Tag Archives: SJAB

Nyheter från augusti 2024

Våra Nyheter

Ett litet team av vänner undersökte den tilldelade platsen för den nya järnvägen; mäta det, besluta om material som ska användas och den ungefärliga kostnaden, rum för rum. Den förenklade karaktären hos de tidigare FLMJ:s golvlister är perfekt lämpliga, och med endast subtila förfinningar, kommer den att kopieras här. Förutom golvlisternas material och konstruktion övervägdes hålen för att bära järnvägen genom väggarna och de verktyg som behövdes för att möjliggöra dem. Dessutom övervägdes elförsörjningen och vissa VVS-ändringar, liksom tillhandahållandet av en ny säkerhetsdörr.

Tillverkarens Nyheter

De nya Dekas “Gs” och “Hbis” godsvagnarna har anlänt till butikerna under månaden. Medan “Hbis”-vagnarna är en omkörning av sina tidigare modeller (som möjliggör längre autentiska tåg utan att behöva numrera om dem), har “Gs”-vagnarna tillverkats i samarbete med NMJ, som tidigare har gjort versioner av dessa, så det finns borde inte vara några problem med kompatibilitet.

Andra intressanta nyheter

SJAB har meddelat att de drar in pendeltåget Stockholm till Uppsala från tidtabellsändringen i december och skyller på illojal konkurrens från SL och Mälartåg som får kommunalbidrag. SJAB är ett privat aktiebolag som ägs av svenska staten och har till uppgift att driva lönsam kollektivtrafik på järnväg. Därför har de inte fått subventioner, och som alla statliga organisationer finns det inga investeringar. SJAB-biljetter är mycket dyrare än sina konkurrenter, och det är om man kan få sin app att fungera, vilket många resenärer inte kan. (Appar är det enda sättet att köpa SJ-biljetter nu!) Tyvärr kör inte deras konkurrenter trafik som stannar vid Märsta (SL-tåget slutar där), så lokalbefolkningen kommer att förlora på det. De konkurrenter erbjuder inte heller förstklassiga sittplatser.

News from August 2024

(Sorry, no pictures, this month!)

Our News

A small team of Friends surveyed the allocated space for the new railway; measuring up, determining the materials to be used, and the approximate costings, room by room. The simplistic nature of the former FLMJ baseboards is perfectly suitable, and with only subtle refinements, will be copied here. In addition to the materials and construction of the baseboards, the holes to carry the railway through the walls were considered and the tools needed to enable them. Additionally, the electrical supply and some plumbing alterations were considered, as well as the provision of a new security door.

Manufacturer News

The new Dekas ‘Gs’ and ‘Hbis’ wagons have been arriving into shops during the month. Whilst the ‘Hbis’ wagons are a re-run of their earlier models (enabling longer authentic trains without having to renumber them), the ‘Gs’ wagons have been made in conjunction with NMJ, who has previously made versions of these, so there should be no issues with compatibility.

Other News

SJAB has announced that they will withdraw the Stockholm to Uppsala “pendel” train from the timetable change in December, blaming unfair competition from SL and Mälartåg who receive local government subsidies. SJAB is a private limited company owned by the Swedish government and tasked with operating profitable public railway transport. Therefore, they have not received subsidies, and like any government organisation there is no investment. SJAB tickets are much pricier than their competitors, and that is if one can get their app to work, which many travellers cannot. (Apps are the only way to buy SJ tickets, now!) Sadly, their competitors do not operate services stopping at Märsta (the SL train terminates there), so local people will lose out. The competitors do not offer first class seating, either. It is also a little sad to reflect that during the FLMJ Director General’s first holiday to Sweden in 1990, this train service was used several times and it has been a staple of regional train services, providing (mostly) travel in traditional loco-hauled carriages, including one with one compartment – how nostalgic!

Behind the Scenes

Mini-Series about the new railway; 9: Tuppkråksjärnvägen!

So far, we have considered, not only the RTJ, a replacement for the FLMJ; but also no fewer than four narrow-gauge lines (each to a different gauge,) and a tramway. Satisfied that we had exhausted all reasonable options, it was taken with some mirth when another possibility was suggested. Thus, came the Tuppkråksjärnvägen, a miniature ‘pleasure’ railway, not small enough to represent the interest that some of our Friends have in 7¼” gauge railways (184mm in metric); but the name pays respect to the Great Cockcrow Railway, where the FLMJ’s Director General had been a member for 39 years, and some of our Friends still are. The track gauge would be as used for so-called ‘T’ scale (3mm, don’t confuse with ‘TT’); but this proposal is so unlikely, that there really is nothing more that can be said about it for now, or for a long time! It would represent 10¼” gauge (260mm); the next regular size up from the GCR’s!

Next Month: Köpingsvik revisited!