Our News
Summers in Sweden are short, so we have spent more time outside than in; thus no model-making has taken place!
Manufacturer News
As above, summer shutdown, so no real news. One manufacturer-related thing is that this year is the 40th anniversary of the launch of Roco’s Rc5, a model that set new standards, at least for Swedish railway modelling. It had a centrally mounted motor with prop-shaft drive to both bogies and driven on all wheels. The traction tyres were asymmetrically placed so that the loco gave matching performance in either direction. (Sadly, the newer DCC-compatible versions of this model are not so highly specified!) Jeco has followed Roco with their specification, but other manufacturers have lagged behind.

Other News
The August edition of the British magazine Continental Modeller carries an advertisement for the Scandinavian Railways Society, which has been restarted (the advert) following a pause partially created by the recent pandemic. When first established, roundly 30 years ago, the Society was pivotal as a hub for sharing information about the railways of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, and members enjoy a regular glossy magazine and the opportunity to meet and take part in events around the country (the UK). Sadly, there is a viable argument that most information about the subject matter can be easily found online, and member numbers are dwindling, not just in this society, but in many others, also. This could, however, be temporary, due to the fact that people are finding that the information published online is mostly unchecked for accuracy, and this is leading many people astray in their pursuit of a reliable and authentic interest in these railway systems. This could lead to a reboot of membership numbers. Any society of this type will have an assortment of members including those who have, and are willing to share, valuable and reliable information relating to the subject matter; and membership of such societies is thoroughly encouraged. It is a typical situation of not being missed until it’s gone, so one hopes that the recently restarted advertisement will be successful for the Society.

Behind the Scenes
Mini-Series about the new railway; 8: Trams?
We did have a couple of trams, which occasionally ventured out onto the FLMJ! One was in a livery suitable for Göteborg, and the other for Malmö; but neither were true representations of their assumed prototypes! With no tramway prospects for the FLMJ, they were sold on. Could we build a system, now? Rickbacken has been ruled out because it would not blend very well with the nature of the town scene, which we’ll look at in a later update. Skarpa Gård is said to be out in the country, so that is unlikely, also. That leaves Töjnan, a size-compromised area (due to the necessary lift-out section), with a lot going on. But, whilst there are no serious plans to include a tramway, the representation of the outskirts of one, with a line leading into the main industrial area at Töjnan, would have its commercial justification. So, maybe a circuit from fiddle-yard to the industrial area and back again?
And if we’re considering trams, what about trolley-buses? No! Although trolley-buses do exist currently, and have existed in Sweden in the past, there seems to be a gap in their existence through Epoch-IV!
Next Month: Tuppkråksjärnvägen!