Our News
There’s no news from us this month!
Manufacturer News
Dekas has announced the production (for 2025) of the SJ ‘Lnps’ wagon, a 2-axle timber-carrying chassis wagon with U-shaped stakes. This is a long overdue model, and it will fill a gap in the ‘essential models’ for Swedish railways (timber and ore are two of Sweden’s largest exports)! Modellproduktion already produces a kit of the very similar ‘Lps’ and there is no reason why the two types cannot run in the same train. (From our copy of “SJF 636.1”, there were 24 ‘Lps’ and several hundred of the ‘Lnps’. Visual differences are slight and the ‘n’ signifies that it has a maximum load limit over 30t. At least two types of ‘Lnps’ have existed, maybe more, but the version 871 is fewer in number, slightly lighter and shorter with a shorter wheelbase than version 891; the Dekas model will be the 891.)

More news from Dekas is that their Swedish ‘Ge’ wagon is likely to appear around August, but being the holiday season, we expect that estimate to be flexible. Still no news on the ‘Y2’, however.
Other News
In our January update, published February, we reported on the loss of the Warley National Model Railway Exhibition; and then in the following update, about another organisation that will provide a very similar event at the same location on the same general weekend. Now, we have a further update!
The Warley Model Railway Club is teaming up with the Statfold Narrow Gauge Museum Trust Ltd to hold a brand new railway modelling showcase event at the Trust’s Statfold Country Park venue near Tamworth, Staffordshire. Branded as “Warley at Statfold” the event is planned for the weekend of the 12 & 13 October 2024 and entry tickets will include the model railway exhibition, full access to the Museums locomotive and stock collection, unlimited train rides on both of the narrow-gauge railways and the chance for visiting families to enjoy numerous children’s themed attractions also on the site. See https://thewarleyshow.co.uk/ for more information. Should we become aware that a Swedish layout will be on display at the event, or that the Scandinavian Railways Society will be present, we’ll add the details to our Events page.
Behind the Scenes
Mini-Series about the new railway; 4: Stuverydsbäckens Järnväg
There had been a plan for the FLMJ to add a narrow-gauge section, the so called “Södra Folketsparks Järnväg”. The actual route was never confirmed (though, Gärde to Folketspark/Siljansnäs was a popular idea), and it was eventually realised that this smaller gauge in the garden would be just asking for trouble. So, the entire collection (all H0e (9mm gauge) and not at all Swedish) was sold off.
Indoors now, we can reconsider. There is a fourth room in the basement, but one with limited clearances due to the staircase from the house above. A narrow-gauge railway with its minimal clearance requirements, and ability to negotiate smaller radii curves, is being considered for this room, but to also go through the walls at each end to ‘meet’ the stations at Rickbacken and Töjnan!
Being a significant addition to the whole diorama, it really ought to be H0n3 (10½mm gauge) to represent Sweden’s popular 891mm gauge (not exactly, but close enough). The trains, needing to be of mostly Swedish origin, would need to be kit-built, and ought to include a type YP railbus, among other things. It’s a tough project, and won’t be given much thought until the RTJ is fully operational, first; but it’s one that we have high hopes for! The name comes from a nearby nature reserve.
Next Month: Fenixås Jernväg.