a social media post from the Wansford MPD (at the Nene Valley Railway), they confirm that one of the next two locos in for overhaul will be the Swedish B class number 101, which presently stands as a static exhibit at Wansford station. (An earlier news article from another source said that the Swedish S class number 1178 was to be restored. From our own investigation, 1178 is in much poorer condition and its restoration is likely to be cosmetic only. But it doesn’t have to end there; 101 has been the subject of cosmetic restoration, and now it’s moving on from there…!) 101 started life as SWB A2 101. It was manufactured by Nydqvist & Holm AB – Bofors-Nohab AB, Trollhättan, Sweden in 1944; Manufacturing number 2082. In 1945 it became SJ B 1697. This explains why the number plates on the cab sides declare that 101 is a class A. It was always painted black in Swedish service, but the British public like a bit more colour, so several of the NVR’s continental locos are painted inauthentically; 101 is a light blue!

Various pages on this website have been updated; can you find them all?

Behind the Scenes

Over the next twelve updates/months, we are going to run a small series of articles; too small to really take up space on the other pages of this website; about what the FLMJ was really about. We’ll look at a number of topics that made the FLMJ what it was, starting now, with a look at the absolute basic representation.

Mini-Series about the FLMJ, 1: The Diorama

Although the FLMJ replaced the KRBJ, the name is irrelevant with regards to the development of the garden railway. Over the entire 30 year history in the UK, improvements and refinements were continual until what we can now consider the final phase of the UK based set-up, with which we were very happy. We started with only a vague idea, which had many limitations. A simpler layout comprising a figure-of-eight inside a circuit was akin to a train set, which is not what we wanted. With the delivery of a new Park Home, we had to start all over again; and the plan for an end-to-end layout with a subtle branch line to make a circuit turned out to be the answer. It went through a few changes in terms of track layouts, but the final arrangement was absolutely ideal.

The route started from Ålunden, our fiddle yard (or ‘shadow station’ in Swedish terminology) in the shed. The main line then went around three sides of the home, before turning 180° the other way to go along the back perimeter to a final 90° turn to the terminus. The subtle branch line completed the circuit around the home. The home had been given the name, “Siljan”, so the line closing the circuit became the “Siljansbanan”.

The names were chosen to reflect the north (Fjällnäs), central (Lövhöjden) and south (Månstorp) areas of Sweden; with the great idea that the scenery would reflect those areas (all trains would work over the entire railway). However, the scenery had to be compromised in the outdoor environment; which was always a disappointment. Other names crept in. We needed a name for a halt between central and north, so Gärde was chosen. A town nearby would be called ‘Gärdestad’, which also happened to be the name of a favourite musician, who sadly passed away at the time that the name was chosen, so we have kept it ever since. Toraberg, also marking a bereavement, was the name of the house built by a friend in Sweden. But Kopparberg and Arjeplog were chosen in respect of a Harry Potter connection; deliberately subtle because not everyone would appreciate that character or creation. (In the ‘supporting book’, “Quidditch through the Ages”, reference is made to the Annual Broom Race of Sweden, which dates from the 10th Century, and goes from Kopparberg to Arjeplog. It is said that the race passes over a dragon enclosure, but we didn’t need to model that because non-magical people cannot see it!)

In the final years of the operational FLMJ, we had a track plan that worked well. There was consistency with the train services and formations; and timings. Authentically, most (passenger) trains operated to a two hourly timetable, and the goods trains worked around them. But the timetable was so well written that there were brief periods of absolute inactivity; at exactly the right times for Fika and Lunch breaks! Furthermore, it was possible to operate the basic timetable by one person, or by a group of people operating an ‘enhanced service’. The feel-good factor was very strong.

Next month we will consider the three primary locations, Lövhöjden, Månstorp and Ålunden.

Nyheter, december 2021

Våra nyheter

Vi hade turen att få två Roco ballastvagnar i en vanlig grå färg. De har samma specifikation som de gula, men inte lika starkt färgade! Tyvärr har en av dem ett nummer som duplicerar en av de dekalerade dubbletterna! Vi har dock kunnat beställa nya dekaler från en leverantör här i Sverige, så vi hoppas kunna leverera dem innan alltför lång tid. Samtidigt har leverantören gått med på att göra upp några dekaler för vår ‘frilansande’ Z69 så att den kan bära ett autentiskt nummer ganska snyggt. En framtida order kommer att vara att ersätta de målade numren som skulle ommärka de dubbla vagnarna (B7 5501, WL2 4477 och andra); och även senare överföringar för att omnumrera de många vagnarna som har felaktiga UIC-kontrollsiffror! Kolla på vår länksida för Byggsvenskt.nu om du också skulle vilja numrera om dina svenska modeller (och se allt annat som finns här — det är till exempel här vi har fått vårt X10-chassi ifrån)!

Tillverkarens Nyheter

SVLV (Skultorps Vagn & Lokverkstad) har tagit fram ett nytt motoriserat chassi till Perl/UGJ Y6 rälsbussarna. Motorn är av Faulhabertyp med svänghjul och kan anpassas till analog eller digital. Den kostar 1 990 — 2 380 kr beroende på version.

Minichamps-bilarna som annonserades för december 2021 visas nu december 2022. Det är ingen förändring av de andra datumen; Volvo 240-modeller väntas i januari och Saab 900-modeller i februari. Skärmbilderna (i de engelska nyheterna) togs den 29 december.

Andra nyheter

Entusiaster av den svenska järnvägen, i Storbritannien verkar få goda nyheter. I ett inlägg på sociala medier från Wansford MPD (vid Nene Valley Railway) bekräftar de att ett av de två kommande loken för översyn kommer att vara den svenska B-klassen nummer 101, som för närvarande står som en statisk utställning på Wansford station. (En tidigare nyhetsartikel från en annan källa sa att den svenska S-klassen nummer 1178 skulle återställas. Enligt vår egen undersökning är 1178 i mycket sämre skick och dess restaurering kommer sannolikt endast att vara kosmetisk. Men det behöver inte ta slut där, 101 har varit föremål för kosmetisk restaurering, och nu går det vidare därifrån…!) 101 började sitt liv som SWB A2 101. Den tillverkades av Nydqvist & Holm AB – Bofors-Nohab AB, Trollhättan, Sverige 1944; Tillverkningsnummer 2082. 1945 blev det SJ B 1697. Detta förklarar varför nummerskyltarna på hyttens sidor deklarerar att 101 är en klass A. Den målades alltid svart i svensk tjänst, men den brittiska allmänheten gillar lite mer färg, så flera av NVR:s kontinentala lok är oäkta målade; 101 är en ljusblå!

Vi har startat en miniserie om originalet FLMJ i England. Tyvärr är detta för mycket för oss att översätta här. All framtida järnvägsverksamhet kommer givetvis att vara tvåspråkig; kanske också en bok om järnvägen, om vi kan hitta ett lämpligt förlag som kan övervaka översättningarna.

December 2020 News

Z69 659: The classification Z69 applied to an eclectic collection of shunting tractors, so we have used this classification to apply to the Roco model said to be a Z66 (which it certainly isn’t).  As with the R5 catering carriage, this loco is being used to fill a gap, an alternative shunting loco to the Z65/Z70.  It was purchased, second-hand, during December.  Roco produced the model back in the 1980s and it was only available in a train set as Z66 000.

F 1207: The new motor arrived on December 1st, having been held up in the UK’s mail system (the shop had wasted no time sending it out).  Then, a chance meeting with a friend and a trip out to a model shop procured some better wire for the loco… and a new whistle (the home made spring-loaded one didn’t work out)!  The new motor was fitted on the 7th.  We started by soldering on two long cables, and connecting them directly to a controller, which proved the motor worked OK.  Then, using a modellers’ power tool, we cut away the spindle protruding at the ‘contact’ end because it isn’t needed and is in the way.  Next job was to gently hammer on the flywheel, leaving exactly 4mm spindle exposed between it and the motor casing.  Then it all dropped into its correct place, nicely lined up and secure.  The wires were then connected directly to the controller again, and with only slight power, the loco crept forward and then back.  Smooth performance such that we had never seen before with this model!  Satisfied this far, the next job was to put it all back together, and then “Heljan Syndrome” kicked in; an electrical contact further forward broke and despite our best efforts we did now have to separate loco and tender again (a job which also risks electrical breakage)!  But, this all done and by the end of the day, the loco was in running order (pending proper running in), more smoothly than it had ever run before.  On the following day, we refitted the steam pipe that broke away during the day, and the new whistle.  Job Done!  (The new whistle, by the way, is not a genuine article because Heljan doesn’t supply them; so we’ve fitted the nearest alternative; a 4mm scale Markits LNER ‘Pacific’ whistle.)  An irritation for solving later is the lighting; it comes on correctly at the front of the direction of travel, but it also comes on at half brightness at the rear of the direction of travel; probably a back-EMF issue.

N 1304: A Jeco/DJH kit for the N loco has arrived, and having worked extensively on the F 1207, we’re reasonably confident of being able to build it.  The kit is a mixture of etched metal and cast metal, and it seems that it only needs paint to be able to complete it.  We are, however, also purchasing replacement numbers; 1304 has not been preserved and is therefore less likely to duplicate any visitors to the new railway!  (The other available numbers are 576 (Ängelholm), 641 (Gävle), and 1173 (Stockholms Ånglokssällskap).)  We brought six paints from the UK; unfortunately one of them leaked on the way!

For ore train shunting, eight eight-coupled (D / 0-8-0T) tank locomotives were procured for the Ore Line in 1900.  However, it was quickly found that the locomotive type was also suitable for heavy shunting on southern and central Swedish railway yards and until 1920 the number was increased to a total of 64 locomotives.  However, it was appropriate to also supply shunting locomotives with superheaters and in 1922-32 superheating was introduced in 44 of the locomotives which received new identity Na.  Other locomotives were scrapped or sold in the years 1925-37 to GDJ, TGOJ, JLJ, HHJ, SSJ and NBsJ, including N 578, 641, 645 and 1167 which returned with the nationalization of Gävle – Dala Järnväg in 1948, which were then also superheated.  From 1942, the locomotive type was again called N at SJ, when all locomotives (including the nationalised ones) were now superheated locomotives and equal.  The N locomotives became popular and indispensable shunting locomotives at railway yards and in ports around the country until the end of the steam locomotive operation. They were set aside as standby locomotives, but were not scrapped until 1973.  Most were scrapped, but a handful remain as museum locomotives.

We made a start late December by fitting a securing nut to the chassis!  Then work stopped whilst we investigated the kit because a problem had been identified.  One of the bell cranks (comprising lifting arm and reversing arm) was missing.  Even though the drawings indicated that there should be two, the etched sheet had only one.  So, we improvised; the supplied one went on the side of the reversing rod, and a lift arm was made for the other side from brass off-cut!  These were fitted in place, and then the housing for them fitted also; but work stopped here due to the need to paint some parts before proceeding, and we had no brush-cleaner/thinner to hand!  After the Christmas break (with shops closed), the thinner arrived and we were able to continue.  The parts painted at this early stage are ones that would be difficult to get at once the model has been built; boiler sides and adjacent tanks sides, and chassis area under the boiler.

B5FKRT 5017: Although the 1990s liveries are really too modern for the bulk of our stock, the first of the blue/black livery was being introduced at about the time that our epoch ends.  This second class coach joined the fleet in December, and allows us greater flexibility with train formations.

Fv1 (ex-F5-L) 25786: Our first plain SJ-brown Fv1 arrived in December, at last.  This is a Heljan model and we have all three of their ‘special’ livery versions already (TGOJ green, Pressbyrån brown, and SJ service grey), so this is an especially welcome addition!  It needs one buffer repaired/replaced, and a box, but it is otherwise in good condition.

FM4 55420: The freelance baggage carriage was finally put together in December.  It was decided to add a plough to the end under the cab, so a Roco yellow plough (which was certainly surplus) was repainted red and fitted to the bogie.  We had overlooked the need for the buffers, and although we had plenty available, we only had two stocks available, so we had to improvise at the cab end—and it looks OK.  We also found some Rc-loco mirrors to add as a last minute idea, so these will be painted later, along with any other snagging that might be needed.

(NOJ) Gs 761: There was an issue with the coupling height with this retrofitted wagon, and we found that the actual height was correct, but the ‘stalk’ was not 90° from the horizontal, so the coupling was pointing down.  This has all now been corrected (with a bit of packing), and is fit for service.

Tekla: Following the disappointing completion of this model (see last month’s news), a box has been made and it has been put away.  Maybe one day in the future, we’ll build a better-proportioned one from scratch.

Manufacturer News

HNoll: Unfortunately, there was not time to produce the proposed carriages (A7 etc, B7 etc, R4R etc,) before Christmas.  There were simply too many carriages and other customers in line.  There is a belief that they can deliver before the Chinese New Year, which means delivery in February, but don’t hold your breath.

Jeco: The X2000 is to be reissued as a four-car set, both SJ liveries and in AC and DC varieties.  A second set would be welcome here (but our funds may preclude it)!

Våra nyheter på Svenska – Slutet av 2020

Z69 659 anlände i december. Klassificeringen Z69 tillämpades på en sortiment av växlingstraktorer, så vi har använt denna klassificering för att gälla för Roco-modellen. Precis som med cateringvagnen R5 används denna lok för att fylla en lucka, en alternativ växellok till Z65 / Z70. Roco producerade modellen redan på 1980-talet och den fanns endast tillgänglig i ett tågsats som Z66 000.

F 1207 är nu redo för fullständig testning. Den nya motorn anlände den 1 december efter att ha hållits upp i Storbritanniens postsystem. Den nya motorn monterades den 7 december. Vi började med att lödda på två långa kablar och ansluta dem direkt till en styrenhet, vilket visade att motorn fungerade OK. Nästa jobb var att försiktigt hamra på svänghjulet och lämna exakt 4 mm spindel utsatt mellan det och motorhöljet. Sedan föll allt på rätt plats, snyggt uppradat och säkert. Ledningarna anslöts sedan direkt till styrenheten igen, och med bara en liten kraft kröp loket framåt och sedan tillbaka. Nästa jobb var att sätta ihop allt igen, och sedan ”Heljans syndrom” startade; en elektrisk kontakt längre fram bröt och vi var tvungna att separera loco och anbud igen (ett jobb som också riskerar elbrott)! Men detta var allt gjort och i slutet av dagen var loket i körklart skick, smidigare än det någonsin hade kört tidigare. Följande dag monterade vi tillbaka ångröret som bröt sig under dagen och den nya visslingen. Den nya visselpipan är inte en äkta artikel eftersom Heljan inte levererar dem; så vi har monterat närmaste alternativ; en 4 mm skala Markits LNER ‘Pacific’ visselpipa. En irritation för att lösa senare är belysningen; den tänds korrekt framför körriktningen, men den tänds också vid halv ljusstyrka på baksidan av körriktningen; förmodligen en back-EMF-fråga.

En Jeco/DJH-sats för N loco har anlänt och efter att ha arbetat mycket på F 1207 är vi ganska säkra på att kunna bygga den. Satsen är en blandning av etsad metall och gjuten metall, och det verkar som att den bara behöver färg för att kunna komplettera den. Vi köper dock också ersättningsnummer; 1304 har inte bevarats och är därför mindre benägna att kopiera besökare till den nya järnvägen! (De andra tillgängliga siffrorna är 576 (Ängelholm), 641 (Gävle) och 1173 (Stockholms Ånglokssällskap).) Vi tog med sex färger från Storbritannien; tyvärr läckte en av dem på vägen!

Under december började vi med att montera en fästmutter på chassit! Vi upptäckte att satsen (efter design) saknar en Bellcrank, så vi har gjort en från en offcut! Vi målade sedan delarna som blir för svåra att måla när pannan, tankarna och chassit är monterade och arbetet fortsätter i januari.

Trots att 1990-talets leveranser verkligen är för moderna för större delen av vårt lager, introducerades den första av den blå / svarta färgen ungefär vid den tidpunkt då vår epok slutar. B5FKRT 5017 gick med i flottan i december och ger oss större flexibilitet med tågformationer.

Fv1 (fd-F5-L) 25786, vår första vanliga SJ-bruna Fv1 kom äntligen i december. Det här är en Heljan-modell och vi har alla tre av deras ‘speciella’ livery-versioner redan (TGOJ grön, “Pressbyrån” brun och SJ service grå), så det här är ett särskilt välkommet tillskott! Den behöver en buffert reparerad / bytas ut och en låda, men den är annars i gott skick.

Frilansbagaget (FM4 55420) sattes slutligen ihop i december. Det beslutades att lägga till en plog i slutet under hytten, så en extra Roco-plog monterades på boggin. Vi hade förbisett behovet av buffertar, och även om vi hade mycket tillgängligt hade vi bara två lager tillgängliga, så vi var tvungna att improvisera i hyttänden – och det ser bra ut. Vi hittade också några Rc-loco-speglar att lägga till som en sista minuten-idé, så dessa kommer att målas senare tillsammans med alla andra hakningar som kan behövas.

(NOJ) Gs 761 hade en koppling justerad eftersom den pekade bort från horisontell!

Efter det nedslående slutförandet av Tekla (se novemberens nyheter) har en låda gjorts och den har tagits bort. Kanske en dag i framtiden kommer vi att bygga en bättre proportionerad från grunden.