Arbetet med konstruktionen av T45-modellen har återupptagits. Motorn och boggierna har anlänt och dessa har monterats och testats. Elektriskt finns det tillfälliga anslutningar ifall det skulle bli behov av att ta bort komponenter!
Det lilla diorama som vi tänker bygga snart kommer förmodligen att heta “Odensala Prästgård”, men det får vänta eftersom pengar har lagts på en välbehövlig bil i skala 1:1!
Tillverkarens Nyheter
I en färsk uppdatering från HNoll skriver de att en leverans förväntas med båt från Kina om 2-3 månader, men inte inklusive A11/B11-vagnarna (vi är inte säkra på vad som ingår). Men det kommer några fler restaurang-, ligg- och sovvagnar, några med nya nummer.
Andra intressanta nyheter
En rundtur på några platser av intresse för järnvägen har sammanfattats i våra engelska nyheter, men en större recension planeras för denna webbplats senare i år. Bilderna är från alla platser som vi besökt; Nynäshamns Järnvägsmuseum, LennaKatten, Modeljärnvägenshus, Föreningen Sörmlands VeteranJärnväg, Grängesbergbanornas Järnvägsmuseum, Hallsbergs Modelljärnvägsförening (och så Hallsbergs stationsmiljö för att ta många bilder på passerande tåg), Nora Bergslags Veteran-Jernväg, och “Miniature Kingdom” vid Kungsör.
Work has started on the second significant phase of the construction of the T45 diesel locomotive. This is the fitting of the motor, wheels, and complete drive-gear. The start of this work was reasonably straight forward. With the temporary ‘accommodation bogies’ removed, the new ones (from SV&LV – Skultorps Vagn & LokVerkstad) fitted perfectly into place; but it was a very fiddly job to fit the securing nut on each bogie, due to being difficult to access, and having very fine threads! The motor is a tight squeeze into the recess specially made for it, but there is no means of securing it. It might not need securing; testing at a later date will confirm one way or the other. Between the motor and each bogie there is a prop shaft (cardan shaft), and everything turns freely. Electrically, we decided that it would be wise to be able to remove components if the need arises, but lacking any plug couplers, the pairs of cables from the motor and each bogie were soldered to a contact strip that we glued onto the chassis (instead of soldering it all together directly). Then we reassembled the model and found that the chassis still bows slightly, so we will make up new securing points at each end, which we will use with two more M2 screws. Unfortunately, some of the more cosmetic components for the loco have been left behind in the storage facility, so these will be procured at a later date. With the absence of the full workshop facility, it should not be considered bad that the work described above took 4¾ hours. A week or so later (17th July), the loco was tested on a track with controller, with pleasing results. Clearly, it will need running in, but just to see it move a short distance under proper power was a great boost to the morale.
The T45 (without body) is seen with the motor and bogies fitted, along with cabling.
Odensala Prästgård is the name of our temporary diorama. There is the mainline between Märsta and Knivsta quite close to the temporary lodgings, and there used to be a station at Odensala, many years ago. So, the idea is to expand on the idea of a siding being retained, leading to a small area with just a few tracks for maintenance and other things; also giving us good photography opportunities! With the purchase of a new car (in 1:1 scale) draining funds, construction has been delayed slightly, but the T45 (see above) is keeping us busy!
Manufacturer News
In a recent update from HNoll, they write that a delivery is expected by boat from China in 2-3 months, but not including the A11/B11 carriages (we’re not sure what is included). But there will be a few more restaurant, couchette and sleeper carriages, some with new numbers.
Other News
As hinted last month, the summer tour of railway establishments actually started in June. Participants numbered from 1 to 8 depending on venue.
A typical Q12 tank-wagon at Nynäshamns Järnvägsmuseum.
We started at Nynäshamns Järnvägsmuseum, adjacent to Nynäs Gård station. This is a small museum and a bit too cramped, so photo opportunities were poor. But it has the usual hands-on policy, so we were able to look in every nook and cranny wherever our fancy took us. Naturally, this included the cab of E class 1189.
A few days later, we went to the Uppsala Lenna Järnväg (known also as the LennaKatten). Of the three trains in service, only one was steam-hauled, so that was our choice. A diesel hauled train was available, as was a diesel railbus train. After such a long time since last riding behind a steam loco, advantage was taken of the end platform on the leading carriage, and a delightful experience it was.
891mm gauge steam loco 5 “Thor” at Faringe on the LennaKatten.
One of the smaller dioramas at Söderby/Alunda. (Reflections due to layout screens!)
On the following day, we went to the permanent Model Railway Exhibition at Söderby/Alunda. This is a collection of model railways and train sets, mostly H0, but not entirely, and aimed more at the family audience than the true railway modeller. Interesting, but unlikely to revisit.
After a day’s rest, we went to Oxelösund, the “O” in TGOJ, to visit the FSVJ (Föreningen Sörmlands VeteranJärnväg) there. As with the museum at Nynäshamn, this is a static museum, and we were able to look over, among other things, a Ma-loco of the TGOJ variety, two of the four 1950s TGOJ carriages (the other two were present, but closed), and their former conference carriage (which started out as one of SJ’s first two restaurant carriages in 1929), where a Fika was enjoyed! Returning from Oxelösund, an unplanned detour was made to Läggesta for a ride on the ÖSlJ, with a steam loco, to Mariefred and back!
TGOJ S3 1001, built 1929 for SJ; a restaurant carriage, but used by TGOJ as a conference carriage.
600mm gauge ÖSlJ loco 5 “Hamra” at Läggesta. SJ main line on bridge in the background.
The TGOJ roundhouse at Grängesberg; barely visible is the Volvo inspection car (rightmost shed).
After another day’s rest we went on a tour that included three nights in B+B (at Örebro). The first of these four days was at Grängesberg, the “G” in TGOJ. Here, we saw some of the items modelled at the FLMJ; carriages type BCo7, Co8f, F5; and the Volvo rail-car. Whilst a few nicely restored items are kept under cover in the roundhouse, too many artefacts are rotting away outside in the elements, and we can understand why some items (the 1950s carriages, for example) have been removed from here.
The second day was at Hallsberg, “Hallsbergs Modelljärnvägsförening”; a significant model railway layout, open to the public, adjoining the Bergöövåningen exhibition. The main feature of the layout is the diorama of Hallsberg’s station, both the railway and the environment around it; and all of the local buildings have been faithfully recreated in miniature. Afterwards, back to the 1:1 scale Hallsberg station for a few hours taking photographs, mostly goods trains, headed by Rc-locomotives, including a former ÖBB version of the Rc2!
Hallsberg station in H0-scala, at Hallsberg!
Former ÖBB class 1043, identical to the SJ Rc2 (and built by ASEA), now in service in Sweden as class Rc2-ÖBB. Note different headlamp layout.
E2 1182 with an unusual grey boiler, at Nora.
The third day was at Nora and the overgrown line to Järle (where there was an exceptionally long turnover, despite there being nothing there). There is another line towards Pershyttan (which was not operating, it seemed). And that was about it. A good look around the yard was inspiring (to see some particular items) but also depressing (to see items in the process of being scrapped)! Travel was in a wooden planked carriage type Co4a-Å, coupled with two Norwegian carriages, both type B22 despite their many differences. Due to a special event taking place in Nora, the local fishing club decided it appropriate to charge for parking where it should have been free; but at 20kr, it wasn’t worth the fuss or argument!
The final day was at Miniature Kingdom at Kungsör. This is a Swedish equivalent of the Wunderland at Hamburg, but obviously smaller. But it is quite impressive. Like the FLMJ, it does not represent any particular area in exact detail; rather it shews a lot of Swedish landmarks, featuring elements from Stockholm, Norrland, Västerås, Örebro, and of course, Kungsör. The layout is still under development, but this does not detract from the enjoyment of the exhibit, it provides a good behind-the-scenes exhibit without actually going behind the scenes.
A short goods train on the layout at Miniature Kingdom, Kungsör.
A more thorough description of the staycation is being prepared for this website.
Behind the Scenes
Mini-Series about the FLMJ, 8: Epoch-IV
From inception, the FLMJ reflected the current Epoch. But gradually, the availability of models disappeared. A few modern goods wagons were being produced and locomotives were quite up to date. But with only 1980s carriages in use, and the models being very limited in range (and certainly no unit trains being available); the FLMJ was becoming less and less authentic. So, we stopped the clock and actually put it back to Epoch IV, which for us, represents the period through the 1970s and 1980s; but with a little late 60s and early 90s added. And this is in addition to “heritage” trains! Currently, this is a very comfortable decision to have made. We have a good selection of 1960s and 1980s carriages available now or proposed (though 1940s/1970s styles are lacking), and the Y1 and Y6 generation of railbuses are about right. We would be very happy for affordable models of the X9 to become available (at ‘average modeller’ prices), but otherwise all is well catered for. In this epoch, the carriages are brown (mostly), and locos are either brown or orange. Our most modern trains (just peeking into the 1990s) are the X2000 and Y2 (the latter still awaited, having parted with a terrible Heljan version); both in original liveries. It is also the period when the railway system and the trains were operated by railway companies, unlike most of the current operators who have interests elsewhere, and there was a greater sense of pride and identity. Indeed, the 150th anniversary of Stockholm’s Centralstation last year, was ignored completely because the organisations involved with the building today have no real interest in railways!
The modern black Rc-loco and train clash with the heritage railbus. This loco was probably the shortest-owned model on the FLMJ!
Y7 railbus passes over a level crossing just outside Lövhöjden.
In these images (above), a heritage Y7 railbus contrasts with a modern black Rc-loco; and whilst the green car in the other image is probably the same epoch, the front can be seen of a much more modern car!
Living in the current times, it can be difficult to not take an interest in some modern artefacts. Thankfully, this does not extend to the trains, but a few of the model buildings could perhaps be a bit too modern, as indeed are some of the cars and other road vehicles. To offer justification for this, it was decided that the FLMJ is a ‘heritage railway set in the current day’, so some of the modern items could creep in. And the local ‘kommun’ is said to be offering incentives to residents and businesses to respect the “heritage epoch”!
Next month, we’ll consider the scenery, or at least the scenic aspect of the railway.