Tag Archives: One87

Nyheterna från november 2024

Våra Nyheter

Vi har en annan modell av ånglok, förmodligen ett som väldigt få modellbyggare känner till. Den tycks överensstämma med den svenska U-klassen från förra sekelskiftet, med bara några få subtila skillnader. Men intressant nog är det en Tenshodo-modell, troligen konverterad från dess amerikanska specifikation, och dessa prototyper levererades till flera europeiska järnvägar. Vi kommer att försöka modifiera det kosmetiska utseendet för att göra det ännu närmare “U” under nästa år. Eftersom den antagligen är 75 år gammal var den dålig efter leverans, men med en liten städ- och oljarunda fungerar den nästan som ny nu.

Vi förstår nu att Dekas-modellerna inte är avsedda för analoga järnvägar. De levereras endast med “avkodnings”-chips (med eller utan ljud), som felaktigt ryktas vara OK på analoga system. Sådant nonsens prövades på FLMJ och de fungerar inte tillförlitligt på analoga alls. För vår Y2K-modell har vi nu skaffat ett ersättningschip från en tredje part för att passa in i sockeln för att modellen ska fungera korrekt. (Digitrains [www.digitrains.co.uk] säljer sin BP21, en 21-stifts Blanking Plug, för £2 (vid presstillfället), vilket vi är mycket nöjda med.) Det skulle kosta Dekas väldigt lite att göra denna investering för deras modeller (ett analogt chip för att passa uttaget) och skulle öka kundlojaliteten. Ändå förstår vi att de fortfarande utreder problemet som det ser ut.

Tillverkarens Nyheter

De orangea Jeco Rc-loken har blivit försenade på grund av ett färgfel på fabriken, men början av 2025 är den nya leveransuppskattningen för rätt modell. De lägger till ytterligare ett orange (Rc) lok till sitt utbud och ett svart.

Roco har gett ut en ny uppsättning ‘Mas’-vagnar, men som typ ‘Ud’ med UIC-nummer; artikel 6600069. Som vi förstår det är detta ett paket med fyra olika numrerade vagnar, och det fastställda priset är cirka 1600 kr.

One87 har tagit fram det typiska svenska buffertblocket, tillgängligt via Tradera i ett paket om fyra; ett efterlängtat tillskott till den svenska H0-skalan! Dessa gula block ses över hela Sverige, och det är underförstått att de också används i mindre utsträckning i grannlandet Norge. En annan svensk tillverkare har gjort olika buffertstopp av mer generisk karaktär, och ville se hur bra de sålde innan man bestämmer sig för att göra denna gula version eller inte. Det här är en galen policy för om folk inte vill ha fel vara kommer de inte att köpa fel vara! One87 har även producerat för försäljning via Tradera, den typiska svenska telefonkiosken typ M61, en sandlåda i olika färger och en soptunna! Se dem på https://www.tradera.com/profile/items/4123195/one87

Vi är ledsna att höra att innehavaren på Modellproduktion, Bengt Lindberg, plötsligt avlidit. Han hade tillverkat modeller av tåg som r-t-r-tillverkarna hade försummat, som T45- och Tc-diesellokomotiven, som vi har modeller av, men också fler som vi hade hoppats på att skaffa när pengarna tillät. (Vi vet inte om någon annan har tagit på sig produktionen.) Knappt hade dammet lagt sig från denna sorgliga nyhet, vi hörde också att Sven-Olof Olofsson på Entec har dött. Sven-Olof hade tillverkat många komponenter för svensk kontaktledning i H0-skala, inklusive fint detaljerade men fungerande strömavtagare; förutom olika andra mycket användbara artefakter inklusive signalering. Vi framför våra uppriktiga kondoleanser till båda familjerna.

Andra intressanta nyheter

Vi kommer att ha bara en månadsuppdatering till efter denna. Syftet med denna webbplats har varit att främja vår(a) järnväg(ar) och intresset för svensk järnvägsmodellering. Den är inte tänkt som en blogg, vilket den har sett ut att ha blivit! Istället kommer vi att ge uppdateringar i februari, maj, augusti och november, med fokus främst på utvecklingen av den nya järnvägen, men också för att komma med andra intressanta och relevanta nyheter.

Samtidigt, för att göra den här webbplatsen mer anpassad för sitt avsedda syfte, kommer vi att ta ner några artiklar och ersätta dem med mer direkt information om modellering av den svenska järnvägen, lättare att läsa och lättare att hitta relevant information. Vi hade startat denna process under 2024, men vår vision var inte klar. Det är nu.

News from November 2024

Our News

We’ve acquired another model steam locomotive, quite possibly one that very few know about. It seems to conform to the Swedish U-class from the turn of the last century, with only a few subtle differences. But interestingly, it is a Tenshodo model, probably converted from its American specification, and these prototypes were supplied to several European railways. We will try to modify the cosmetic appearance to make it even closer to the ‘U’ during the next year. Being probably about 75 years old, its post delivery performance was poor, but with a little TLC (including cleaning and oiling round), it is running almost as new, now.

It is now understood that Dekas models are not intended for analogue railways. They are only supplied with ‘decoding’ chips (with or without sound), which are rumoured incorrectly to be OK on analogue systems. Such nonsense was trialled on the FLMJ and they do not work reliably on analogue at all. For our Y2K model, we have now obtained a replacement chip from a third-party to fit into the socket to allow the model to function properly. (Digitrains [www.digitrains.co.uk] sells their BP21, a 21 pin Blanking Plug, for £2 (at time of press), which we are very satisfied with.) It would cost Dekas very little to make this investment for their models (an analogue chip to fit the socket) and would boost customer loyalty. Nevertheless, we understand that they are still investigating the problem as it stands.

Manufacturer News

The Jeco orange Rc-locos have been delayed due to a livery error at the factory, but early 2025 is the new estimate for the correct model. They are adding another orange (Rc) loco to the line-up and a black one.

Roco has issued a new set of ‘Mas’ wagons, but as type ‘Ud’ with UIC numbers; article 6600069. As we understand it, this is a pack of four differently numbered wagons, and the set price is around 1600 kr.

One87 has produced the quintessential Swedish buffer-block, available via Tradera in a pack of four; a long overdue addition to the Swedish H0-scale scene! These yellow blocks are seen all over Sweden, and it is understood that they are also used to a lesser extent in neighbouring Norway. Another Swedish manufacturer has made different buffer stops of a more generic nature, and wanted to see how well they sold before deciding whether or not to make this yellow version. This is a crazy policy because if people don’t want the wrong item, they won’t buy the wrong item! One87 has also produced for sale via Tradera, the quintessential Swedish telephone kiosk type M61, a sand box in assorted colours, and a waste bin for the pre-wheely-bin epoch! See them at https://www.tradera.com/profile/items/4123195/one87

We are saddened to hear of the sudden passing of the proprietor at Modellproduktion, Bengt Lindberg. He had been producing models of trains that the r-t-r manufacturers had neglected, such as the T45 and Tc diesel locomotives, of which we have models, but also more that we had hoped to acquire when funds permitted. (We do not know if anyone else has taken on the production.) Hardly had the dust settled from this sad news, we heard also that Sven-Olof Olofsson at Entec has passed away. Sven-Olof had been producing many components for Swedish overhead electrification in H0 scale, including finely detailed but working pantographs; in addition to various other very useful artefacts including signalling. We offer our sincere condolences to both families.

Other News

We will have one more monthly update after this. The purpose of this website has been to promote our railway(s) and an interest in Swedish railway modelling. It is not intended as a blog, which is what it has seemed to have become! Instead, we will provide updates in February, May, August and November, focussing mainly on the development of the new railway, but also to bring other interesting and relevant news.

At the same time, to make this website more fit for its intended purpose, we are going to take down a few articles and replace them with more direct information about modelling the Swedish railways, easier to read and easier to find the relevant information. We had started this process during 2024, but our vision wasn’t clear. It is now.

Behind the Scenes

Mini-Series about the new railway; 12: Taking Stock

This year, we have described the proposed new railway (or railways (plural)) being built here at our new location in Sweden. As before, none of this will be open to the general public; but guest events will be organised, and anyone interested in joining the guest-list will be welcome to get in touch.

The Railway will continue in 12v analogue. Both arguments (analogue and digital) have their merits, but for us and for what we enjoy with this hobby, analogue is the clear winner. The Railway continues to represent something in miniature, and should be regarded as a Railway, not as a train-set. (There is a Brio train set available, to entertain our younger visitors!) The Signalling is designed to be easily understood, even with the aspects and indications that seem unusual to non-Swedish operators. And yes, there is a timetable being developed, which will have the curious feature of no moving trains at times that coincide with fika and lunch breaks!
Scenery is one of our biggest challenges. Before the KRBJ, there was an indoor layout (not Swedish) which was a scenic diorama that happened to have a railway running through it. The diorama was convincing and very photogenic; but that was a long time ago. The main town scene at Rickbacken is to be inspired by the drawing of a town inside the back cover of a children’s book series; a layout that is perfectly suitable for a very Swedish diorama—Axel and Omar would approve (to appreciate this subtlety; you’d need to be familiar with the books)! The manor house at Skarpa Gård will probably need to be scratch-built (and the last project of that nature was also a long time ago) to be convincing. And making everything fit in at Töjnan could be worthy of a book of its own! Along the Stuverydsbäckens Järnväg, no scenic plans have been made yet; and none are intended along Trädgårdslinjen.
And then, the ultimate enjoyment of sharing what we have created. An article that could be published in the British journal, “Continental Modeller” is possible; and more likely is a similar article in the Swedish journal, “Modelljärnvägsmagasinet”. Our website and a certain video-hosting channel will be kept up to date, also. But, with the Köpingsvik diorama, a physical presence out-and-about will also be possible.

All this requires time, effort and money. As we found in the last year with the FLMJ especially (though, we already knew, of course), the availability of time and money are exact opposites when one’s income provides the money, but the time needs to be spent earning that income! The effort now needs to include maintenance of the basement in which the Railway is located (the house owners have been getting it ready for us to use). But, as before, this will not be the work of one person. It needs a team effort, and that is why we have the Friends.

The phoenix has risen. “Adnalms Järnvägar” is ‘back in play’. Välkommen tillbaka!