Forskning! Sedan 2010 har vi haft två D30-vagnar, vi vet inte så mycket om dem. Under februari köptes ett exemplar av SMJ-boken “SJ Personvagnar med Träkorg Modell 1909-1936”, och där är de! Tre ‘Grh’-vagnar från 1927 (nummer 31391-3) byggdes om 1941 som ‘D4 Modell 41’ (och numrerade 3511-3). 1948 blev de ‘D30’ och drogs tillbaka och skrotades under perioden 1969-73. Eftersom de byttes till postpackningsvagnar fick de periodiskt underhåll med samma intervall som gäller för passagerarvagnar. Vagntypen ‘D4’ var en efterföljare till den tidigare ‘D2’ men med större kapacitet. 1944 byggdes ytterligare 2 vagnar om, men av typen ‘G’ standardgodsvagnar (något lägre takhöjd och mycket längre hjulbas), och blev ‘D30 Modell 44’.
Tillverkarens Nyheter:
Vi har sett reklam för två paket med tre personvagnar från Heljan i “Snälltåget”-livery; ett paket med tre ‘Bc-t‘-vagnar (60801), och ett paket med tre ‘BC2‘-vagnar (60803). Varje packet kostar 2 395 SEK. Det finns tre reklambilder som följer med reklam, men samma tre för varje set, en med en äkta svensk ‘AB3K’! “Bc-t” är en f d DSB klass “B” sittvagn, ombyggd till liggvagn. ’BC2:an’ är dock en SJ-vagn från 1940-talet, ombyggd på 1970-talet, men inte visad på någon av Heljans bilder. Så vi är nyfikna på att veta exakt vad Heljan kommer att producera. De är alla för moderna för FLMJ, men om etiketten “BC2” är korrekt, kommer ett par (eller ett paket med tre) att hitta hit för att måla om till den ursprungliga SJ bruna färgen! Men, det blir komplicerat. Heljan hade en monter på Model Rail Scotland-eventet i slutet av februari, där de fick frågor om dessa vagnar och deras representant sa att de redan har varit och gått och sålt slut; vilket är konstigt med tanke på att butikerna precis har börjat annonsera om dem som “annonserade modeller”. (Vi frågade också om att deras IC3-tåg skulle återutges, vilket de sa hände för ett par år sedan och också är slutsåld, men det finns listat som en ny vara (ej driven) på deras hemsida när den här rapporten skrevs!) Nyfiken! Fortfarande med Heljan har vi sett reklam för deras ‘F5‘ (‘FV1‘ i modern terminologi) som en nyutgåva i ett urval av versioner. För närvarande finns det bara ritningar, inga förproduktionsmodeller; men det verkar ingen idé att fråga Heljan direkt om dem.
NMJ producerar några SJ-kylvagnar, typ ‘Hs‘ (pre-UIC) eller ‘Icmo‘ (UIC). Tyvärr finns de i deras ‘Superline’-sortiment och kommer därför att kosta €299 styck!
We have spent some more time on research! Ever since their purchase in 2010, the two D30 wagons have been something of a mystery. They are shorter than the DV30 (which were modified from standard ‘Gbs’ wagons); but now we have found some interesting information. Three ‘Grh’ wagons from 1927 (numbers 31391-3) were rebuilt 1941 as ‘D4 Modell 41’ (and numbered 3511-3). In 1948 they became ‘D30’, and were withdrawn and scrapped in the period 1969-73. (In 1929, 4 ‘Gs’ wagons were changed to mail packing wagons type ‘D2’, which gave them periodic maintenance at the same interval as applied to passenger carriages. For this purpose, the older style ‘Gs’ wagons with an 8-meter body and brake compartment were chosen.) The ‘D4’ wagon type was a successor to the ‘D2’ but with greater capacity. In 1944, a further 2 wagons were rebuilt, but of the type ‘G’ standard freight wagons (slightly lower height and much longer wheel-base), and became ‘D30 Modell 44’.
D30 3512, next to the locomotive, in a train at Lövhöjden, soon after delivery in 2010.
Manufacturer News
Heljan is understood to be producing two sets of three carriages in “Snälltåget” livery; one set with three ‘Bc-t’ carriages (60801), and one set with three ‘BC2’ carriages (60803). Both sets should retail for 2,395 SEK. Curiously, the first promotional photos comprise three images, one with the former DSB design carriages as models, one with drawings of the same, and one with a real Swedish ‘AB3K’! The ‘Bc-t’ are indeed former DSB class ‘B’ seating carriages, converted to couchette carriages. However, the ‘BC2’ are SJ carriages from the 1940s, rebuilt in the 1970s, and not shewn in any of Heljan’s images. Similar carriages to the former DSB ones, operated by Snälltåget, are the ‘Bmpz’ (ex-NS) and ‘Bvcmz’ (ex-DB); so we are curious to know exactly what Heljan will produce. They’re all too modern for the FLMJ, but if the label, ‘BC2’ is correct, then a couple (or set of three) will find their way here for repainting into the original SJ brown livery! However, to throw a spanner into the works, Heljan had an exhibit at the Model Rail Scotland event at the end of February, where they were asked about these carriages, and their representative said that they have already been and gone and sold out; which is strange considering that the shops have only just started advertising them as ‘announced models’. (We also enquired about their IC3 train being reissued, which they said happened a couple of years ago and is also sold out, but it is listed as a new item (unpowered) on their website at the time of writing this report!) Curious! Still with Heljan, we have seen suppliers advertising their ‘F5’ (‘FV1’ in modern terminology) as a reissue in an assortment of versions. Presently, only drawings exist, no preproduction model photos; but there seems no point in asking Heljan directly about them.
‘Probably’ a Bc-t at Centralstation (if not, then very similar), but note the livery; the text will be different on the other side!
A BC2 carriage in a Tågab train – not really looking very ‘inviting’!
Fv1 (F5-L) 25786 seen after one of the buffers had been repaired/replaced.
One of the three promotional pictures for the Snälltåget carriages apparently proposed from Heljan.
NMJ is producing some SJ refrigerator wagons, type ‘Hs‘ (pre-UIC) or ‘Icmo‘ (UIC). Unfortunately, they are in their ‘Superline’ range and will therefore cost €299 each!
Behind the Scenes
Mini-Series about the FLMJ, 3: Siljansbanan and the areas around it
The Siljansbanan gave the Railway a circuit around the home. It was a branch line and said to be non-electrified. However, it was used by all types of trains for running-in and testing purposes, and the non-electric rule was broken many, many times! (Because this line completed a circuit around the home, which had been named ‘Siljan’, Siljansbanan seemed an obvious name for it!) To give it some character (and purpose), a small station was provided, appropriately named Siljansnäs. Then, came the point for a track to an industrial area, which would be somewhere for people to practice shunting skills, and somewhere to be even more creative with the layout and scenery. It took a long time to develop, but as with many things, the final plan that was in use at the time of closure, was seen as ideal, and it is hoped to replicate it in the future. It provided for three industries and had a loop for running-round the loco. Later, a second point was added at the station, for a line leading to a harbour area, which was named Jonshamn (meaning “John’s Harbour”, named after a late friend who had lived on the same Park). It wasn’t in place for long enough to determine if it was ’right’, but it will be added, space permitting, to any new diorama; but if possible, as an extension from the industrial area (“Industriområdet” in Swedish). It’s two long tracks had a crossover and there were two small goods sheds. A better proposal would include an oil terminal and maybe a cement factory! But we’ll see how things develop! Operationally, if a goods train was not diesel-hauled, or it was bound for Gärde/Fjällnäs with a few drop off wagons, then a Z65 or Z70 shunter would bring the wagons from Lövhöjden to Gärde and then to Industriområdet or Jonshamn as required. There was also one shunter with conventional couplings for the benefit of so-fitted visiting wagons! Ideally, a V5 would also be available for this purpose, but the Märklin ones (converted to two-rail) were not up to the job in several respects, and gradually our V5 models were sold off. Jonshamn, having longer sidings, would also sometimes see a T43 or even a T44 diesel loco with longer train; and the T21 was no stranger here, either! Not overlooking Siljansnäs station; this had the generic Jeco model for the building, and a very similar structure has been found at Göringen in Dalarna: note that Siljansnäs is in Dalarna! In its final years it had only a single track through the station and the two points to the two goods lines. It had previously seen a passing loop, and at different stages had an island platform, or side platforms. If we are able to recreate this area, but with Jonshamn as an extension from Industriområdet, then there might be an access loop in the station area at Siljansnäs, but such plans are premature at this stage!
T43 212 with a long goods train at the harbour at Jonshamn: an area that was still under development when the Railway closed.
One of the industrial units at Industriområdet.
The ‘road’ side of Siljansnäs station, with bus and taxi-cabs awaiting their customers.
Next month, we’ll look at Gärde and the proposed Fjällnäs.