Tag Archives: Dekas

Nyheterna från november 2024

Våra Nyheter

Vi har en annan modell av ånglok, förmodligen ett som väldigt få modellbyggare känner till. Den tycks överensstämma med den svenska U-klassen från förra sekelskiftet, med bara några få subtila skillnader. Men intressant nog är det en Tenshodo-modell, troligen konverterad från dess amerikanska specifikation, och dessa prototyper levererades till flera europeiska järnvägar. Vi kommer att försöka modifiera det kosmetiska utseendet för att göra det ännu närmare “U” under nästa år. Eftersom den antagligen är 75 år gammal var den dålig efter leverans, men med en liten städ- och oljarunda fungerar den nästan som ny nu.

Vi förstår nu att Dekas-modellerna inte är avsedda för analoga järnvägar. De levereras endast med “avkodnings”-chips (med eller utan ljud), som felaktigt ryktas vara OK på analoga system. Sådant nonsens prövades på FLMJ och de fungerar inte tillförlitligt på analoga alls. För vår Y2K-modell har vi nu skaffat ett ersättningschip från en tredje part för att passa in i sockeln för att modellen ska fungera korrekt. (Digitrains [www.digitrains.co.uk] säljer sin BP21, en 21-stifts Blanking Plug, för £2 (vid presstillfället), vilket vi är mycket nöjda med.) Det skulle kosta Dekas väldigt lite att göra denna investering för deras modeller (ett analogt chip för att passa uttaget) och skulle öka kundlojaliteten. Ändå förstår vi att de fortfarande utreder problemet som det ser ut.

Tillverkarens Nyheter

De orangea Jeco Rc-loken har blivit försenade på grund av ett färgfel på fabriken, men början av 2025 är den nya leveransuppskattningen för rätt modell. De lägger till ytterligare ett orange (Rc) lok till sitt utbud och ett svart.

Roco har gett ut en ny uppsättning ‘Mas’-vagnar, men som typ ‘Ud’ med UIC-nummer; artikel 6600069. Som vi förstår det är detta ett paket med fyra olika numrerade vagnar, och det fastställda priset är cirka 1600 kr.

One87 har tagit fram det typiska svenska buffertblocket, tillgängligt via Tradera i ett paket om fyra; ett efterlängtat tillskott till den svenska H0-skalan! Dessa gula block ses över hela Sverige, och det är underförstått att de också används i mindre utsträckning i grannlandet Norge. En annan svensk tillverkare har gjort olika buffertstopp av mer generisk karaktär, och ville se hur bra de sålde innan man bestämmer sig för att göra denna gula version eller inte. Det här är en galen policy för om folk inte vill ha fel vara kommer de inte att köpa fel vara! One87 har även producerat för försäljning via Tradera, den typiska svenska telefonkiosken typ M61, en sandlåda i olika färger och en soptunna! Se dem på https://www.tradera.com/profile/items/4123195/one87

Vi är ledsna att höra att innehavaren på Modellproduktion, Bengt Lindberg, plötsligt avlidit. Han hade tillverkat modeller av tåg som r-t-r-tillverkarna hade försummat, som T45- och Tc-diesellokomotiven, som vi har modeller av, men också fler som vi hade hoppats på att skaffa när pengarna tillät. (Vi vet inte om någon annan har tagit på sig produktionen.) Knappt hade dammet lagt sig från denna sorgliga nyhet, vi hörde också att Sven-Olof Olofsson på Entec har dött. Sven-Olof hade tillverkat många komponenter för svensk kontaktledning i H0-skala, inklusive fint detaljerade men fungerande strömavtagare; förutom olika andra mycket användbara artefakter inklusive signalering. Vi framför våra uppriktiga kondoleanser till båda familjerna.

Andra intressanta nyheter

Vi kommer att ha bara en månadsuppdatering till efter denna. Syftet med denna webbplats har varit att främja vår(a) järnväg(ar) och intresset för svensk järnvägsmodellering. Den är inte tänkt som en blogg, vilket den har sett ut att ha blivit! Istället kommer vi att ge uppdateringar i februari, maj, augusti och november, med fokus främst på utvecklingen av den nya järnvägen, men också för att komma med andra intressanta och relevanta nyheter.

Samtidigt, för att göra den här webbplatsen mer anpassad för sitt avsedda syfte, kommer vi att ta ner några artiklar och ersätta dem med mer direkt information om modellering av den svenska järnvägen, lättare att läsa och lättare att hitta relevant information. Vi hade startat denna process under 2024, men vår vision var inte klar. Det är nu.

News from November 2024

Our News

We’ve acquired another model steam locomotive, quite possibly one that very few know about. It seems to conform to the Swedish U-class from the turn of the last century, with only a few subtle differences. But interestingly, it is a Tenshodo model, probably converted from its American specification, and these prototypes were supplied to several European railways. We will try to modify the cosmetic appearance to make it even closer to the ‘U’ during the next year. Being probably about 75 years old, its post delivery performance was poor, but with a little TLC (including cleaning and oiling round), it is running almost as new, now.

It is now understood that Dekas models are not intended for analogue railways. They are only supplied with ‘decoding’ chips (with or without sound), which are rumoured incorrectly to be OK on analogue systems. Such nonsense was trialled on the FLMJ and they do not work reliably on analogue at all. For our Y2K model, we have now obtained a replacement chip from a third-party to fit into the socket to allow the model to function properly. (Digitrains [www.digitrains.co.uk] sells their BP21, a 21 pin Blanking Plug, for £2 (at time of press), which we are very satisfied with.) It would cost Dekas very little to make this investment for their models (an analogue chip to fit the socket) and would boost customer loyalty. Nevertheless, we understand that they are still investigating the problem as it stands.

Manufacturer News

The Jeco orange Rc-locos have been delayed due to a livery error at the factory, but early 2025 is the new estimate for the correct model. They are adding another orange (Rc) loco to the line-up and a black one.

Roco has issued a new set of ‘Mas’ wagons, but as type ‘Ud’ with UIC numbers; article 6600069. As we understand it, this is a pack of four differently numbered wagons, and the set price is around 1600 kr.

One87 has produced the quintessential Swedish buffer-block, available via Tradera in a pack of four; a long overdue addition to the Swedish H0-scale scene! These yellow blocks are seen all over Sweden, and it is understood that they are also used to a lesser extent in neighbouring Norway. Another Swedish manufacturer has made different buffer stops of a more generic nature, and wanted to see how well they sold before deciding whether or not to make this yellow version. This is a crazy policy because if people don’t want the wrong item, they won’t buy the wrong item! One87 has also produced for sale via Tradera, the quintessential Swedish telephone kiosk type M61, a sand box in assorted colours, and a waste bin for the pre-wheely-bin epoch! See them at https://www.tradera.com/profile/items/4123195/one87

We are saddened to hear of the sudden passing of the proprietor at Modellproduktion, Bengt Lindberg. He had been producing models of trains that the r-t-r manufacturers had neglected, such as the T45 and Tc diesel locomotives, of which we have models, but also more that we had hoped to acquire when funds permitted. (We do not know if anyone else has taken on the production.) Hardly had the dust settled from this sad news, we heard also that Sven-Olof Olofsson at Entec has passed away. Sven-Olof had been producing many components for Swedish overhead electrification in H0 scale, including finely detailed but working pantographs; in addition to various other very useful artefacts including signalling. We offer our sincere condolences to both families.

Other News

We will have one more monthly update after this. The purpose of this website has been to promote our railway(s) and an interest in Swedish railway modelling. It is not intended as a blog, which is what it has seemed to have become! Instead, we will provide updates in February, May, August and November, focussing mainly on the development of the new railway, but also to bring other interesting and relevant news.

At the same time, to make this website more fit for its intended purpose, we are going to take down a few articles and replace them with more direct information about modelling the Swedish railways, easier to read and easier to find the relevant information. We had started this process during 2024, but our vision wasn’t clear. It is now.

Behind the Scenes

Mini-Series about the new railway; 12: Taking Stock

This year, we have described the proposed new railway (or railways (plural)) being built here at our new location in Sweden. As before, none of this will be open to the general public; but guest events will be organised, and anyone interested in joining the guest-list will be welcome to get in touch.

The Railway will continue in 12v analogue. Both arguments (analogue and digital) have their merits, but for us and for what we enjoy with this hobby, analogue is the clear winner. The Railway continues to represent something in miniature, and should be regarded as a Railway, not as a train-set. (There is a Brio train set available, to entertain our younger visitors!) The Signalling is designed to be easily understood, even with the aspects and indications that seem unusual to non-Swedish operators. And yes, there is a timetable being developed, which will have the curious feature of no moving trains at times that coincide with fika and lunch breaks!
Scenery is one of our biggest challenges. Before the KRBJ, there was an indoor layout (not Swedish) which was a scenic diorama that happened to have a railway running through it. The diorama was convincing and very photogenic; but that was a long time ago. The main town scene at Rickbacken is to be inspired by the drawing of a town inside the back cover of a children’s book series; a layout that is perfectly suitable for a very Swedish diorama—Axel and Omar would approve (to appreciate this subtlety; you’d need to be familiar with the books)! The manor house at Skarpa Gård will probably need to be scratch-built (and the last project of that nature was also a long time ago) to be convincing. And making everything fit in at Töjnan could be worthy of a book of its own! Along the Stuverydsbäckens Järnväg, no scenic plans have been made yet; and none are intended along Trädgårdslinjen.
And then, the ultimate enjoyment of sharing what we have created. An article that could be published in the British journal, “Continental Modeller” is possible; and more likely is a similar article in the Swedish journal, “Modelljärnvägsmagasinet”. Our website and a certain video-hosting channel will be kept up to date, also. But, with the Köpingsvik diorama, a physical presence out-and-about will also be possible.

All this requires time, effort and money. As we found in the last year with the FLMJ especially (though, we already knew, of course), the availability of time and money are exact opposites when one’s income provides the money, but the time needs to be spent earning that income! The effort now needs to include maintenance of the basement in which the Railway is located (the house owners have been getting it ready for us to use). But, as before, this will not be the work of one person. It needs a team effort, and that is why we have the Friends.

The phoenix has risen. “Adnalms Järnvägar” is ‘back in play’. Välkommen tillbaka!

Nyheter från september 2024

Våra Nyheter

På modelljärnvägsmässan på Nässjö under september fick vi chansen att prata med någon från MJ-Hobby/Jeco om problemen vi har med dieselloket T23. Problemet är känt och är begränsat till den första batchen; de har skickat ett ersättnings “blanking”-chip utan kostnad.

Vi har köpt ett modellhus; inget speciellt att skrika över förutom att den har egenskaper från flera av husen i vårt närområde. Det är alltså ett ”typiskt småländska hus” från 1940-talet, som vi kommer att hitta plats för!

Tillverkarens Nyheter

Dekas Y2 har äntligen kommit in i butikerna. Vi räknar med att ett antal av de Heljanska dyker upp på andrahandsmarknaden!

Dekas har annonserat ett par intressanta nya föreslagna vagnar. Den ena är ‘His’-vagnen, som är en korsning mellan ‘Gs’ och ‘Hbis’ – eller enklare uttryckt, som ‘Hbis’ med skjutbara sidoväggssektioner istället för dörrar, men på den kortare längden av ‘Gs’ vagn. Till en början kommer det att finnas tre tillgängliga. Den andra artikeln är en öppen version av “Udg” av vilken det bara kommer att finnas två, plus tre som pre-UIC typ “Kö”.

HNoll har sagt att de kommer att förbereda SJ B2/B10-vagnarna för produktion, och tycks inse att marknaden är för svag för att överväga produktionen (för närvarande) av deras andra förslag. Detta är klokt med tanke på att 1980-talets vagnar har en kundbas och folk vill färdigställa de HNoll-tåg som de har startat; medan Ma-loco och X10/X11/X12/X14 enheterna (och andra serie personvagnar) skulle vara en ny osäker marknad för dem. Naturligtvis välkomnar vi dessa nyheter och väntar ivrigt på B2 (och första serie A7/B7) vagnarna. Förhoppningen är att B2/B10-vagnarna ska vara tillgängliga under 2025.

Andra intressanta nyheter

Det verkar inte finnas några andra relevanta nyheter för tillfället!

News from September 2024

Our News

At the model railway exhibition at Nässjö during September, we got the chance to speak to someone from MJ-Hobby/Jeco about the problems we’re having with the T23 diesel locomotive. The problem is a known one and is limited to the first batch; so they’ve sent a replacement ‘blanking’ chip free of charge.

We have bought a model house; nothing especially to shout about except that it has characteristics from several of the houses in our local neighbourhood. So, it is a “typical Småländska house” from the 1940s, which we will find a location for!

Manufacturer News

The Dekas Y2 has arrived into the shops at last. We expect a number of Heljan ones to appear on the second-hand market!

Dekas has announced a couple of interesting new proposals. One is the ‘His’ wagon, which is a cross between the ‘Gs’ and the ‘Hbis’ – or more simply put, like the ‘Hbis’ with sliding sidewall sections instead of doors, but at the shorter length of the ‘Gs’ wagon. Initially there will be three available. The other item is an open-top version of the ‘Udg’ of which there will be only two, plus three as pre-UIC type ‘Kö’.

HNoll has said that they will prepare the SJ B2/B10 carriages for production, seemingly recognising that the market is too weak to consider the production (at this time) of their other proposals. This is wise given that 1980s carriages have a customer base and people want to complete the HNoll rakes that they have started; whereas the Ma-loco and X10/X11/X12/X14 units (and other series carriages) would be a new uncertain market for them. Naturally, we welcome this news, eagerly awaiting the B2 (and first series A7/B7) carriages. It is hoped that the B2/B10 carriages will be available during 2025.

Other News

There seems to be no other relevant news at the moment.

Behind the Scenes

Mini-Series about the new railway; 10: Köpingsvik revisited
Most modellers in Sweden, tend to build, as we are, layouts that are permanently fixed into place. Model Railway Exhibitions in Sweden are few and far between; the public events that are organised are mostly for buy-and-sell (where there might be the one layout on display also), or for the so-called modular systems, where the members build sections for a display layout, sections which have to meet certain criteria, especially at the ends, so that any two can be joined together and they will line up! Thus, very large layouts are created. But, they’re entirely DCC, and so have a limited following (and also require an enormous amount of planning and setting up, somewhat dependent on who is actually going to turn up with a module)! So, what about the odd one or two stand-alone layouts that make it to the buy-and-sell events?

There is a bit of a personal attachment to the Köpingsvik theme. This is where it all started, for us. And, although we know now that the diorama is a very unlikely one, it was an interesting model and continues to invoke fond memories, even though both track layouts (remember there was Mk.1 and Mk.2) were quite a challenge. Maybe a Mk.3 can carry the memory and the theme; but by taking advantage of all that we have learned over the last 30 years, can it be much more authentic in how we present it?
How would we present it? The golden rule offered to us when we were building the first, was sugar beet traffic! Loads of ‘O’ wagons with sugar beets would be the most authentic trains that we could run, and so this is easy to do. There would also be a few other goods trains carrying general goods, so the ‘G-’ wagons would be good here, but not things such as container wagons! Passenger trains would have diesel railbuses (Y6, Y1, or Y2 according to epoch) for the local routes, and probably electric units or loco-hauled trains for the main line to the mainland. And the idea of sleeper carriages detached from passing trains on the mainline at Alvesta is quite appropriate in the summer timetable.

Any new Köpingsvik would be independent of the RTJ, and time could only be afforded to it, if there is a situation causing a pause in the development of the RTJ. (This could be due to glue-drying time, or awaiting delivery of materials, or whatever.) Operationally, better-suited models are now available, and the mere thought of it is causing quite a stir among our Friends.

Next Month: Making it all work.

Nyheter från augusti 2024

Våra Nyheter

Ett litet team av vänner undersökte den tilldelade platsen för den nya järnvägen; mäta det, besluta om material som ska användas och den ungefärliga kostnaden, rum för rum. Den förenklade karaktären hos de tidigare FLMJ:s golvlister är perfekt lämpliga, och med endast subtila förfinningar, kommer den att kopieras här. Förutom golvlisternas material och konstruktion övervägdes hålen för att bära järnvägen genom väggarna och de verktyg som behövdes för att möjliggöra dem. Dessutom övervägdes elförsörjningen och vissa VVS-ändringar, liksom tillhandahållandet av en ny säkerhetsdörr.

Tillverkarens Nyheter

De nya Dekas “Gs” och “Hbis” godsvagnarna har anlänt till butikerna under månaden. Medan “Hbis”-vagnarna är en omkörning av sina tidigare modeller (som möjliggör längre autentiska tåg utan att behöva numrera om dem), har “Gs”-vagnarna tillverkats i samarbete med NMJ, som tidigare har gjort versioner av dessa, så det finns borde inte vara några problem med kompatibilitet.

Andra intressanta nyheter

SJAB har meddelat att de drar in pendeltåget Stockholm till Uppsala från tidtabellsändringen i december och skyller på illojal konkurrens från SL och Mälartåg som får kommunalbidrag. SJAB är ett privat aktiebolag som ägs av svenska staten och har till uppgift att driva lönsam kollektivtrafik på järnväg. Därför har de inte fått subventioner, och som alla statliga organisationer finns det inga investeringar. SJAB-biljetter är mycket dyrare än sina konkurrenter, och det är om man kan få sin app att fungera, vilket många resenärer inte kan. (Appar är det enda sättet att köpa SJ-biljetter nu!) Tyvärr kör inte deras konkurrenter trafik som stannar vid Märsta (SL-tåget slutar där), så lokalbefolkningen kommer att förlora på det. De konkurrenter erbjuder inte heller förstklassiga sittplatser.

News from August 2024

(Sorry, no pictures, this month!)

Our News

A small team of Friends surveyed the allocated space for the new railway; measuring up, determining the materials to be used, and the approximate costings, room by room. The simplistic nature of the former FLMJ baseboards is perfectly suitable, and with only subtle refinements, will be copied here. In addition to the materials and construction of the baseboards, the holes to carry the railway through the walls were considered and the tools needed to enable them. Additionally, the electrical supply and some plumbing alterations were considered, as well as the provision of a new security door.

Manufacturer News

The new Dekas ‘Gs’ and ‘Hbis’ wagons have been arriving into shops during the month. Whilst the ‘Hbis’ wagons are a re-run of their earlier models (enabling longer authentic trains without having to renumber them), the ‘Gs’ wagons have been made in conjunction with NMJ, who has previously made versions of these, so there should be no issues with compatibility.

Other News

SJAB has announced that they will withdraw the Stockholm to Uppsala “pendel” train from the timetable change in December, blaming unfair competition from SL and Mälartåg who receive local government subsidies. SJAB is a private limited company owned by the Swedish government and tasked with operating profitable public railway transport. Therefore, they have not received subsidies, and like any government organisation there is no investment. SJAB tickets are much pricier than their competitors, and that is if one can get their app to work, which many travellers cannot. (Apps are the only way to buy SJ tickets, now!) Sadly, their competitors do not operate services stopping at Märsta (the SL train terminates there), so local people will lose out. The competitors do not offer first class seating, either. It is also a little sad to reflect that during the FLMJ Director General’s first holiday to Sweden in 1990, this train service was used several times and it has been a staple of regional train services, providing (mostly) travel in traditional loco-hauled carriages, including one with one compartment – how nostalgic!

Behind the Scenes

Mini-Series about the new railway; 9: Tuppkråksjärnvägen!

So far, we have considered, not only the RTJ, a replacement for the FLMJ; but also no fewer than four narrow-gauge lines (each to a different gauge,) and a tramway. Satisfied that we had exhausted all reasonable options, it was taken with some mirth when another possibility was suggested. Thus, came the Tuppkråksjärnvägen, a miniature ‘pleasure’ railway, not small enough to represent the interest that some of our Friends have in 7¼” gauge railways (184mm in metric); but the name pays respect to the Great Cockcrow Railway, where the FLMJ’s Director General had been a member for 39 years, and some of our Friends still are. The track gauge would be as used for so-called ‘T’ scale (3mm, don’t confuse with ‘TT’); but this proposal is so unlikely, that there really is nothing more that can be said about it for now, or for a long time! It would represent 10¼” gauge (260mm); the next regular size up from the GCR’s!

Next Month: Köpingsvik revisited!

Nyheter från mars 2024

Våra Nyheter

Det finns inga nyheter från oss denna månad!

Tillverkarens Nyheter

Dekas har annonserat produktionen (för 2025) av SJ “Lnps”-vagnen, en 2-axlig timmerbärande chassivagn med U-formade pålar. Det här är en efterlängtad modell, och den kommer att fylla ett tomrum i de ‘nödvändiga modellerna’ för svenska järnväg (trä och malm är två av Sveriges största exportvaror)! Modellproduktion producerar redan ett byggsats av de mycket lika “Lps” och det finns ingen anledning till att de två typerna inte kan köra i samma tåg. (Från vårt exemplar av “SJF 636.1” fanns det 24 ‘Lps’ och flera hundra av ‘Lnps’. Visuella skillnader är små och ‘n’ betyder att den har en maximal belastningsgräns över 30t. Minst två typer av “Lnps” har funnits, kanske fler, men typ 871 är färre i antal, något lättare och kortare med kortare hjulbas än typ 891; Dekas-modellen kommer att vara 891.)

Fler nyheter från Dekas är att deras svenska Ge-vagn troligen kommer att dyka upp runt augusti, men eftersom det är semesterperioden förväntar vi oss att den uppskattningen är flexibel. Fortfarande inga nyheter om ‘Y2’, dock.

Andra intressanta nyheter

I vår januariuppdatering, publicerad i februari, rapporterade vi om förlusten av Warley National Model Railway Exhibition; och sedan i följande uppdatering, om en annan organisation som kommer att tillhandahålla ett mycket liknande evenemang på samma plats under samma allmänna helg. Nu har vi ytterligare en uppdatering!
Warley Model Railway Club samarbetar med Statfold Narrow Gauge Museum Trust Ltd för att hålla ett helt nytt uppvisningsevenemang för järnvägsmodeller på Trusts plats i Statfold Country Park nära Tamworth, Staffordshire. Märkes som “Warley at Statfold” är evenemanget planerat till helgen den 12 och 13 oktober 2024 och inträdesbiljetter kommer att inkludera modelljärnvägsutställningen, full tillgång till museets lokomotiv och lagersamling, obegränsade tågturer på båda smal- spårvägsjärnvägar och chansen för besökande familjer att njuta av många barntema-attraktioner också på platsen. Se https://thewarleyshow.co.uk/ för mer information. Skulle vi få kännedom om att en svensk modelljärnväg kommer att visas på evenemanget, eller att Scandinavian Railways Society kommer att vara närvarande, lägger vi till detaljerna på vår [Events] evenemangssida.

News from March 2024

Our News

There’s no news from us this month!

Manufacturer News

Dekas has announced the production (for 2025) of the SJ ‘Lnps’ wagon, a 2-axle timber-carrying chassis wagon with U-shaped stakes. This is a long overdue model, and it will fill a gap in the ‘essential models’ for Swedish railways (timber and ore are two of Sweden’s largest exports)! Modellproduktion already produces a kit of the very similar ‘Lps’ and there is no reason why the two types cannot run in the same train. (From our copy of “SJF 636.1”, there were 24 ‘Lps’ and several hundred of the ‘Lnps’. Visual differences are slight and the ‘n’ signifies that it has a maximum load limit over 30t. At least two types of ‘Lnps’ have existed, maybe more, but the version 871 is fewer in number, slightly lighter and shorter with a shorter wheelbase than version 891; the Dekas model will be the 891.)

More news from Dekas is that their Swedish ‘Ge’ wagon is likely to appear around August, but being the holiday season, we expect that estimate to be flexible. Still no news on the ‘Y2’, however.

Other News

In our January update, published February, we reported on the loss of the Warley National Model Railway Exhibition; and then in the following update, about another organisation that will provide a very similar event at the same location on the same general weekend. Now, we have a further update!
The Warley Model Railway Club is teaming up with the Statfold Narrow Gauge Museum Trust Ltd to hold a brand new railway modelling showcase event at the Trust’s Statfold Country Park venue near Tamworth, Staffordshire. Branded as “Warley at Statfold” the event is planned for the weekend of the 12 & 13 October 2024 and entry tickets will include the model railway exhibition, full access to the Museums locomotive and stock collection, unlimited train rides on both of the narrow-gauge railways and the chance for visiting families to enjoy numerous children’s themed attractions also on the site. See https://thewarleyshow.co.uk/ for more information. Should we become aware that a Swedish layout will be on display at the event, or that the Scandinavian Railways Society will be present, we’ll add the details to our Events page.

Behind the Scenes

Mini-Series about the new railway; 4: Stuverydsbäckens Järnväg

There had been a plan for the FLMJ to add a narrow-gauge section, the so called “Södra Folketsparks Järnväg”. The actual route was never confirmed (though, Gärde to Folketspark/Siljansnäs was a popular idea), and it was eventually realised that this smaller gauge in the garden would be just asking for trouble. So, the entire collection (all H0e (9mm gauge) and not at all Swedish) was sold off.

Indoors now, we can reconsider. There is a fourth room in the basement, but one with limited clearances due to the staircase from the house above. A narrow-gauge railway with its minimal clearance requirements, and ability to negotiate smaller radii curves, is being considered for this room, but to also go through the walls at each end to ‘meet’ the stations at Rickbacken and Töjnan!

Being a significant addition to the whole diorama, it really ought to be H0n3 (10½mm gauge) to represent Sweden’s popular 891mm gauge (not exactly, but close enough). The trains, needing to be of mostly Swedish origin, would need to be kit-built, and ought to include a type YP railbus, among other things. It’s a tough project, and won’t be given much thought until the RTJ is fully operational, first; but it’s one that we have high hopes for! The name comes from a nearby nature reserve.

Next Month: Fenixås Jernväg.

Nyheter från november 2023

Våra Nyheter

Det har inte varit någon aktivitet på våra modeller under november.

Förståeligt nog kommer det inga RTJ-nyheter på några månader ännu. Källaren där RTJ kommer att byggas ansågs vid besiktning vara fuktig. Innan vi påbörjade någon grävning runt huset utanför (för att förbättra isoleringen) bestämde vi oss för att undersöka möjligheten att bristen på uppvärmning i kombination med en öppen golvbrunn kunde ha bidragit till detta. Vi har kunnat använda en kraftfull avfuktare, och redan resultatet är mest uppmuntrande: den har använts i två rum och väggarna där är nu torra. Uppvärmning kommer att tillhandahållas härnäst (en luftpump måste vänta tills det finns mer “investeringsresurs” (pengar) tillgängliga), och vi är försiktigt säkra på att starta järnvägen under våren, nästa år.

Tillverkarens Nyheter

Dekas ska producera fler versioner av sin framgångsrika svenska Hbis-vagn och några nya Ge/Gs-vagnar, några av de senare i ASG-färg.

Roco har annonserat en annan version av deras Dm3 lok; artikelnummer 7500006 är i tidigare skick (nummerserier 834-845, 942-957, 968-986, inte 1201-1250), men fotot är ett montage och de faktiska löpande numren är inte kända. Det finns även AC- och DCC-versioner med olika artikelnummer.

Andra intressanta nyheter

Den årliga Hjulmarknaden ägde rum på Solna i slutet av november, en vecka tidigare än den vanliga ”lördagen samma helg som första söndagen i advent”. På grund av förvirringen om datumet (som också hade citerats fel ett tag) ställdes långdistansbesökare (våra vänner och andra från Storbritannien, till exempel) upp och deltog inte.

Ändå kunde vi köpa en modellbil. En ganska speciell sådan, och modellen byggdes från grunden (så den är lite sällsynt och var inte billig, men inte för dyr heller). Det är en Kalmar Tjorven 441-C; ett fordon som används av Posten. De hade ett Daf-44-chassi och tillverkades i början av 1970-talet, men togs ur drift under 1976.

SJ har stängt alla biljettkontor och tagit bort alla biljettautomater. Detta betyder inte att resan är gratis; passagerare måste köpa online via hemsidan eller deras app. Vissa användares erfarenhet är att varken webbplatsen eller appen är särskilt effektiva; och det har i vissa fall visat sig omöjligt att köpa biljetter. “Chatbot” och kundtjänst är lika ohjälpsamma. Vi känner till minst två andra biljettleverantörer, och om våra undersökningar är framgångsrika kommer vi att länka till dem.

News from November 2023

Our News

There has been no activity on our models during November.

Understandably, there will be no RTJ news for a few months, yet. The basement where the RTJ will be built was considered, at inspection, to be damp. Before commencing any digging around the house outside (in order to improve the insulation), we decided to investigate the possibility that the lack of heating, coupled with an open floor drain, could have contributed to this. We have been able to use a powerful dehumidifier, and already the results are most encouraging: it has been used in two rooms and the walls there are now dry. Heating will be provided next (an air pump will have to wait until there is more ‘investment resource’ (money) available), and we are cautiously confident of starting the Railway during the Spring, next year.

Manufacturer News

Dekas is to produce more versions of their successful Swedish ‘Hbis‘ wagon, and some new ‘Ge‘/’Gs‘ wagons, some of the latter in ASG livery.

Roco has announced a different version of their Dm3 loco; article number 7500006 is in the earlier condition (number series 834-845, 942-957, 968-986, not 1201-1250), but the photo is a montage and the actual running numbers are not known. There are also AC and DCC versions with different article numbers.

Other News

The annual Hjulmarknaden (“wheel fayre”) took place at Solna at the end of November, one week earlier than the usual “Saturday of the same weekend as the first Sunday in Advent” (first Sunday is four weeks before Christmas (not essentially the first in December), thus 27th November to 3rd December). Due to the confusion about the date (which had also been misquoted for a while), longer distance visitors (our friends and others from the UK, for example) were put off and didn’t attend.

Nevertheless, we were able to buy a model car. A rather special one, and the model was built from scratch (so it’s a bit rare, and wasn’t cheap, but not over-priced, either). It’s a Kalmar Tjorven 441-C; a vehicle used by the Swedish Post Service, with right-side drive so that the driver can put the mail into the roadside mailboxes without having to leave the vehicle. They had a Daf-44 chassis, and were produced in the early 1970s, but were taken out of service during 1976.

SJ has closed all ticket offices and removed all ticket machines. This doesn’t mean that travel is free; passengers must buy online via the website or their app. Experience by some users is that neither the website nor the app are particularly efficient or effective; and it has in some instances proven impossible to buy tickets. The ‘chatbot’ and customer service are equally unhelpful. We know of at least two ‘third party’ ticket providers, and if our investigations are successful, then we’ll link to them.

Behind the Scenes

Mini-Series around the FLMJ; L: That ‘other’ online channel

During the many years in the UK, the FLMJ had a ‘slight’ presence on YouTube; but this was more personal for the Director General who also posted videos from other railway activities, mainly do with railways in 7¼” gauge! In nearly all cases, the uploaded videos were ‘point and shoot’ with no editing. There was a pause function on one of the smartphones, but it was not reliable. Using time off (from having a layout to work on), some video editing resources have been looked at and played with. We think it would be nice if we can present a 5-10 minutes quarterly update video on progress with the new railway, but we have many obstacles to overcome. If we are able to do this, then we will advise, here!

Seemingly consigned to history is the involvement with 7¼” gauge railways. They are very rare here in Sweden, and none have authentic operation or signalling, something that Adrian had been accustomed to in the UK. But our ‘channel’ can still include other videos of more relevant interest!

Starting Next Month: We are going to say more about the new railway during next year’s “Behind the Scenes” in our monthly updates.