Tag Archives: PCX87

Nyheter från oktober 2024

Våra Nyheter

Vi monterade ersättningschipet från MJ-Hobby på vår T23, och efter lite justeringar här och där fick vi loket att fungera som det skulle, med bra kontroll av långsam hastighet. Tyvärr, efter att ha tagit bort huvudkretskortet under vår tidigare undersökning, gick den wafer-tunna bandkabeln till lamporna i B-änden av (ganska odramatiskt) och därför har vi inga lampor i den änden nu. Förhoppningsvis kan Jeco leverera en ersättning (det är en plugin-del). Märkligt nog är chipet märkt LP5, som en av våra vänner identifierade som Loco-Pilot 5, ett DCC-tillbehör; men bortsett från behovet av att köra in verkar loket vara OK på analogt med detta chip.

Dekas Y2K i analog form, har samma problem som T23! En har kommit hit och vi är i dialog med vår leverantör om att få detta problem åtgärdat; förhoppningsvis behöver den bara ett ersättningschip. Som vi förstår det har modellen levererats med ett DCC-chip som även kan fungera på analogt. Vi vet av erfarenhet att detta är hopplöst opålitligt, och ett ordentligt släckchip bör installeras. Dessa chip med dubbla funktioner fungerar inte på PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) strömförsörjningssystem, som fortfarande är populära på analoga layouter – inte våra ännu; men vi skulle vilja ha valet, med tanke på de fördelar som PWM har att erbjuda!

För att finansiera köpet av Y2K bestämde vi oss för att skiljas från ett annat tåg som sällan användes på FLMJ och som är ännu mindre sannolikt att “passa in” på RTJ; de två X10-tågen (komplett med ersättningschassit som köptes ganska nyligen). Köparen är en vän till RTJ så kanske vi fortfarande kommer att se den i fotoformat under åren framöver.

Tillverkarens Nyheter

Under de senaste månaderna har Jeco levererat sina nyare Rc2-versioner, mestadels med ex-ÖBB-belysningsarrangemanget. Man kan bara spekulera i hur snart Rc1 och Rc4 (båda i orange) kommer också.

Precis när vi slutförde den här uppdateringen kom PCX87-modellen av den moderna Volvo V90 till butikerna.

Andra nyheter

Något att tänka på… Efter att X1-tågen introducerades följde X10 efter, och en av förbättringarna var en bättre hytt, starkare för att skydda föraren i händelse av en mindre kollision eller plankorsning. I september körde ett ännu nyare X40-tåg ett traktorsläp på en korsning, och som den publicerade bilden visar fick föraren inte särskilt mycket skydd (föraren hade lämnat sin plats i sista stund och befann sig bakom skottet vid punkten av inverkan). Hytten är gjord av glasfiber eftersom det är ett lätt material att arbeta med för att få tågen att se trendiga ut (något som X40 inte riktigt lyckas med ändå). Men det verkar som att branschen behöver ompröva sina prioriteringar.

News from October 2024

Our News

We fitted the replacement ‘chip’ provided by MJ-Hobby to our T23, and after some tweaking here and there we got the locomotive to work as it should, with good slow-speed control. Unfortunately, having removed the main circuit board during our earlier investigation, the wafer-thin ribbon cable to the lights at the B-end snapped (quite undramatically) and thus, we have no lights at that end now. Hopefully, Jeco can supply a replacement (it is a plugin part). Curiously, the chip is marked LP5, which one of our Friends identified as Loco-Pilot 5, a DCC accessory; but aside from the need to run-in, the loco does seem to be OK on analogue with this chip.

The Dekas Y2K in analogue form, has the same problem as the T23! One has arrived here and we are in dialogue with our supplier about getting this problem fixed; hopefully it just needs a replacement ‘chip.’ As we understand it, the model has been supplied with a DCC chip that can also work on analogue. We know from experience that this is hopelessly unreliable, and a proper blanking chip should be installed. These dual-function chips do not work on PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) power supply systems, which remain popular on analogue layouts – not ours as yet; but we would like the choice, given the advantages that PWM has to offer!

In order to finance the purchase of the Y2K, we decided to part company with another train which seldom got used on the FLMJ and is even less likely to ‘fit in’ at the RTJ; the two X10 units (complete with the replacement chassis that was purchased quite recently). The purchaser is a Friend of the RTJ so maybe we will still see it in photo format in years to come.

Manufacturer News

Over the last few months, Jeco has been delivering their newer Rc2 versions, mostly with the ex-ÖBB lighting arrangement. One can only speculate how soon the Rc1 and Rc4 (both in orange) will also arrive.

Just as we were finalising this update, the PCX87 model of the modern Volvo V90 arrived into the shops. Quite recently, the Minichamps 850 arrived also, both sedan and estate.

Other News

Something to think about… After the X1 units were introduced, the X10 followed, and one of the improvements was a better cab, stronger to protect the driver in the event of a minor collision or level crossing strike. In September an even newer X40 unit hit a tractor’s trailer on a crossing, and as the published image shews, the driver didn’t get much protection (the driver had left his seat in the last moment and was behind the bulkhead at the point of impact). The cab is made from fibreglass as it is an easy material to work with to make the trains look trendy (something that the X40 doesn’t quite achieve anyway). But it seems that the industry needs to reconsider its priorities.

Behind the Scenes

Mini-Series about the new railway; 11: Making it all work

The FLMJ had a simple analogue electrical system, and this is planned for the RTJ and all of the ‘attachments’ to it. Each track section had a two-way, centre-off (DTCO) switch. Switched one way, the track was connected to the local controller; switched the other way, the track was connected to a remote controller (from another station, for example), and there was a rotary switch to select between different remote controllers.

This principle worked well, but it is possible that it can now be made even easier. There were vague thoughts about how the FLMJ’s switching could be made easier, and as we prepare the RTJ, these thoughts can be put into practice. Each section within any location (through tracks and sidings at a station, for example) could have an on-on switch, and the DTCO switch. The first of these would determine if the track is switched to the local controller directly, or to the DTCO switch. The DTCO would then select station throat at one end or at the other end (or off). (If the station throat serves two lines, as a junction for example, then the position of the points would determine which ‘line’ is connected.)

Going to a much more intense level, we have often played with the idea of latching sections with relays (solid-state to keep the cost down). The thought is that a controller is selected by push-button on the track diagram, and a relay latches that section on. Using the polarity in the track, the next section then connects to the same controller, and as the train passes certain predetermined locations, the sections ‘to the rear’ disconnect and become available to the next train. (To some extent, the correct use of signals can assist with track selecting.)

We are also developing a train detection system for analogue, which in its simplest form uses electronic treadles at key locations, but in its more advanced form can use axle counters. (Being analogue, we can use the track polarity to determine the direction of travel!) This can be used in conjunction with signalling and interlocking; but it’s still under development so no more ought to be said at this stage!

In all cases, we are able to keep the control system easy to create and to use. (This is what DCC was supposed to achieve, but in practice we have observed people struggling to make it work and layouts coming to a complete standstill; not exactly conducive to an enjoyable hobby!) The purpose of simple cabling and switching with Analogue is that it is easy to install, easy to trace, easy to fix. It just needs a very basic understanding in natural logic. And each step forward in creating something like this, or modifying it, or repairing it, gives a great sense of satisfaction and achievement that is not available with DCC.

Next Month: Taking Stock.

Nyheter från februari 2024

Våra Nyheter

Som rapporterades under Manufacturer News, förra månaden, har ett T23-lok anlänt hit. Jeco har gjort ett snyggt detaljerat lok, men det verkar finnas ett T2x-jinx i det som Heljans T21, det är överarbetat och opålitligt. Den har ingen låghastighetsprestanda, vilket är en besvikelse med tanke på att det är ett “stort växlingslok” med en topphastighet på 75 kmh. Vrid upp strömmen långsamt, den riktade belysningen flimrar, hyttens ljus och motorrumsbelysningen lyser fullt ut, och loket kämpar för att krypa, morrande när det gör det. Sedan, när spårspänningen har nått cirka 8V, skjuter loket av i nästan full fart. Om du stänger av strömmen igen, kommer loket att fortsätta att gå till cirka 6V; sedan går den tillbaka till morrande läge! Efter omfattande körning på en testbana som vi satte ihop med hjälp av spårkomponenter som lånats ut till oss (de flesta av dem är inte riktigt funktionsdugliga), blev dens prestanda i långsam hastighet lite bättre, så inkörningen kommer att fortsätta – kanske med bättre spår!
Men under vår utredning tog vi bort kroppen och blev bestörta. När ett modelllok är utrustat för DCC används ett så kallat ’blanking chip’ i DCC-uttaget för analogt bruk. Med denna modell har det så kallade blanking-chippet så många elektroniska komponenter på att det inte är helt kompatibelt med dess syfte, och det gör det nästan omöjligt att fixa digitala problem. (När vårt tidigare IORE-lok blev defekt, kunde vi ‘varmkoppla’ spårmatningarna till motorkablarna och få igång loket igen; även med fungerande riktningsljus! Detta är inte möjligt med T23.) Det fanns också andra problem , men med så mycket hantering, om det här hade varit en Heljan T21, skulle vi ha haft en arbetsbänk laddad med bitar som hade ramlat av; med det här loket lossnade bara en uppsättning trappsteg och de fixerades mycket enkelt tillbaka på plats och med ledstängerna korrekt inriktade. Sedan det första testet i januari har vi inte haft några fler problem med att kopplingsstänger lossnat; och vi har isolerat beröringskontakterna för hyttens ljus (gillar verkligen inte det) och satt tejp över motorrumsbelysningen (borde inte finnas där eftersom det inte finns någon autentisk interiör)! Vi har dock nu beslutat att inte köpa en andra även när pengarna tillåter.

Tillverkarens Nyheter

HNolls B4-vagnar har anlänt till butikerna och nu kan ett komplett 1980-talståg monteras! Ur vårt perspektiv är B2 fortfarande önskad; och med tanke på att HNoll måste pausa produktionen, på grund av den dåliga svenska ekonomin och människors oförmåga att köpa modellerna, räknar vi med att det tar ett tag innan de (eller UAF7) dyker upp som modeller. Tillbaka till B4R (som senare blev BF4 för att betyda att den hade ett bagageutrymme (F:et i typkoden)), den är upp till HNolls vanliga höga standard och är en verkligt vacker modell. Rätt modellerad har den till och med den lilla telefonkiosken bredvid tågpersonalens kupé; en funktion som snart försvann i och med den omfattande introduktionen av mobiltelefoner. Modellen finns även i nyare färger, inklusive BF7, vilket egentligen inte är annorlunda förutom att SJ ville ge de renoverade en ny beteckning (men SSRTs renoverade är fortfarande BF4)!

PCX87 reklamerar en modell av Saab 9000 i 1985 års skick. Vi känner till fyra olika färger för detta, svart, vitt, grått och silver; men åtminstone en leverantör vi känner till har också beställt en mörkröd. 1985 är inom vår epok av intresse, så vi är hoppfulla om att skaffa några.

Andra intressanta nyheter

Förra månaden rapporterade vi om förlusten av Warley National Model Railway Exhibition på NEC, vilket vanligtvis inträffar i slutet av november. Det verkar som att det i stället kommer att hållas The National Festival of Railway Modeling den 23 och 24 november på NEC. Som vi förstår det kommer detta att organiseras av Warners Group (samma organisation som bland annat gör Alexandra Palace-evenemanget), en kommersiell enhet, snarare än av frivilliga. Oavsett om det är kommersiellt eller inte, hoppas vi att det är ett lyckat evenemang och att det visar att denna hobby är mycket levande.

News from February 2024

Our News

As reported under Manufacturer News, last month, a T23 locomotive has arrived here. Jeco really has pulled out all the stops to make a nicely detailed locomotive, but there seems to be a T2x jinx in that like Heljan’s T21, it is over-worked and unreliable. So, we set to work on it (just to investigate in case there should be a need to return it). It has no slow-speed performance, which is disappointing given that it is a ‘large shunting loco’ with a top speed of 75 kmh. Turning the power up slowly, the directional lighting flickers, the cab light and engine-room light come on full brightness, and the loco struggles to crawl, growling as it does so. Then, when track voltage has reached about 8, the loco shoots off at nearly full speed. Turning the power back down, the loco will continue to run until about 6v; then it goes back to growling mode! After extensive running on a figure-of-eight test-track that we assembled using track components loaned to us (most of which are not really serviceable), it’s slow speed performance did get a little better, so running-in will continue—maybe with better track!
But, during our investigation, we took the body off and were dismayed. When a model loco is equipped for DCC, anyone not wanting this function can operate the model on analogue, with a so-called ‘blanking chip’ in the DCC socket. With this model, the so-called blanking chip has so many electronic components on, that it is not entirely compliant with its purpose, and this makes fixing digital-related problems almost impossible. (When our former IORE loco became faulty, we were able to hot-wire the track feeds to the motor cables and get the loco running again; even with working directional lights! This is not possible with the T23.) Getting the main circuit board off the model for investigation was made very difficult by one of the cables to the motor being too short to enable safe removal of its electrical coupling. With so much handling, if this had been a Heljan T21, we would have a workbench loaded with bits that had fallen off; with this loco, only one set of steps came off, and they were very easily fixed back into place and with the handrails correctly aligned. Since its first test in January, we’ve had no more issues with coupling rods coming loose; and we have insulated the touch-contacts for the cab light (really don’t like that) and put tape over the engine-room light (shouldn’t be there because there is no authentic interior)! We have, nevertheless, now decided against buying a second one even when funds permit.

Manufacturer News

HNoll’s B4 carriages have arrived into stores and now a complete 1980s train can be assembled! From our perspective, the B2 is still desired; and given that HNoll is having to pause production, due to the poor Swedish economy and people’s inability to buy the models, we expect it to be a while before they (or the UAF7) appear as models. Back to the B4R (which later became the BF4 to signify that it had a baggage compartment (the ‘F’ in the type-code)), it is up to HNoll’s usual high standard, and is a truly beautiful model. Correctly modelled, it even has the small telephone booth next to the train crew’s compartment; a feature that soon disappeared with the widescale introduction of mobile phones. The model is also available in more recent liveries, including the BF7, which is not really any different except that SJ wanted to give the refurbished ones a new designation (but SSRT’s refurbished ones are still BF4)!

PCX87 is advertising a model of the Saab 9000 in 1985 condition. We are aware of four different colours for this, black, white, grey and silver; but at least one supplier we know of has commissioned a dark red one also. 1985 is within our epoch of interest, so we are hopeful of acquiring a few.

Other News

Last month, we reported on the loss of the Warley National Model Railway Exhibition at the NEC, which usually takes place late November. It seems that in its place, there is to be The National Festival of Railway Modelling on November 23rd & 24th, at the NEC. As we understand it, this will be organised by Warners Group (same organisation that does the Alexandra Palace event among others), a commercial entity, rather than by volunteers. Regardless of whether commercial or not, we hope that it is a successful event and that it demonstrates that this hobby remains very much alive.

Behind the Scenes

Mini-Series about the new railway; 3: Trädgårdslinjen

One of the FLMJ’s defining factors was its outside location. We were determined (and advised) that in Sweden, we would move indoors due to the weather being more severe than it had been in the UK (even despite many open events in the UK getting rained off), and ‘minor damage caused by neighbouring cats’ being replaced by ‘major damage being caused by roaming elk and other wild animals’!
Nevertheless, there is consideration for a summer-only outdoor section, also operating between Rickbacken and Töjnan, but allowing trains to avoid the fiddle-yards. For simplicity and safety, there should be no stations along this route, but this has not been totally ruled out. A halt, with or without passing loop could be included to add interest to the line, and the location for this potential addition has already been chosen with very little difficulty, a large boulder in the garden which in scale terms, would be a small natural mountain! It has been given the name, Vävarberg; but no more has been decided about it. Furthermore, there would be no signals or overhead cabling; just good photo opportunities of trains running through the garden, again. Such an extension would be at ground level in the garden, but in the basement however, the railway will be about 1,3m up from floor level, giving ample storage underneath without being too high, but high enough also for access to the outlets to the garden for the Trädgårdslinjen. Swedish basements are rarely 100% below ground level, and they often have windows. Operationally, this would be a ‘preserved railway’, which within a heritage railway might seem a bit odd, but it gives the older outline stock (steam locos for example) a good excuse to be used. The name simply translates as “The Garden Line”.

Next Month: Stuverydsbäckens Järnväg.

Nyheter från maj 2023

Våra Nyheter

Vi har inga järnvägsuppdateringar denna månad. Vi hade hoppats på att åka med ett arvståg under maj, men detta ställdes in med kort varsel. Bilderna med våra engelska nyheter är från ett besök på öppen dag, där SÅS håller sina tåg vid Hägersten.

Tillverkarens Nyheter

Jeco visar nu en bild på en modell av en Rc4 i Epoch-IV skick för att stödja deras föreslagna release av en sådan modell. (Tidigare var bilden som användes en Rc2.) Vi hoppas kunna köpa en, kanske två!

Ryktena har bekräftats; förutom en 2019 Volvo V60 kommer PCX87 att producera 2019 Volvo V90 i fyra färger, alltså:
PCX870384 svart metallic
PCX870385 grå metallic
PCX870386 silver
PCX870387 beige metallic

Minichamps, som har föreslagit inte mindre än två Saab-bilar och sex Volvo-bilar, alla med fyra av varje, och alla passerat deras ursprungligen föreslagna leveransdatum, har nu lagt till en engångsföreteelse till förslagen, en Resin-version av Volvo 240 sedan från 1986. Det kommer att bli billigare än de försenade ABS-modellerna, men om denna levereras eller inte, återstår att se. (Artikel D87171400, för leverans 5.2023!)

Andra intressanta nyheter

På denna webbplats har vi gjort några mindre tillägg till informationen i vår artikel om YCo6 (datebox) järnvägsbussar; inklusive littra av de som åkte till Danmark, hänvisning till att några också åkte till Norge, och att finnarna hade sin egen bredare spårvidd, byggd på licens i Finland.

News from May 2023

Our News

We hoped to have a report and some photos from a rail-tour that was to happen mid-May, with steam traction for some of the way; but it seems that the TOC didn’t give the infrastructure authority enough time to approve the journey, so it didn’t get approved. A visit was made instead to an open day with another group who planned to run a couple of short return trips with a steam loco the following day (already approved); but we had heard a rumour that Stockholm County had introduced a ban relating to steam trains and other fire risks because the weather was too warm and dry to be safe. So, the plan was to watch the online tracker to see if the first train ran, and if it did, venture out to ride on the second one. In the event, the first one did run but didn’t shew up on the tracker; then there were reports of a lineside fire on the route, which cancelled all trains, including the second trip. As the first one didn’t shew up, we hadn’t ventured out for the second; so we avoided disappointment!

Manufacturer News

Jeco is now shewing a picture of a model of an Rc4 in Epoch-IV condition to support their proposed release of such model. (Previously, the photo used was an Rc2.) This assures our confidence with the model being correct, and justifies our purchase of one, maybe two!

The rumours have been confirmed; in addition to a 2019 Volvo V60, PCX87 is to produce the 2019 Volvo V90 in four colours, each costing 22,95€, thus:
PCX870384 black metallic
PCX870385 grey metallic
PCX870386 silver
PCX870387 beige metallic

Minichamps, who has proposed no fewer than two Saab cars and six Volvo cars, all with four of each, and all past their originally proposed delivery dates, has now added a one-off to the proposals, a Resin version of the Volvo 240 sedan from 1986. It will be cheaper than the delayed ABS models, but whether or not this gets delivered, remains to be seen. (Article D87171400, for delivery 5.2023!)

Other News

On this website, we have made some minor additions to the information in our article on the YCo6 (datebox) railbuses; including the classification of the ones that went to Denmark, reference to the fact that some also went to Norway, and that the Finns had their own broader gauge version, built under licence in Finland.

Behind the Scenes

Mini-Series around the FLMJ; F: The Calendar

Home produced for many years, until just before the Railway’s closure, is the calendar. This is now professionally produced, and whilst copies are available for sale (if ordered and paid for in advance), they mainly serve as yuletide ‘presents’ for our Friends. The images would normally reflect the year gone by (usually November to October so that we had a chance to get it produced and proliferated before the end of the year), but of necessity, the recent few years have carried historical photos with a particular theme. One recent year for example, was our trains on tours to other model railways. This year, it was to have been the scenery (not many trains to be seen, but appropriate scenic modelling to be appreciated instead); but the FLMJ didn’t have much of that, and having looked through the selected pictures, we just felt completely uninspired! So, in the 11th-hour we changed it to so-called “runner up” photos; those which are quite nice, but had previously been neglected in favour of other, similar photos. We haven’t decided on a theme for next year, yet!

Of course, the calendars always had a nostalgic and inspirational feeling. Having visited the railway, people would see the images and remember the enjoyment that they had during that visit (and kept them coming back, or so we like to think)! And even today, it keeps people interested, to want to know how we’re progressing with getting a new layout ready to start.

The first copies were printed in exactly the same way as our journals, but everything was printed, inclined at 90°. For a couple of years, we used glued-on colour photos; then colour ink-jet printing became available. Spiral binding was too difficult and costly to manage, so they would be staple-bound with great care to ensure that the staples were precisely in the middle so that the pages folded properly without creasing. A simple single hole was then punched so that they could be hung on the wall. We did experiment one year with a diary instead (month to a view, picture on one side, dates on the other); thus removing the need to hang the item or turn the printing through 90°, but that was not popular. Then, one year, a calendar was received from a friend, professionally printed, and we liked it so much that after a few enquiries, we ’went professional’ the following year. This did push up production costs, but the greatly improved quality is worth it. And, even though these calendars are not especially cheap to acquire (nor to send), we do intend to keep up this tradition.

Next month: Published Articles about the Railway.

News from February 2023

Our News

February was quite a busy month, for the wrong reasons. The employment was being wound down (not enough orders coming in) and being on a time contract, being sent home (or just told not to come in) became very much the rule. This provided time to apply for better employment (and accommodation), and in order to break up the stress, a lot of modelling!
T21 87 was reassembled in a whole day! Only five things fell off during this process, two of them cab windows. Ordinarily, one should not need to remove the B-end motor cover (unless access to the DCC loudspeaker is required), and having been glued together by Heljan, we can aver that it is impossible to get off without damaging it! The fibre-optic rods go from receptacles in the body into the chassis, horizontally; but the body can only be removed vertically! The trick was to prise off the (glued on) front panel and try not to lose the upper lamp pieces! We were fortunate in that only one tiny part got lost, and that all five lamps (if you include the red) at this end work, albeit, one of the whites dimly (which is not inauthentic)! The A-end was much easier, though again there was damage to the fibre-optic rod to one of the lamps because it is fitted horizontally in a body/chassis that separates vertically! Gluing it back on was not a viable option, but pressing it into the receptacle in the chassis for its ‘mate’ to meet up with it when we mounted the body was better. (To remove this end, the part of the body nearer the cab needs to be inclined as per Heljan’s instructions, to enable the tabs to clear the chassis; but tilt it too much and the rods break!) This is being typed whilst we wait for glue to dry before refitting the last handrail (to a step that was one of the items that fell off); but there is no guarantee that this will go back on without issue or complication! [Stop Press: Yes, sure enough, the steps fell off, the nearby buffer beam fell off, and during handling to put these right, the exhaust stack fell off. No other manufacturer could make a model with so many ‘issues’!]
The N 1304 steam loco had its couplings refitted, with the Roco receptacles mounted onto plastic blocks (but not with the kinematic mechanism). At the front, this sat in a small gap between the frames and behind the lighting resistor that was behind the buffer beam. At the back, there was a lot of space, so a plastic block was bolstered by some washers, but it all fits in quite nicely. There was a plan to replace the buffers with the sprung ones that we had recently acquired; but we decided that this was less urgent, and that when it is done, we will re-seat the headlamps at the back so that they don’t overhang the buffers!
When BC4R 5467 was delivered, two drainage pipes had been knocked off. Comparing this with number 5476, we were able to see where they should be fitted, and this was finally done. Examining this carriage afterwards, we noticed that it too, has M84S bogies with real coil springs, but these are less flimsy than on the newer A7R and B7R models, and not so obvious.
One of the Ugkkpp wagons, being so short, has been used as a test model for coupling compatibility tests with the steam loco above, and with the T21 and T45 diesels; but we found that it was much more delicate than we had realised, and a pair of components near one of the wheel-sets had got knocked off. These were refitted, and all four of these wagons are now declared unsuitable for ‘test’ work!
Our relatively new (Norwegian) NSB ‘Hbikks’ van was finally fitted with its required handwheels, small ones for the parking brakes, and larger ones for the opening doors. These hadn’t been missing; they were in a bag with the model. We just needed to find the time to fit them!

Manufacturer News

Some updates have appeared from HNoll (one seemingly backdated) in which Rickard takes stock of events over the last six years. To date, HNoll has sold roundly 5,700 sleepers and couchettes in 51 different configurations (liveries and running numbers), 2,600 restaurant carriages in 18 configurations, and 9,300 ordinary seating carriages in a presently undetermined number of configurations, with more to follow. However, despite these latest carriages selling in the greatest number, it represents roundly 50% of those received from China and sales have, after the initial rush, stopped dead. Rickard wonders if they were not as interesting as models as he had hoped (given that these are the closest competition to the Roco models), or if it is for economic reasons. We are convinced beyond doubt that it is for economic reasons. Food prices in Sweden have almost doubled in the last year; electricity costs have more than doubled. People are struggling and having to divert hobby money to basic survival. And to a greater or lesser extent, this is true around most of Europe regardless of political position.
Since the start, HNoll’s operations have been 100% based on home loans and other favourable loans. This was because the interest rate had been very favourable for a long time. The situation has clearly changed for the worse financially as the monthly cost with interest has noticeably increased. The revenue is eaten up by the interest and there is great uncertainty about expected sales volumes. Volumes need to be kept at a high level to generate enough revenue which have the risk of turning into loss if sales volumes are less than expected. There may need to be a halt in tool manufacturing as the loans must be prioritised.
The ‘generation-2-blue’ (A7/B7) carriages that were missing in the latest delivery should arrive together with the B4/BF4/BF7 carriages in the summer. Maybe also the long-awaited Blue-X carriages, but that depends on the sale of the carriages in stock. There is currently not enough money to bring the Blue-X carriages into production this spring. (They have, among other things, differently opening windows!) It is hoped that the special carriages (S1, etc) can be delivered in the Autumn.
It is of course, our hope that Rickard is able to keep the production running, even if there has to be a delay with the next round of models. But people’s private economies need to improve before this can happen; the interest and other financial problems that Rickard has experienced, have also been experienced first hand, by a vast majority of the Swedish population (and his other worldwide customers). For the FLMJ, we are looking forward to the B4; and hoping for B2, UA7X (aka AFM7), and series 1 A7/B7. (Assuming that we haven’t misinterpreted an earlier comment by HNoll, we are also hoping for one R4 (which would be original brown without the InterCity chevrons), to go into one of the night trains; but we fear that might be a misunderstanding!)

In other news, and really too modern for the FLMJ’s station car-parks, PCX87 is to produce a 2019 year model Volvo V60 in four different colours, in H0-scale.

Other News

Forever breaking the tiniest drill bits that we have, we are now experimenting with 0,2 and 0,5mm bits made by Tamiya; which have a 1mm shank. This prevents us drilling too deep with the finer bits and will maybe last a lot longer. Previously, we had been given something similar by a dentist friend, but the dental bits have much longer fine sections. Time and usage will tell.

We have searched for a long time for an official meaning of the letter ‘h’ in the wagon type ‘Uh’. In ‘SJF 637’ from 1971, we have found that it simply means, “for liquid and gaseous substances”, or in other words, ‘tank wagons’. We have updated the relevant section of the website!

LEG’s film series, “Svenska Tåg” is no longer available in the shops, sadly; the DVDs can only be purchased from one ‘approved’ supplier. Thus ends our association with them (we have editions 1 to 51). We will not endorse any action that potentially leads to the closure of Railway hobby related shops.

Behind the Scenes

Mini-Series around the FLMJ; C: The Newsletter, AJ-Nyheter

AJ-Nyheter was a less glossy and more formal newsletter created for the people who were regularly active upon the railway. Instead of book and video reviews, this would have explanations to the changes in the operating rules, servicing instructions for the various models, and anything that was more appropriate to the operation of the Railway than the promotion of it. It also promoted the same for the club’s other activities, including the outings and exhibition layouts (Köpingsvik and Steninge, for example). This newsletter changed format several times, from A4 printed single sheets, to staple-bound magazines, and various alternatives in between! And whilst the main journal was leaning towards colour production, this one certainly wasn’t.
With the closure of the Railway, this newsletter was naturally obsolete. However, in fact, it had stopped in production earlier because it was considered superfluous; internal issues were best talked about, not written; and any written communication that was necessary was enacted by email. It is envisaged, that when the new railway does get started, an online presence will be more likely, and that AJ-Nyheter will not go back into production. Online communication already exists among some of the Friends of the Railway, who are keen to build their own Swedish model railway dioramas, and naturally have our full support. One key area for this is the Swedish equivalent of eBay, where some very good models of Swedish rolling stock often appear, but the sellers will ship only to Sweden, or the EU, or the EEA (and some couriers will not operate in the UK now). So, delivery is taken here in Sweden, and we arrange (with the Friend) for onward delivery (or collection during a visit)!
So now, two key journals have been stopped, ‘FLMJ-Nytt’ and ‘AJ-Nyheter’, and both are very unlikely to restart; but that’s not bad news! We abhor change for change-sake; but change for improvement has always been encouraged and as we will discuss during the year, we are taking advantage of this quiet spell to prepare for a new means of printed communication in support of our online presence,
Next month: our Annual Review.

And finally: We aim to post our updates on the first day of the month following (February’s news on March 1st, for example). So be aware that if looking through archived news, our host records the archive date as the ‘date published’, not the date that the news is about. (Thanks to one of our readers for this enquiry.)

Nyheter från september 2022

Våra nyheter:

Med inköp av lämpligt material fortsatte arbetet med T45-loket. Ett plastblock sattes in i varje ände under karossen, i chassinivå, och efter att ha limmats, borrats och gängat kan vi nu fästa karossen i chassit i ändarna. Detta korrigerar de visuella effekterna av det lätt böjda chassit. Loket är nu nästan klart för inkörning. Boggisidorna och bolstren (kosmetiska föremål på modell) verkar ha lagts på ett säkert ställe, så de kommer att monteras senare; men för närvarande finns det inget ytterligare arbete att göra med denna modell. Detta betyder dock inte att det är komplett. När vi köpte modellen för många år sedan köpte vi inte saker som ledstänger, torkare och liknande; så vi hoppas kunna införskaffa dessa under de kommande månaderna (gärna som tilläggssats, men skrapbyggda om de inte finns), troligen från ‘Hjulmarknaden’.

Tillverkarens Nyheter:

HNoll har drabbats av ytterligare problem, några med mycket bredare knock-on-effekter. 3D CAD-designern på Dekas, som ritar HNolls modeller, har sagt upp sig, och kommer inte att ersättas. De modeller som har ritats kommer att tillverkas, men det som finns på ritbordet kommer behöva kompletteras av någon annan. Detta innebär att leveransen av vagnar kommer att försenas ytterligare på obestämd tid. Dessutom går priserna upp; material, arbetskraft, frakt och ökade levnadskostnader i Sverige. Priserna på HNolls modeller kommer att justeras. De passagerarvagnar som är på väg (för närvarande hålls i kinesisk tull) kommer att kunna hålla sitt rekommenderade pris på 995:-. Men, B4/BF4/BF7 vagnarna kommer att justeras till 1195:-, och det finns ingen känd leveranstid!

Förra månaden tillkännagav vi tillgängligheten av PCX87 Volvo 343, men vår levererades inte förrän i september, så vi hade ingen bild. På vår engelska nyheter, här vi en bild med två av modellerna: för att annonsera om 343:an som en billigare modell än 240:an som fanns tillgänglig samtidigt, tillverkade Volvo dem i primärfärger.

Andra intressanta nyheter:

Modellutställningen på Kårsta, som nämnts på vår hemsida, fanns inte! Deras annons gav ingen specifik adress för evenemanget, så vi gick till den enda adressen som anges på deras hemsida, Kårsta stationsväg 16, 186 60 Kårsta; som verkar vara en bostadsfastighet, inte platsen för ett evenemang med minst 16 handlare! Vi var inte de enda som åkte dit. En annan person ringde några telefonsamtal (inga till arrangören eftersom inget nummer anges) och fick reda på ett rykte om en händelse nära Vallentuna, inte så långt borta; men utan adress övergav vi (och de andra personerna) uppdraget och gick hem! (När vi insåg att detta var en parodi hade tåget som tog oss till Kårsta avgått, och det var en timme till nästa, så den allmänna stämningen var inte bra!)

Till en finare sak; vi har upptäckt vad som verkar vara en ny webbplats i Sverige, som vi har länkat till från denna webbplats. Den visar den svenska järnvägskartan och platsen för nästan alla tåg i trafik, färgkodade efter hur bra de presterar i förhållande till tidtabellen. Detta är användbart för passagerare som kanske undrar var deras försenade tåg är, och intressant för entusiaster av alla möjliga hobbyrelaterade skäl. (Vi kan nu se när ett godståg är på väg att köra förbi vårt fönster och står därför redo med en kamera!) Den ovanliga URL:en är 1409.se.

Nyheter från augusti 2022

Våra nyheter

Ingen järnvägsmodelleringsaktivitet har inträffat under augusti! Nu när hösten är här borde det börja igen, och i september är det ett evenemang som vi hoppas kunna gå på.

Vi har lagt till en mer djupgående recension (på engelska) av rundturen på järnvägsplatser här i Sverige. Du hittar den under “General Articles” från hemsidan.

Tillverkarens Nyheter

Danska tillverkaren Dekas har informerat om sina svenska modeller, att IBAB TMX 1014 (DK-8750121~4) har kommit och att de flesta återförsäljarnas förbeställningar har skickats. Omkörningen av TMX från Vida och Tågkraft (blå och orange) bör komma i mitten av september.

Fleischmann och Roco har infört ett nytt artikelnumreringssystem, men i de exempel som de ger i sina nyheter om det stämmer inte helt överens med beskrivningarna, och det verkar som att det nu inte kommer att göras någon skillnad mellan Fleischmann- och Roco-produkter.

PCX87:s Volvo 343 finns nu i butikerna, liksom den andra omgången av 240 sedaner och herrgårdar.

Andra intressanta nyheter

Det sista C6-tåget gick på Blå linjen söndagen den 7 augusti. Vi är lite förvirrade över vad händelsen betydde. Tåget togs för tillfället in från en annan linje; C14 (av samma “första generation”) kommer att vara i trafik på den linjen i möjligen två år till; så evenemanget var inte ett riktigt slut på en era, som reklamtexterna antydde! (Vi förstår att den blå linjen hade en liten tilldelning av C6 från 1975 till 2003/4, som löpte tillsammans med C7, C8, C9 och C15. Men C6 användes mer på den röda linjen.) Trots det var det en trevlig dag ute , för att åka på den gamla bullriga och ojämna materielen och träffa en gammal vän från Storbritannien!

News from August 2022

Our News

No railway modelling activity has occurred this last month! Summer shut-down is typical for Sweden, so it was not possible to buy materials, either. Now that the Autumn is setting in, things should pick up a bit, and in September there is one event that we hope to get to.

As hinted previously, we have now added a more in-depth review of the tour of railway installations here in Sweden. You can find it under ‘General Articles’ from the home page.
(In the article, mention is made of problems with a new Doro phone. This has now been replaced following its inability to display incoming SMS; a problem other Doro owners have reported. So, for the first time, we provide consumer advice not related to railways: don’t buy a Doro!)

Manufacturer News

Danish manufacturer Dekas has advised of their Swedish outline models, that IBAB TMX 1014 (DK-8750121~4) has arrived and that most of the dealers pre-orders have been dispatched. The rerun of the TMX from Vida and Tågkraft (blue and orange) should arrive mid-September. (Our photo below shews the Heljan version of this loco!)

Fleischmann and Roco have introduced a new article numbering system, but in the examples that they give in their news item about it, do not fully tally with the descriptions, and it seems that there will now be no distinction between Fleischmann and Roco products.

PCX87’s Volvo 343 is now in the shops, as is the second batch of 240 sedans and estates.

Other News

The last C6 train ran on the Blue line on Sunday 7th August. We are a little confused about what the event signified. The train was brought in for the occasion from another line; the C14 (of the same “first generation”) will be in service on that line for possibly two more years; so the event wasn’t a true end of an era, as the promotional texts implied! (We understand that the blue line had a small allocation of C6 from 1975 to 2003/4, running alongside C7, C8, C9 and C15. But the C6 was used more on the red line.) Nevertheless, it was an enjoyable day out, to ride on the old noisy and bumpy rolling stock, and to meet an old friend from the UK!

Behind the Scenes

Before we get underway with our Mini-Series about the FLMJ; following our review of the Railway’s Epoch, better clarification and understanding was requested, so here is a brief summary.

For authentic representation of a period of railway history on model railway layouts in Europe, a division into different eras/epochs was established. Often this information on the epoch is given in the catalogues and/or on the product packaging. It is NEM recognised. The published periods are quite controversial, as they tend to have no direct reference between the epoch designation and a specific year or a specific decade. The time epochs could just as easily be given in the time segments of the decades or with specific year numbers, as is usual in North America.
As a rule of thumb, then:
~Epoch-I until around 1925.
~Epoch-II from around 1920 to around 1950.
~Epoch-III from around 1945 to around 1970.
~Epoch-IV from around 1965 to around 1990.
~Epoch-V from around 1985 to around 2010.
~Epoch-VI from around 2005.
Sweden’s new ‘blue’ themed liveries were introduced in 1989 and are said to be the start of Sweden’s Epoch-V. Previously, a major reclassification of rolling stock occurred around 1970, so that could be the Swedish start of Epoch-IV, not 1965 as suggested above. (But this is complicated by the 1967 arrival of the revolutionising Rc-loco!) So, the Epochs are vague within countries, not just between them.

The United Kingdom uses it’s own system and is already into Epoch-9!

Mini-Series about the FLMJ, 9: The Scenic aspect

Scenery was a sore point on the FLMJ. Very little was weather-proof, and nothing was cat-proof! In 1996, in the final days of the KRBJ, the whole infrastructure suffered extensive vandalism. Subsequently, only the track and platforms became permanent features. Everything else was taken in at the end of the day. This meant that it took a couple of hours to set up each time we wanted to operate the railway, and the same again to put away. This was in addition to cleaning the track in the mornings, and drying things off in the evenings if we had endured typical British weather! For some weekend ‘open’ events, not everything did get put away on the Saturday evening, just hidden from incidental view; but a good night’s sleep was not then possible!

All locations had a number of model buildings (which were mounted over locating blocks to ensure that they were correctly positioned) and most of the roads were painted down. Lövhöjden and the nearby Kopparberg received a bit more attention. Gradients and contours appeared in the scenery, along with corrective measures to keep the buildings upright in strong winds! Greenery was added, and the area around the loco-shed especially, became very photogenic. But the final and delightful addition was the lighting, around the loco-shed area and in the church much farther away.

The church in question was a model of the church from Seglora, now preserved at Skansen. Other authentic buildings were the Diö and Åmål station buildings at Månstorp and Lövhöjden respectively; but many other authentic representations existed all over the layout. Special mention should be made of the block of flats kit produced by Auhagen, of which we had two; of German origin, but so authentic for 1940s/1950s Sweden and still current today.

Most of the model cars were faithful to the epoch (see last month’s update), but we decided that rather than reject interesting models, we would treat the whole diorama as a heritage setting, and allow modern vehicles to creep in. Sometimes, these represent cars that friends have. But currently, thinking of Swedish brands, the most modern Saab is a 900 from the mid-80s and the most modern Volvo is the 850 from the early 90s. But whatever our new diorama is, it will have to accept a Swedish Koenigsegg from 2015! One of our members also has a private collection of SL buses, which are quite modern; but too nice to not have on the layout! Doh!

Before moving to the address where the FLMJ existed, the Director General had managed the Herpham & District Railway, a combined H0e/00-9 model railway; which was more of a scenic diorama with the small railway running through it. It was inspirational, charming, and a delightful setting that people enjoyed. With the new FLMJ being planned for an indoor location, the scenic possibilities are inspiring.

Next month, back to the railway itself, we’ll look at the track and infrastructure!