På modelljärnvägsmässan på Nässjö under september fick vi chansen att prata med någon från MJ-Hobby/Jeco om problemen vi har med dieselloket T23. Problemet är känt och är begränsat till den första batchen; de har skickat ett ersättnings “blanking”-chip utan kostnad.
Vi har köpt ett modellhus; inget speciellt att skrika över förutom att den har egenskaper från flera av husen i vårt närområde. Det är alltså ett ”typiskt småländska hus” från 1940-talet, som vi kommer att hitta plats för!
Tillverkarens Nyheter
Dekas Y2 har äntligen kommit in i butikerna. Vi räknar med att ett antal av de Heljanska dyker upp på andrahandsmarknaden!
Dekas har annonserat ett par intressanta nya föreslagna vagnar. Den ena är ‘His’-vagnen, som är en korsning mellan ‘Gs’ och ‘Hbis’ – eller enklare uttryckt, som ‘Hbis’ med skjutbara sidoväggssektioner istället för dörrar, men på den kortare längden av ‘Gs’ vagn. Till en början kommer det att finnas tre tillgängliga. Den andra artikeln är en öppen version av “Udg” av vilken det bara kommer att finnas två, plus tre som pre-UIC typ “Kö”.
HNoll har sagt att de kommer att förbereda SJ B2/B10-vagnarna för produktion, och tycks inse att marknaden är för svag för att överväga produktionen (för närvarande) av deras andra förslag. Detta är klokt med tanke på att 1980-talets vagnar har en kundbas och folk vill färdigställa de HNoll-tåg som de har startat; medan Ma-loco och X10/X11/X12/X14 enheterna (och andra serie personvagnar) skulle vara en ny osäker marknad för dem. Naturligtvis välkomnar vi dessa nyheter och väntar ivrigt på B2 (och första serie A7/B7) vagnarna. Förhoppningen är att B2/B10-vagnarna ska vara tillgängliga under 2025.
Andra intressanta nyheter
Det verkar inte finnas några andra relevanta nyheter för tillfället!
At the model railway exhibition at Nässjö during September, we got the chance to speak to someone from MJ-Hobby/Jeco about the problems we’re having with the T23 diesel locomotive. The problem is a known one and is limited to the first batch; so they’ve sent a replacement ‘blanking’ chip free of charge.
We have bought a model house; nothing especially to shout about except that it has characteristics from several of the houses in our local neighbourhood. So, it is a “typical Småländska house” from the 1940s, which we will find a location for!
A model of a house with Småländsk characteristics!
Manufacturer News
The Dekas Y2 has arrived into the shops at last. We expect a number of Heljan ones to appear on the second-hand market!
A ‘Y2’ diesel set, exactly like the Danish ‘IC3’ class.Heljan’s Swedish Y2 diesel set in sidings at Röjeråsen on the former KRBJ.The retooled Heljan Y2 unit, at Lövhöjden in 2012.Drawing of the Dekas Y2 in original livery. [from Dekas’ website]Drawing of the newer livery on the Y2. [from Dekas’ website]
Dekas has announced a couple of interesting new proposals. One is the ‘His’ wagon, which is a cross between the ‘Gs’ and the ‘Hbis’ – or more simply put, like the ‘Hbis’ with sliding sidewall sections instead of doors, but at the shorter length of the ‘Gs’ wagon. Initially there will be three available. The other item is an open-top version of the ‘Udg’ of which there will be only two, plus three as pre-UIC type ‘Kö’.
Drawing of the ‘His’ van wagon.Drawing of the open-top ‘Udg’ (or ‘Kö’) wagon.
HNoll has said that they will prepare the SJ B2/B10 carriages for production, seemingly recognising that the market is too weak to consider the production (at this time) of their other proposals. This is wise given that 1980s carriages have a customer base and people want to complete the HNoll rakes that they have started; whereas the Ma-loco and X10/X11/X12/X14 units (and other series carriages) would be a new uncertain market for them. Naturally, we welcome this news, eagerly awaiting the B2 (and first series A7/B7) carriages. It is hoped that the B2/B10 carriages will be available during 2025.
B10 5547 seen at Stockholm Centralstation. The B10 was rebuilt from the B2, which didn’t have the circular window, among other things.
Other News
There seems to be no other relevant news at the moment.
Behind the Scenes
Mini-Series about the new railway; 10: Köpingsvik revisited Most modellers in Sweden, tend to build, as we are, layouts that are permanently fixed into place. Model Railway Exhibitions in Sweden are few and far between; the public events that are organised are mostly for buy-and-sell (where there might be the one layout on display also), or for the so-called modular systems, where the members build sections for a display layout, sections which have to meet certain criteria, especially at the ends, so that any two can be joined together and they will line up! Thus, very large layouts are created. But, they’re entirely DCC, and so have a limited following (and also require an enormous amount of planning and setting up, somewhat dependent on who is actually going to turn up with a module)! So, what about the odd one or two stand-alone layouts that make it to the buy-and-sell events?
There is a bit of a personal attachment to the Köpingsvik theme. This is where it all started, for us. And, although we know now that the diorama is a very unlikely one, it was an interesting model and continues to invoke fond memories, even though both track layouts (remember there was Mk.1 and Mk.2) were quite a challenge. Maybe a Mk.3 can carry the memory and the theme; but by taking advantage of all that we have learned over the last 30 years, can it be much more authentic in how we present it? How would we present it? The golden rule offered to us when we were building the first, was sugar beet traffic! Loads of ‘O’ wagons with sugar beets would be the most authentic trains that we could run, and so this is easy to do. There would also be a few other goods trains carrying general goods, so the ‘G-’ wagons would be good here, but not things such as container wagons! Passenger trains would have diesel railbuses (Y6, Y1, or Y2 according to epoch) for the local routes, and probably electric units or loco-hauled trains for the main line to the mainland. And the idea of sleeper carriages detached from passing trains on the mainline at Alvesta is quite appropriate in the summer timetable.
Any new Köpingsvik would be independent of the RTJ, and time could only be afforded to it, if there is a situation causing a pause in the development of the RTJ. (This could be due to glue-drying time, or awaiting delivery of materials, or whatever.) Operationally, better-suited models are now available, and the mere thought of it is causing quite a stir among our Friends.
Under juni månad var vår primära uppgift att modifiera de två Pocher-vagnarna så att de kan tas i bruk. Arbetet krävde att båda eftermonterades med NEM-kopplingar. Men DF5 behövde lite extra arbete inklusive att måla om taket till en satinfinish, sätta in en korrekt interiör inuti och vrida ner hjulen; och den behövde en ny låda. Båda modellerna hade redan modifierats kraftigt innan vi köpte dem, så att göra det här arbetet ogiltigförklarade inte något arvsvärde som de kan ha haft. Våra versioner av modellerna är från mitten av 1960-talet, men karossformarna går tillbaka till 1958 och 1959. C3b är från 1904, och 1911 kompletterade 20 C3c-vagnar 99 C3b. C3c hade en toalett i ena änden. Märkligt nog är Pochers modell nummer 1449 och har korrekt C3b-interiören, men markeringarna är helt klart C3c (som vi kommer att ändra när vi kan få lämpliga dekaler). DF5 är från 1929 och 30 byggdes. Skillnaderna inom flottan var små, men Pochers modell, nummer 2884, kommer med passagerarsäten vilket är helt fel, därav det extra arbete som krävs!
Även under juni månad monterade vi ihop vår modellsats av en skånsk bondgård. Detta var ett gammalt kit från Heljan, så det passade inte ihop så bra och instruktionerna var ganska hopplösa; men jobbat klart och det ser faktiskt ganska trevligt ut. Det är lite underskala, men för en gammal skånsk gård är det nog inte så mycket problem!
Tillverkarens Nyheter
I en uppdatering från HNoll har försäljningen av B4, BF4 och BF7 gått långsammare än önskat (uppenbarligen på grund av ekonomin och att modellbyggare inte har lika mycket pengar till övers som tidigare) och behöver ett rejält lyft. Det har varit problem med att etiketterna på BF7-vagnarna är fel och att nya skulle tillverkas. Tyvärr har detta dragit ut på tiden och kommer inte att fortsätta. Helt enkelt är vagnarna rätt märkta men etiketterna (på lådorna) var fel. Etiketter har också varit fel på några tidigare vagnar.
Andra intressanta nyheter
I slutet av maj avgick en stor del av styrelsen vid arvsjärnvägen vid Nora efter en utdragen konflikt med stiftelsen som äger spåren. På ett extra möte lördagen den 29 juni diskuterades föreningens framtid och en ny styrelse valdes. Deras tre huvudsakliga syften är nu att arbeta för ett bättre samarbetsklimat med stiftelsen, att förbättra deras ekonomi och att återuppta museitrafiken så snart som möjligt. Föreningen Nora Bergslags Veteranjärnväg (NBVJ) och stiftelsen Nora Järnvägsmuseum och Veteranjärnväg (NJOV) förvaltar tillsammans Nora-Järle och Nora-Pershyttan järnvägslinjer. Nora-Ervalla järnväg var den första normalspåriga banan i Sverige för allmän trafik, invigd 1856. NBVJ är en ideell förening som äger merparten av fordonen och sköter trafiken själv. NJOV är en stiftelse som äger banan. Stiftelsen startades av bland annat Region Örebro län och Nora kommun.
Through June, our primary task was to modify the two Pocher carriages so that they can be brought into service. The work required both to be retrofitted with NEM couplings. But the DF5 needed some extra work including repainting the roof to a satin finish, putting a correct interior inside, and turning down the wheels; and it needed a new box. Both models had already been heavily modified before we bought them, so doing this work wasn’t invalidating any heritage value that they may have had.
Pocher’s C3b and DF5, suitably modified for use today. These models are roundly 65 years old!
Our versions of the models are from the mid-1960s, but the body-moulds go back to 1958 and 1959. The C3b dates from 1904, and in 1911, 20 C3c carriages supplemented the 99 C3b. The C3c had a toilet at one end. Curiously, Pocher’s model is number 1449 and correctly has the C3b interior, but the markings are clearly C3c (which we will change when we can get suitable decals). The DF5 dates from 1929 and 30 were built. Differences within the fleet were slight, but Pocher’s model, number 2884, comes with passenger seating which is totally wrong, hence the extra work required!
C3b interior with a few subtle modifications.DF5 interior as it should be.
Also during June, we assembled our model kit of a Skånska farmhouse. This was an old kit from Heljan, so it didn’t go together very well and the instructions were quite hopeless; but job done and it actually looks quite nice. It is a little under-scale, but for an old Skåne farm, that is probably not much of an issue!
A Danish (or Skånska) farmhouse, which will find a home on the RTJ.
Manufacturer News
In an update from HNoll, sales of the B4, BF4 and BF7 have been slower than desired (obviously due to the economy and modellers not having as much money to spare as previously) and need a real boost. There have been issues with the labels on the BF7 carriages being wrong and new ones were to be manufactured. Unfortunately, this has dragged on and will not be continued. Quite simply, the carriages are correctly marked but the labels (on the boxes) were wrong. Labels have also been wrong on some earlier carriages.
Other News
At the end of May, a large part of the board at the heritage railway at Nora resigned after a protracted conflict with the foundation that owns the tracks. At an extraordinary meeting on Saturday 29 June, the association’s future was discussed and a new board was elected. Their three main aims now are to work for a better cooperative climate with the Foundation, to improve their economy, and to restart museum traffic as soon as possible. The association Nora Bergslags Veteranjärnväg (NBVJ) and the foundation Nora Järnvägsmuseum och Veteranjärnväg (NJOV) jointly manage the Nora-Järle and Nora-Pershyttan railway lines. The Nora-Ervalla railway was the first standard gauge line in Sweden for public traffic, inaugurated in 1856. NBVJ is a non-profit association that owns most of the vehicles and runs the traffic itself. NJOV is a foundation that owns the track. The foundation was started by Region Örebro County and Nora Municipality, among others.
E2 1182 with an unusual grey boiler, at Nora.
Behind the Scenes
Mini-Series about the new railway; 7: Zätaspåret
When we selected H0e for the Fenixås Jernväg, this was because our preferred industrial gauge, 600mm would have been much more difficult to model, especially the different gauge crossings. Nevertheless, space permitting, Kållstorp (along the H0n3 Stuverydsbäckens Järnväg) could have a narrow gauge line using H0n2 (7mm gauge) to represent Sweden’s 600mm gauge (not exactly, but close enough). 600mm was certainly the most popular gauge for industrial railways, and it ought to be represented if possible. But for Epoch-IV, its industrial use should probably, quite authentically, give way to tourist traffic! Train models for this gauge all seem to be American-influenced, so some modifications to make them acceptable, would be necessary. This narrow-gauge line is probably the least likely to be built (of the ones discussed so far), but it will ‘remain on paper’ until development of the RTJ has reached a stage where a firm decision can be made. The name has a local reference, and should not be confused with ‘Z’-gauge, which is actually 6½mm.
Steam loco N 1304 has been given a repaint. On closer inspection, we have identified that Swedish steam locomotives are not gloss, so it has been given a matt black coating. Pipework and other add-ons are being picked out in bare metal colours so that they can be seen and appreciated without compromising the visual appearance of the loco. Being a kit-built model, it was also due its 3-yearly overhaul, which for a model that hasn’t yet been run-in, didn’t amount to much work taking place!
N 1307 after overhaul.
Manufacturer News
ACME has produced two sets of carriages for the current day (Epoch-VI) SJ international sleeper train, which uses former German and similar stock. Article ACME55311 contains one WLABmz Type MUn sleeping car and three Bvcmz248.5 couchette cars in blue livery with SJ logos. Article ACME55315 contains additional carriages for the Euronight consisting of a WLABmz Type 32s sleeping car and a Bvcmz248.5 couchette car in blue livery with SJ logos. The train operates Berlin – Hamburg Hbf – København L – Stockholm; and uses an Rc6 for the Swedish portion. It is much too modern to run here on the RTJ!
HNoll has reported that after a great start in 2024 with the new B4/BF4/BF7 carriages, all sales of their products have stopped completely! They are going to try Tradera (the Swedish eBay) for a trial period to reach out to more customers who haven’t found HNoll’s products yet. Customers who already know HNoll are referred to the retailers who do a great job stocking all their products. HNoll’s Blue-X/IC-11 and Special carriages will be manufactured during the summer and should appear in the early autumn. The production of these carriages is almost halved to adapt to anticipated sales volumes. There are no started or finished tools for other carriage types in the 80s series and HNoll will not start any more 80s carriages in 2024. (However, there is another carriage project where tool manufacturing will begin within the next few weeks, but HNoll is not letting on what it is!) Currently, there are over 2500 HNoll carriages of various designs in stock. The series B4/BF4/BF7 carriages released in February 2024 have not yet recouped their investment cost, which means that HNoll has to slow down spending for the time being. People are being urged to take a closer look at the A7/A8/B7 with ASEA bogies, which have never been correctly produced before. They have correct window placement, correct undercarriage, correct window size on doors, and many fine details such as transverse grooves on the roof, shunter steps and a really nicely painted interior; somewhat superior to similar carriages that have been in production from another source for a few decades.
Roco A7 (left) and HNoll A7 (right) compare the differences and quality.
Other News
This year’s Hjulmarknaden has been advertised for one date on their website, and another date in the press (in Tågsommar). In a Facebook post as April ended, they have confirmed that it will be on November 23rd, not the end of the month (30th).
Behind the Scenes
Mini-Series about the new railway; 5: Fenixås Jernväg
Last month, we told you about the potential for a narrow-gauge railway in H0n3. There is also a plan for a much smaller railway, and actually much easier to create, using H0e (9mm gauge) to represent Sweden’s 802mm gauge (not exactly, but close enough; see below). This small railway is the ‘extra’ plan that was hinted at for Skarpa Gård, and it will be said that the narrow-gauge line runs between the manor house and the nearby beauty spot at a local lake. The line’s imaginary history suggests that the house was formerly a mining office, and the lake was the mine; thus justifying the line’s existence! Using commercially available track components, it is intended that this line shall cross the standard gauge line on the level, thus a special ‘diamond crossing’ with one gauge crossing the other! The few 802mm gauge railways were mostly industrial, so it would be easy and appropriate to find a suitable European or Soviet steam loco (or diesel) to provide the main motive power. There is even a consideration for a British 00-9 scale “Fairlie” loco; as standard gauge versions had been used on the railway that passes near the house where we are! H0e is normally associated with the central European gauge of 760mm, but this gauge is very rare in Sweden (we’re not convinced that it was used at all, in fact). However, the track gauge (9mm) scaled up from 1:87 is actually 783, so 802mm gauge is close enough! The name is a translation (from Welsh) of a similarly gauged (00-9) model railway in the UK (Rheilffordd Bryn Ffenics / Phoenix Hill Railway), whose owners are Friends of the RTJ, and were instrumental in safeguarding the Railway’s artefacts when the FLMJ closed.
And, having mentioned the owners of the Rheilffordd Bryn Ffenics, we would like to extend our congratulations to them for their wedding (or coupling-up) during April! The ceremony took place at the Talyllyn Railway, very fitting.
Ånglok N 1304 har fått en ommålning. Vid närmare eftertanke har vi identifierat att svenska lok inte är glansiga, så de har fått en mattsvart beläggning. Rörledningar och andra tillägg plockas ut i ren metallfärg så att de kan ses och uppskattas utan att kompromissa med lokets visuella utseende. Eftersom den var en byggsatsmodell berodde den också på sin 3-åriga översyn, vilket för en modell som ännu inte har körts in inte behövde mycket arbete!
Tillverkarens Nyheter
ACME har producerat två uppsättningar vagnar för dagens (Epoch-VI) SJ internationella sovtåg, som använder tidigare tyska och liknande vagnar. Artikel ACME55311 innehåller en WLABmz Typ MUn sovvagn och tre Bvcmz248.5 liggvagnar i blått med SJ-logotyper. Artikel ACME55315 innehåller ytterligare vagnar för Euronight bestående av en WLABmz Type 32s sovvagn och en Bvcmz248.5 liggvagn i blått med SJ-logotyper. Tåget trafikerar Berlin – Hamburg Hbf – Köpenhamn L – Stockholm; och använder en Rc6 för den svenska delen. Det är alldeles för modernt för att köra här på RTJ!
HNoll har rapporterat att efter en bra start 2024 med de nya B4/BF4/BF7-vagnarna har all försäljning av deras produkter stoppats helt! De ska prova Tradera (den svenska eBay) under en provperiod för att nå ut till fler kunder som inte hittat HNolls produkter än. Kunder som redan känner till HNoll hänvisas till återförsäljarna som gör ett bra jobb med att lagra alla sina produkter. HNolls Blue-X/IC-11 och Specialvagnar kommer att tillverkas under sommaren och bör dyka upp tidigt på hösten. Produktionen av dessa vagnar är nästan halverad för att anpassa sig till förväntade försäljningsvolymer. Det finns inga påbörjade eller färdiga verktyg för andra vagntyper i 80-talsserien och HNoll kommer inte att starta några fler 80-talsvagnar 2024. (Det finns dock ett annat vagnsprojekt där verktygstillverkningen kommer att påbörjas inom de närmaste veckorna, men HNoll kommer inte att säga vad det är!) För närvarande finns det över 2500 HNoll-vagnar i olika utföranden i lager. Serie B4/BF4/BF7 vagnar som släpptes i februari 2024 har ännu inte fått tillbaka sin investeringskostnad, vilket innebär att HNoll måste bromsa utgifterna tills vidare. Människor uppmanas att titta närmare på A7/A8/B7 med ASEA-boggier, som aldrig tidigare har tillverkats korrekt. De har rätt fönsterplacering, rätt underrede, rätt fönsterstorlek på dörrar, och många fina detaljer som tvärgående spår på taket, växlingssteg och en riktigt snyggt målad inredning; något överlägsen liknande vagnar som har varit i produktion från annan källa i några decennier.
Andra intressanta nyheter
Årets Hjulmarknaden har annonserats för ett datum på deras hemsida, och ett annat datum i pressen (i Tågsommar). I ett Facebook-inlägg som april slutade, har de bekräftat att det kommer att vara den 23 november, inte slutet av månaden (30:e).
Slutligen vill vi gratulera RTJ-vännerna Daniel och Andrea till deras bröllop (eller koppling) under april! Ceremonin var på Talyllyn Railway, en mycket passande plats.
Som rapporterades under Manufacturer News, förra månaden, har ett T23-lok anlänt hit. Jeco har gjort ett snyggt detaljerat lok, men det verkar finnas ett T2x-jinx i det som Heljans T21, det är överarbetat och opålitligt. Den har ingen låghastighetsprestanda, vilket är en besvikelse med tanke på att det är ett “stort växlingslok” med en topphastighet på 75 kmh. Vrid upp strömmen långsamt, den riktade belysningen flimrar, hyttens ljus och motorrumsbelysningen lyser fullt ut, och loket kämpar för att krypa, morrande när det gör det. Sedan, när spårspänningen har nått cirka 8V, skjuter loket av i nästan full fart. Om du stänger av strömmen igen, kommer loket att fortsätta att gå till cirka 6V; sedan går den tillbaka till morrande läge! Efter omfattande körning på en testbana som vi satte ihop med hjälp av spårkomponenter som lånats ut till oss (de flesta av dem är inte riktigt funktionsdugliga), blev dens prestanda i långsam hastighet lite bättre, så inkörningen kommer att fortsätta – kanske med bättre spår! Men under vår utredning tog vi bort kroppen och blev bestörta. När ett modelllok är utrustat för DCC används ett så kallat ’blanking chip’ i DCC-uttaget för analogt bruk. Med denna modell har det så kallade blanking-chippet så många elektroniska komponenter på att det inte är helt kompatibelt med dess syfte, och det gör det nästan omöjligt att fixa digitala problem. (När vårt tidigare IORE-lok blev defekt, kunde vi ‘varmkoppla’ spårmatningarna till motorkablarna och få igång loket igen; även med fungerande riktningsljus! Detta är inte möjligt med T23.) Det fanns också andra problem , men med så mycket hantering, om det här hade varit en Heljan T21, skulle vi ha haft en arbetsbänk laddad med bitar som hade ramlat av; med det här loket lossnade bara en uppsättning trappsteg och de fixerades mycket enkelt tillbaka på plats och med ledstängerna korrekt inriktade. Sedan det första testet i januari har vi inte haft några fler problem med att kopplingsstänger lossnat; och vi har isolerat beröringskontakterna för hyttens ljus (gillar verkligen inte det) och satt tejp över motorrumsbelysningen (borde inte finnas där eftersom det inte finns någon autentisk interiör)! Vi har dock nu beslutat att inte köpa en andra även när pengarna tillåter.
Tillverkarens Nyheter
HNolls B4-vagnar har anlänt till butikerna och nu kan ett komplett 1980-talståg monteras! Ur vårt perspektiv är B2 fortfarande önskad; och med tanke på att HNoll måste pausa produktionen, på grund av den dåliga svenska ekonomin och människors oförmåga att köpa modellerna, räknar vi med att det tar ett tag innan de (eller UAF7) dyker upp som modeller. Tillbaka till B4R (som senare blev BF4 för att betyda att den hade ett bagageutrymme (F:et i typkoden)), den är upp till HNolls vanliga höga standard och är en verkligt vacker modell. Rätt modellerad har den till och med den lilla telefonkiosken bredvid tågpersonalens kupé; en funktion som snart försvann i och med den omfattande introduktionen av mobiltelefoner. Modellen finns även i nyare färger, inklusive BF7, vilket egentligen inte är annorlunda förutom att SJ ville ge de renoverade en ny beteckning (men SSRTs renoverade är fortfarande BF4)!
PCX87 reklamerar en modell av Saab 9000 i 1985 års skick. Vi känner till fyra olika färger för detta, svart, vitt, grått och silver; men åtminstone en leverantör vi känner till har också beställt en mörkröd. 1985 är inom vår epok av intresse, så vi är hoppfulla om att skaffa några.
Andra intressanta nyheter
Förra månaden rapporterade vi om förlusten av Warley National Model Railway Exhibition på NEC, vilket vanligtvis inträffar i slutet av november. Det verkar som att det i stället kommer att hållas The National Festival of Railway Modeling den 23 och 24 november på NEC. Som vi förstår det kommer detta att organiseras av Warners Group (samma organisation som bland annat gör Alexandra Palace-evenemanget), en kommersiell enhet, snarare än av frivilliga. Oavsett om det är kommersiellt eller inte, hoppas vi att det är ett lyckat evenemang och att det visar att denna hobby är mycket levande.
As reported under Manufacturer News, last month, a T23 locomotive has arrived here. Jeco really has pulled out all the stops to make a nicely detailed locomotive, but there seems to be a T2x jinx in that like Heljan’s T21, it is over-worked and unreliable. So, we set to work on it (just to investigate in case there should be a need to return it). It has no slow-speed performance, which is disappointing given that it is a ‘large shunting loco’ with a top speed of 75 kmh. Turning the power up slowly, the directional lighting flickers, the cab light and engine-room light come on full brightness, and the loco struggles to crawl, growling as it does so. Then, when track voltage has reached about 8, the loco shoots off at nearly full speed. Turning the power back down, the loco will continue to run until about 6v; then it goes back to growling mode! After extensive running on a figure-of-eight test-track that we assembled using track components loaned to us (most of which are not really serviceable), it’s slow speed performance did get a little better, so running-in will continue—maybe with better track! But, during our investigation, we took the body off and were dismayed. When a model loco is equipped for DCC, anyone not wanting this function can operate the model on analogue, with a so-called ‘blanking chip’ in the DCC socket. With this model, the so-called blanking chip has so many electronic components on, that it is not entirely compliant with its purpose, and this makes fixing digital-related problems almost impossible. (When our former IORE loco became faulty, we were able to hot-wire the track feeds to the motor cables and get the loco running again; even with working directional lights! This is not possible with the T23.) Getting the main circuit board off the model for investigation was made very difficult by one of the cables to the motor being too short to enable safe removal of its electrical coupling. With so much handling, if this had been a Heljan T21, we would have a workbench loaded with bits that had fallen off; with this loco, only one set of steps came off, and they were very easily fixed back into place and with the handrails correctly aligned. Since its first test in January, we’ve had no more issues with coupling rods coming loose; and we have insulated the touch-contacts for the cab light (really don’t like that) and put tape over the engine-room light (shouldn’t be there because there is no authentic interior)! We have, nevertheless, now decided against buying a second one even when funds permit.
Jeco’s T23 with the body removed, shewing a disappointing array of components on the ‘blanking chip’ (seen left, covering part of the red wire)!With the ‘chip’ removed, this is the main board on the T23; almost impossible to disconnect the red wire…!T23 120 on a temporary test track for running-in. (Note also, the dual-gauge crossing!)T23 120, beautifully detailed.
Manufacturer News
HNoll’s B4 carriages have arrived into stores and now a complete 1980s train can be assembled! From our perspective, the B2 is still desired; and given that HNoll is having to pause production, due to the poor Swedish economy and people’s inability to buy the models, we expect it to be a while before they (or the UAF7) appear as models. Back to the B4R (which later became the BF4 to signify that it had a baggage compartment (the ‘F’ in the type-code)), it is up to HNoll’s usual high standard, and is a truly beautiful model. Correctly modelled, it even has the small telephone booth next to the train crew’s compartment; a feature that soon disappeared with the widescale introduction of mobile phones. The model is also available in more recent liveries, including the BF7, which is not really any different except that SJ wanted to give the refurbished ones a new designation (but SSRT’s refurbished ones are still BF4)!
PCX87 is advertising a model of the Saab 9000 in 1985 condition. We are aware of four different colours for this, black, white, grey and silver; but at least one supplier we know of has commissioned a dark red one also. 1985 is within our epoch of interest, so we are hopeful of acquiring a few.
B4R 5417, seen just after couplings were inserted. Note doors for baggage at the far end, and the tiny window is opposite a telephone booth!Manufacturer’s prototype picture of the proposed Saab 9000.
Other News
Last month, we reported on the loss of the Warley National Model Railway Exhibition at the NEC, which usually takes place late November. It seems that in its place, there is to be The National Festival of Railway Modelling on November 23rd & 24th, at the NEC. As we understand it, this will be organised by Warners Group (same organisation that does the Alexandra Palace event among others), a commercial entity, rather than by volunteers. Regardless of whether commercial or not, we hope that it is a successful event and that it demonstrates that this hobby remains very much alive.
Behind the Scenes
Mini-Series about the new railway; 3: Trädgårdslinjen
One of the FLMJ’s defining factors was its outside location. We were determined (and advised) that in Sweden, we would move indoors due to the weather being more severe than it had been in the UK (even despite many open events in the UK getting rained off), and ‘minor damage caused by neighbouring cats’ being replaced by ‘major damage being caused by roaming elk and other wild animals’! Nevertheless, there is consideration for a summer-only outdoor section, also operating between Rickbacken and Töjnan, but allowing trains to avoid the fiddle-yards. For simplicity and safety, there should be no stations along this route, but this has not been totally ruled out. A halt, with or without passing loop could be included to add interest to the line, and the location for this potential addition has already been chosen with very little difficulty, a large boulder in the garden which in scale terms, would be a small natural mountain! It has been given the name, Vävarberg; but no more has been decided about it. Furthermore, there would be no signals or overhead cabling; just good photo opportunities of trains running through the garden, again. Such an extension would be at ground level in the garden, but in the basement however, the railway will be about 1,3m up from floor level, giving ample storage underneath without being too high, but high enough also for access to the outlets to the garden for the Trädgårdslinjen. Swedish basements are rarely 100% below ground level, and they often have windows. Operationally, this would be a ‘preserved railway’, which within a heritage railway might seem a bit odd, but it gives the older outline stock (steam locos for example) a good excuse to be used. The name simply translates as “The Garden Line”.
Strax efter ankomsten av Pocher C3b anlände deras DF5 under oktober! Det betyder att vi nu har båda deras 2-axliga personvagnar; båda mycket gamla, men båda imponerande noggranna i detalj; ovanligt för deras ålder! Den här har en låda, men vi behöver fortfarande jobba på kopplingarna! Den har redan fått några modifieringar, så återigen var priset angenämt.
Vi har fler nyheter om den nya järnvägen som ska byggas här, och det spännande projekt som den har potential att bli. Huvudjärnvägen i H0-skala/spår kommer att kallas Rickbacken—Töjnan Järnväg. Rickbacken blir huvuddiorama med en storstadsscen. Töjnan, och en tredje station, Skarpa Gård, blir mindre men kommer att få lika mycket uppmärksamhet i sin konstruktion och utveckling. Istället för att följa FLMJ:s tema nord-mitt-syd blir Rickbacken ett typiskt tätortsområde, Skarpa Gård blir öppet land och Töjnan blir mest industri. En sak som FLMJ saknade var en smalspårig linje, trots att smalspåret är så populärt och flitigt använt i Sverige; men trädgårdsmiljön var helt enkelt inte rätt. Vi har nu möjlighet till flera smalspåriga linjer, H0e (9 mm för att representera Sveriges 802 mm spårvidd), H0m (12 mm för att representera Sveriges 1067 mm “cape” spårvidd), och H0n3 (10,5 mm för att representera Sveriges 891 mm spårvidd); men tankar om H0n2 (7 mm för att representera Sveriges 600 mm industrimätare) och ännu mindre skulle vara för för tidigt i detta skede! Det har förekommit funderingar om en spårväg då denna skulle vara väldigt svensk, men trolleybussar är osannolikt för även om Sverige har dem, och har haft dem, så verkar det inte ha funnits några under Epok-IV! En extra möjlighet för huvudjärnvägen är att ha en “bara bra väder” utomhusdel. Men det ser en lång väg framåt och kanske inte kommer att förverkligas. Bygget bör starta 2024, efter att golv, tak och väggar har gjorts mer “hemtrevliga”.
Tillverkarens Nyheter
Efter en paus med uppdateringar (uppenbarligen inget nytt att rapportera), har HNoll nu meddelat att medan B4-vagnarna och liknande har betalats för, kommer de att levereras; men allt annat får vänta tills allas ekonomier har återhämtat sig. Även om det inte är helt goda nyheter, är det det mest förnuftiga alternativet med tanke på de rådande omständigheterna.
Vissa H0-skala Volvo 740-modeller har kommit från Minichamps, men bilderna tyder på att PCX87-modellerna är bättre detaljerade och bättre proportionerliga! Detta är överraskande med tanke på den höga detaljnivån som deras mer sportiga bilar har!
Andra intressanta nyheter
MJ-Hobby hade sin Tåglördag under oktober och som det börjar bli vanligt var det inspirerande för oss att se layouterna som visades för naturskön inspiration. Landskapet på FLMJ var väldigt grundläggande på grund av utomhushänsyn, en fullständig kontrast till den sista inomhusplaneringen som generaldirektören hade byggt på 1980-talet! Så hela teamet förbereder sig för den nya utmaningen.
Under tiden var ett tåg som körde längs det tidigare NOJ perfekt tidsbestämt för ett besök i området (till huset), och den typiska ångrelaterade lukten, förlåt, aromen från ångloket på baksidan var fantastisk!
Hot on the heels of the arrival of the Pocher C3b, their DF5 arrived during October! This means that we now have both of their 2-axle carriages; both very old, but both impressively accurate in detail; unusual for their age! This one has a box, but we still need to work on the couplings! It has already received some modifications, so again, its price was agreeable.
The Pocher DF5 (right) is seen adjacent to their C3b (on a display track).
We have more news about the new railway, and the exciting project that it has the potential to become.
The main H0-scale/gauge railway will be called the “Rickbacken—Töjnan Järnväg”. Rickbacken will be the main diorama with the largest scenic area. Töjnan, and a third station, Skarpa Gård, will be smaller but will receive as much attention in their construction and development. Instead of following the FLMJ’s theme of north-central-south, Rickbacken will be a typical town area, Skarpa Gård will be open country, and Töjnan will be mostly industrial. One thing that the FLMJ lacked was a narrow-gauge line, despite narrow-gauge being so popular and widely used in Sweden; but the garden environment just wasn’t right. We now have the possibility for several narrow-gauge lines, H0e (9mm to represent Sweden’s 802mm gauge), H0m (12mm to represent Sweden’s 1067mm ‘cape’ gauge), and H0n3 (10,5mm to represent Sweden’s 891mm gauge); but thoughts about H0n2 (7mm to represent Sweden’s 600mm industrial gauge) and even smaller would be too premature at this stage! There have been musings about a tramway as this would be very Swedish, but trolleybuses are unlikely because although Sweden has them, and has had them, there seems to be a gap during Epoch-IV! One extra possibility for the main railway, is to have a “good-weather-only” outdoor section. But, that is looking a long way ahead, and might not come to fruition.
Construction should start in 2024, after the floors, ceilings and walls have been made more ‘homely’.
Manufacturer News
After a pause with updates (evidently nothing new to report), HNoll has now advised that whilst the B4 carriages and those like them have been paid for, they will be delivered; but all else will have to wait until everybody’s economies have recovered. Whilst not entirely good news, it is the most sensible option given the current circumstances. Some H0-scale Volvo 740 models have arrived from Minichamps, but the pictures suggest that the PCX87 ones are better detailed, and better proportioned! This is surprising given the high level of detail that their more sporty cars have!
Other News
MJ-Hobby had their Tåglördag (train-Saturday) during October, and as is becoming typical, it was inspiring for us to see the layouts on display for scenic inspiration. Scenery upon the FLMJ was very basic due to the outdoor considerations, a complete contrast the last indoor layout that the Director General had built in the 1980s! So, the whole team is gearing up for the new challenge.
Scenic inspiration for our new railway. We do have this Y1/YF1 railbus combination, but our road vehicles will be in right-hand traffic (post 1967)!
In the meantime, a train operating along the former NOJ was perfectly timed for a visit to the area (to the house), and the typical steam-related smell, sorry, aroma from the steam loco at the back was awesome!
A preserved T41 diesel brings an enthusiasts’ special train along the former ‘Bockabanan’!A class A5 steam loco assists with propelling, ready to be at the front on the return trip!
Behind the Scenes
Mini-Series around the FLMJ; K: The future
We have looked at the many means of keeping our friends (known and otherwise) informed and up to date with the Railway’s progress. So, what about the future? We have already decided against continuation of “FLMJ-Nytt”, “AJ-Nyheter”, and the Year Book in their current formats. Updates on our website will naturally continue (updated monthly seems to make sense) and quite possibly the production of an annual review which combines elements of the Year Book and the Stock List (and the regular journal), could be a good idea. Naturally, the new railway will be written about in articles for the main magazines. But the old layout is not forgotten; and we are preparing a book about that Railway. All of the resources are being examined; the publicly available publications, and the various reports; all combined into one overview of what was a remarkable and unusual railway. From time to time, other social media platforms are mentioned and suggested. Some seem inappropriate, some have a poor reputation. But the way in which we use the website seems good enough for our purpose, so any progression onto these platforms seems unlikely, at least for now. An annual review has always been considered interesting. It puts the Railway’s development into perspective, and serves a sense of nostalgia. Over the last year, a new format has been developed, inspired by the “Lok & Vagnar” series produced by Stenvalls; but for us, remaining as an annual production. It will serve as an overview, and we would like to give it a new title, but we’re still working on that! It will be created in Publisher again, and a PDF version is likely to be made available online, or sent by email by request; with a paper copy being equally available. Desktop publishing in whatever form is widely produced today. In fact, today, even the term ‘desktop’ seems almost obsolete with people posting updates on the social media platforms via their smartphones. Presentation and layout (and quite often, grammar and spelling) are seemingly considered not so important on these platforms, and pre-selective text often leads to much mirth and embarrassment! For the foreseeable future, we will continue to use ‘desktop’; we will use ‘Publisher’ and PDF; our updates will be timebound (not casually as-and-whenever); and we will endeavour to present a professional image. But of course, as the times change, so might we change with them; but change needs to be for the better, not for change-sake!