Tag Archives: Byggsvenskt

December 2021 News

Our News

We were fortunate to acquire two Roco ballast wagons in a plain grey livery. They are the same specification as the yellow ones, but not as brightly coloured! Unfortunately, one of them has a number duplicating one of the decaled duplicates! However, we have been able to order new decals from a supplier here in Sweden, so we hope to be able to supply them before too long. At the same time, the supplier has agreed to make up some decals for our ‘freelance’ Z69 so that it can carry an authentic number quite neatly. A future order will be to replace the painted numbers that were to relabel the duplicate carriages (B7 5501, WL2 4477, and others); and even later transfers to renumber the many wagons that have incorrect UIC control digits! Check on our links page for Byggsvenskt.nu if you would also like to renumber your Swedish models (and see all the other things that are available here — this is, for example, where we got our X10 chassis from)!

Manufacturer News

SVLV (Skultorps Vagn & Lokverkstad) has produced a new motorised chassis for the Perl/UGJ Y6 railbuses. The motor is of the Faulhabertyp with flywheel and can be suited to Analogue or digital. It costs SEK 1 990 — 2 380 according to version. (Divide by 11 to get vague GBP amount!)

The Minichamps cars that were advertised for December 2021 are now shewing December 2022. There is no change to the other dates; Volvo 240 models are expected in January and Saab 900 models in February. The screenshots were taken December 29th.

Other News

Enthusiasts of the Swedish railways, in the UK seem to be in for some good news. In a social media post from the Wansford MPD (at the Nene Valley Railway), they confirm that one of the next two locos in for overhaul will be the Swedish B class number 101, which presently stands as a static exhibit at Wansford station. (An earlier news article from another source said that the Swedish S class number 1178 was to be restored. From our own investigation, 1178 is in much poorer condition and its restoration is likely to be cosmetic only. But it doesn’t have to end there; 101 has been the subject of cosmetic restoration, and now it’s moving on from there…!) 101 started life as SWB A2 101. It was manufactured by Nydqvist & Holm AB – Bofors-Nohab AB, Trollhättan, Sweden in 1944; Manufacturing number 2082. In 1945 it became SJ B 1697. This explains why the number plates on the cab sides declare that 101 is a class A. It was always painted black in Swedish service, but the British public like a bit more colour, so several of the NVR’s continental locos are painted inauthentically; 101 is a light blue!

Various pages on this website have been updated; can you find them all?

Behind the Scenes

Over the next twelve updates/months, we are going to run a small series of articles; too small to really take up space on the other pages of this website; about what the FLMJ was really about. We’ll look at a number of topics that made the FLMJ what it was, starting now, with a look at the absolute basic representation.

Mini-Series about the FLMJ, 1: The Diorama

Although the FLMJ replaced the KRBJ, the name is irrelevant with regards to the development of the garden railway. Over the entire 30 year history in the UK, improvements and refinements were continual until what we can now consider the final phase of the UK based set-up, with which we were very happy. We started with only a vague idea, which had many limitations. A simpler layout comprising a figure-of-eight inside a circuit was akin to a train set, which is not what we wanted. With the delivery of a new Park Home, we had to start all over again; and the plan for an end-to-end layout with a subtle branch line to make a circuit turned out to be the answer. It went through a few changes in terms of track layouts, but the final arrangement was absolutely ideal.

The route started from Ålunden, our fiddle yard (or ‘shadow station’ in Swedish terminology) in the shed. The main line then went around three sides of the home, before turning 180° the other way to go along the back perimeter to a final 90° turn to the terminus. The subtle branch line completed the circuit around the home. The home had been given the name, “Siljan”, so the line closing the circuit became the “Siljansbanan”.

The names were chosen to reflect the north (Fjällnäs), central (Lövhöjden) and south (Månstorp) areas of Sweden; with the great idea that the scenery would reflect those areas (all trains would work over the entire railway). However, the scenery had to be compromised in the outdoor environment; which was always a disappointment. Other names crept in. We needed a name for a halt between central and north, so Gärde was chosen. A town nearby would be called ‘Gärdestad’, which also happened to be the name of a favourite musician, who sadly passed away at the time that the name was chosen, so we have kept it ever since. Toraberg, also marking a bereavement, was the name of the house built by a friend in Sweden. But Kopparberg and Arjeplog were chosen in respect of a Harry Potter connection; deliberately subtle because not everyone would appreciate that character or creation. (In the ‘supporting book’, “Quidditch through the Ages”, reference is made to the Annual Broom Race of Sweden, which dates from the 10th Century, and goes from Kopparberg to Arjeplog. It is said that the race passes over a dragon enclosure, but we didn’t need to model that because non-magical people cannot see it!)

In the final years of the operational FLMJ, we had a track plan that worked well. There was consistency with the train services and formations; and timings. Authentically, most (passenger) trains operated to a two hourly timetable, and the goods trains worked around them. But the timetable was so well written that there were brief periods of absolute inactivity; at exactly the right times for Fika and Lunch breaks! Furthermore, it was possible to operate the basic timetable by one person, or by a group of people operating an ‘enhanced service’. The feel-good factor was very strong.

Next month we will consider the three primary locations, Lövhöjden, Månstorp and Ålunden.

November 2021 News

Our News

A running commentary of new models is not really what we wanted with this website, even in the current situation. It makes it seem as if we’re collecting trains. We’re not collectors, we’re modellers. So, we are going to steer away from that sort of news, except when there is something extra special to announce. (Also, we try to avoid buying models in November! This is because their annual service is based on the month in which they were delivered, and November has traditionally been a ‘purchase’ month. Once we’re back into the regular schedules, we have a lot of work to do every November! Once the new FLMJ is functional, we will investigate a different schedule.)
There are a few items of news that are suitable here, this month, however. First, we have obtained from Byggsvenskt, a new chassis for one of our X10 units, number 3149. This is a heavy and powerful drive system for the model, and it will be perfectly capable of working the four coach train (so X10 3148 will not be powered at all). We actually arranged for three drive-chassis units, the other two for friends of the former FLMJ who also have models of the X10 from UGJ. Secondly, and from the same supplier, we have obtained the decals required for the Yd railbus and both trailers, the UF2 and the UF6. The supplier has also agreed to make especially, some decals for the UGJ F4F baggage carriage which has the wrong number. The only numbers that seem to be available as decals are for the F4F which had the office at the end of the carriage, not the few where the office was in the centre. Guess which version ours is!

We’ve also acquired some interesting road vehicles which are worth a mention. Two Volvo Amazons and a PV544 (the last with a caravan) are Wiking models, not Brekina or Praliné/Busch. So they do not duplicate what we already have (in storage), but they give us something to use for a diorama if we can get one built! The buses are really too modern for our epoch; but these are really for a private collection, a sense of nostalgia relating to the last 30 years as a tourist to Stockholm; so although they might appear on the FLMJ from time to time, they are more likely to be used on a separate static diorama! The Checker cab respects the fact that many Swedes import and restore old American cars, and this is a classic!

Manufacturer News

HNoll advises that the next passenger carriages (B4) are likely to appear in March-May, depending on shipping options. Some carriage types are completely finished with the supplier and the BC4, WL4, WL6 and R4/R12/S12 are a closed chapter, subject to any remaining stocks with retailers. However, a small series of brown R4s will be manufactured as demand allows, and the RB11 in Blue-X/IC-11 will be supplemented if there are not enough at the release of the A11 and B11.

PCX87 has announced four new versions (colour options) of their Saab 99, but of greater excitement, a new model, the Volvo 164, in 1968 condition; again, in four colours. Many years ago Kniga Modelle made a kit of the 1973 version of this car (of which we have assembled three), so it will be nice to have one (or more) ready made!

There is little news regarding Minichamps’ proposed models. Expected during December are the Volvo 480 coupé, 740 estate, and 850 sedan. Their Volvo 240 (sedan and estate) is expected in January and both of the Saab 900 versions in February. But, the Volvo 740 sedan has been put back to September 2022.

Other News

The Modelljärnvägsmässa in Uppsala on November 13th/14th was attended on the Sunday, and took place in just one hall, even though the advertising said, “Fyrishov Hall C & D”. The fact is that the two rather small halls can be opened up to make one larger hall. Upplands MJ had their modular layout there, which incorporated a model of Uppsala station before it was modified. Whilst this is a work in progress, it was certainly inspiring, and it would be interesting to see the progress at next year’s show – they are hoping that it can become an annual event. Being a DCC layout, they seemed to spend a lot of time fiddling with it, trying to get things to work, but not universally; there was plenty of activity and some nice train rakes to admire. In addition to this, there were some train sets for children to play with, and quite a lot of traders – most of whom had stock-loads of Märklin products. It was quite refreshing to find a stall with some other brands! One wagon was purchased, but nothing else!

Hjulmarknaden in Solna on November 27th was just as big and impressive as it usually is. Cancelled last year due to the pandemic, it was good for this event to be back. This is not a model railway exhibition, and although there was one small H0-scale layout on display and a live steam track, the event was really a gathering of railway model manufacturers, and heritage railway groups. For the FLMJ, this is where we purchased the chassis and decals. Research and reference material was limited to two books and two DVDs. One mishap was a trader who had some locally produced models of the ‘Kalmar Tjorven’ post car, but asked us to come back to see the right person who could accept a non-cash payment, and then suitably distracted, we forgot! Travel to and from the event was with the Uppsala—Stockholm Pendel, but it was disappointing that both outward and homeward journeys were in modern X40 units, not the favoured 1980s carriages topped and tailed with Rc-locomotives! This journey almost didn’t happen because SJ’s App didn’t function properly and an alternative online process was used instead, which actually produced cheaper tickets. So, we’re not complaining about SJ’s App not working; its failure did us a favour!

SJ’s X2000 is to run for many more years yet, with the first having just received a major overhaul and minor facelift; it still has an unimaginative livery, but some sort of effort has been made! It does now have a third level of comfort, the Second Class Calm, where you pay extra to have a so-called “quiet carriage”!

Nyheter, november 2021

Våra nyheter på Svenska

En löpande kommentar av nya modeller är inte riktigt vad vi ville med den här webbplatsen, inte ens i den nuvarande situationen. Det får det att verka som om vi samlar tåg. Vi är inte samlare, vi är modellerare. Så vi kommer att undvika den typen av nyheter, förutom när det finns något extra speciellt att meddela.

Det finns dock några nyheter som passar här den här månaden. Först har vi från Byggsvenskt erhållit ett nytt chassi till en av våra X10-enheter, nummer 3149. Detta är ett tungt och kraftfullt drivsystem för modellen, och det kommer att vara perfekt kapabelt att arbeta med fyra vagnståg (så X10 3148 kommer att inte drivas alls). För det andra, och från samma leverantör, har vi fått de dekaler som krävs för Yd railbus och båda släpvagnarna, UF2 och UF6. Leverantören har också gått med på att göra speciellt några dekaler för UGJ F4F-bagagevagnen som har fel nummer. De enda nummer som verkar finnas tillgängliga som dekaler är för F4F som hade kontoret i ena änden av vagnen, inte de få där kontoret låg i mitten. Gissa vilken version vi har!

Vi har också skaffat några intressanta vägfordon. Två Volvo Amazoner och en PV544 (den sista med husvagn) är Wiking-modeller, inte Brekina eller Praliné/Busch. Så de duplicerar inte det vi redan har (i lager), men de ger oss något att använda för ett diorama om vi kan få ett byggt! Bussarna är egentligen för moderna för vår epok; men dessa är verkligen för en privat samling, en känsla av nostalgi kring de senaste 30 åren som turist till Stockholm; så även om de kan dyka upp på FLMJ då och då, är det mer sannolikt att de kommer att användas på ett separat statiskt diorama! “Checker-cab” respekterar att många svenskar importerar och restaurerar gamla amerikanska bilar, och det här är en klassiker!

Tillverkarens Nyheter:

HNoll meddelar att nästa passagerarvagnar (B4) sannolikt kommer att dyka upp i mars-maj, beroende på fraktalternativ. Vissa vagntyper är nu slutsålda hos leverantören och BC4, WL4, WL6 och R4/R12/S12 är ett avslutat kapitel, med förbehåll för eventuella återstående lager hos återförsäljare. En liten serie bruna R4 kommer dock att tillverkas efter behov, och RB11 i Blue-X/IC-11 kommer att kompletteras om det inte finns tillräckligt med vid releasen av A11 och B11.

PCX87 har annonserat fyra nya versioner (färgalternativ) av sin Saab 99, men av större spänning, en ny modell, Volvo 164, i 1968 års skick; igen, i fyra färger. För många år sedan gjorde Kniga Modelle ett byggsats av 1973 års version av denna bil (varav vi har satt ihop tre), så det ska bli trevligt att ha en (eller flera) färdiggjorda!

Det finns få nyheter om Minichamps föreslagna modeller. Under december väntas Volvo 480 coupé, 740 kombi och 850 sedan. Deras Volvo 240 (sedan och kombi) väntas i januari och båda Saab 900-versionerna i februari. Men Volvo 740 sedan har lagts tillbaka till september 2022.

Andra nyheter:

Modelljärnvägsmässa i Uppsala den 13/14 november besöktes på söndagen och ägde rum i bara en sal, trots att det stod ”Fyrishov Hall C & D” i reklam. Faktum är att de två ganska små salarna kan öppnas upp till en större hall. Där hade Upplands MJ sin moduluppbyggnad som innehöll en modell av Uppsala station innan den modifierades. Även om detta är ett pågående arbete, var det verkligen inspirerande, och det skulle vara intressant att se framstegen vid nästa års evenemang – de hoppas att det kan bli ett årligt evenemang. Eftersom de var en DCC-layout verkade de tillbringa mycket tid med att pilla med det, för att försöka få saker att fungera, men inte allmänt; det var mycket aktivitet och några trevliga tåg att beundra. Utöver detta fanns det några tågset för barn att leka med, och en hel del handlare – varav de flesta hade lagerlass med Märklin-produkter. Det var ganska uppfriskande att hitta ett stall med några andra märken! En vagn köptes, men inget annat!

Hjulmarknaden i Solna den 27 november var precis så stor och imponerande som den brukar vara. Avbröts förra året på grund av pandemin, det var bra för detta evenemang att vara tillbaka. Detta är inte en modelljärnvägsutställning, och även om det visades en liten layout i H0-skala och ett live-ångspår, var evenemanget verkligen en sammankomst av järnvägsmodelltillverkare och historiska järnvägsgrupper. För FLMJ är det här vi köpte chassit och dekalerna. Forskning och referensmaterial begränsades till två böcker och två DVD-skivor. Ett missöde var en handlare som hade några lokalt producerade modeller av postbilen ’Kalmar Tjorven’, men bad oss ​​komma tillbaka för att se rätt person som kunde acceptera en icke-kontant betalning, och sedan lagom distraherad glömde vi! Resan till och från evenemanget skedde med Uppsala—Stockholm Pendel, men det var en besvikelse att både ut- och hemfärder skedde i moderna X40-tåg, inte de gynnade 1980-talsvagnarna toppade och svansade med Rc-lok! Den här resan blev nästan inte av eftersom SJs app inte fungerade som den ska och istället användes en alternativ onlineprocess som faktiskt gav billigare biljetter. Så vi klagar inte på att SJs app inte fungerar; dess misslyckande gjorde oss en tjänst!