Monthly Archives: June 2021

Forthcoming Events

Here we have a selection of events that seem to be going ahead. [Updated 2025-02-03]

  • The events in the UK are shewn because it is understood that the Scandinavian Railways Society is being represented there, and/or that there will be a Swedish-themed railway there.
  • The Swedish events are a few that we know about from experience; and a few that have been recommended to us but which will be investigated for inclusion (or not) next time!

It is important that you check the websites (or by whatever other means are at your disposal) for the latest news to check that these events are still going ahead. (Please also understand that we cannot accept liability for any misleading information provided by the event hosts!)

Dates are given in Swedish format; year, month, date (YYYY-MM-DD).
Where non-English characters are shewn in web-addresses (which sometimes happens), see our “På Svenska > Swedish Words” section to see how to type them on a UK keyboard!

2025-03-22 (UK)
ERA European & Narrow Gauge Exhibition
The Austin Sports & Social Club, 30 Tessall Lane, LONGBRIDGE B31 2SF (10:00-16:30)
It is hoped that most of the European Railway Societies (including Scandinavian) will be present

2025-06-01 (UK)
The French Railways Society Summer Rendezvous
Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Lane, ASHTEAD KT21 2BE
With Scandinavian Railways Society and possibly a layout (latter to be confirmed)

2025-06-28/29 (UK)
Perth Model Railway Show
Dewars Centre, Glover Street, Perth PH2 0TH (10:00-17:00)
Featuring Strömstad

Nyheter, Maj 2021

Dm3 utrustades med utbytesspeglar och vindrutetorkare i maj. Det finns viss förvirring om artikelnumret för dessa Roco-artiklar, numret som anges på instruktionsbladet verkar vara för olika komponenter (om det är något att söka på webbplatser), och Rocos egen webbplats är inte särskilt hjälpsam! Så vi har istället modifierat och monterat Jeco-komponenter. Vi måste också montera nya ledstänger, men vi kan behöva göra dessa här. 0,5 mm stången skulle vara mycket lämplig för de flesta applikationer, men det finns några föremål som behöver stötar mellan ändarna, och det är där det blir knepigt! Vi undersöker fortfarande den.
N 1304 förlorade en av sina buffertar under det senaste arbetet, och det är en mycket tunn metallbit. En reparation gjordes i början av maj genom att borra ett 0,5 mm hål i komponenterna, sätta in en stav, flankerad av ett rör (från de material som köpts förra månaden) och sedan limma ihop allt! Det ser rörigt ut, men om det håller, lämnar vi det i fred. Annars ersätter vi alla fyra! En beställning har gjorts för en ersättningssats, men varorna finns inte i lager och vi vet inte hur länge.
Serveringsvagnar R4R 5441 och 5447 anlände i början av maj. Dessa är så begränsade föremål från HNoll att de inte skulle missa alls. En av dem kommer att gå in i det nuvarande 1980-talet InterCity-tåg; den andra kommer att vara en reserv tills fler vagntyper anländer från HNoll, och sedan kommer den att gå in i den uppsättningen. (Nästa modeller antydda från HNoll är serie-2 A7 och B7; två av vardera skulle gå med den “extra” R4R för att göra ett InterCity-tåg. Sedan, på längre sikt, en varje B2 och B4 skulle läggas till för att göra en sju-vagnars tåg. Vid denna tidpunkt skulle en andra B2 och B4 läggas till den befintliga uppsättningen, och en av (Roco) B7 ersattes av en HNoll AFM7! Om HNoll producerar serie-1 A7/B7, kan det se återkallande av många av Roco-personvagnarna.)

May 2021 News

Rolling Stock Updates

The Dm3 was fitted with replacement mirrors and windscreen wipers in May. There is some confusion about the part number for these Roco items, the number given on the instruction sheet seems to be for different components (if website searches are anything to go by), and Roco’s own website is not very helpful! So, we have modified and fitted Jeco components instead. We also need to fit new handrails, but we may need to make these here. The 0,5mm rod would be very suitable for most applications, but there are some items that need stanchions between the ends, and that is where it gets tricky! We’re still investigating that one.

N 1304 lost one of its buffers during recent work, and it is a very flimsy piece of metal. A repair was made at the beginning of May, by drilling a 0,5mm hole in the stock and buffer head, inserting a rod, flanked by a tube (from the materials bought last month), and then gluing it all together! It looks messy, but if it holds, then we’ll leave it alone. Otherwise, we shall replace all four! An order has been placed for a replacement set, but the items is not in stock, and we don’t know for how long.

Catering carriages R4R 5441 and 5447 arrived in early May. These are such limited items from HNoll, that they were not to be missed at any cost. One will go into the existing 1980s InterCity train; the other will be a reserve until more carriage types arrive from HNoll, and then it will go into that set. (The next models hinted from HNoll are the series-2 A7 and B7; two of each of these would go with the ‘extra’ R4R to make an InterCity train. Then, longer term, one each B2 and B4 would be added to make a seven-carriage train. At this time, a second B2 and B4 would be added to the existing set, and one of the (Roco) B7 replaced by a HNoll AFM7! That’s the intention, anyway! If HNoll produces series-1 A7/B7, then that could see the withdrawal of many of the Roco carriages.)

Manufacturer News

HNoll has advised that delivery of the remaining catering carriages, and the Connex/TKAB couchette and sleeper carriages are expected to Sweden early June. The earlier sleeper and couchette carriages are starting to sell out. Some carriages are already out of stock; there is an increase in demand for these mainly abroad, accounting for about 50% of sales at the moment.
PCX87 (Premium Classixx 1:87 scale) has now advertised Volvo 740 sedans and estates, of the 1985 year model. This raises even more questions about the proposed Minichamps 1986 year models, which have production dates advertised for early 2022!

Koenigsegg specialises in full scale ‘sports’ cars, hand-made, and a good production run will see about 20-30 vehicles! We’ll say nothing about the price! And now, the ultimate H0-scale model car for your Swedish diorama… from the Koenigsegg website, you can buy a 1:87 scale model of their Agera RS (from 2015). Only 25 (1:1-scale) units were made, so a diorama would be closer to average with a Volvo P1900 than one of these! Nevertheless, despite being too modern for our epoch, one has arrived! Koenigsegg is based in Ängelholm (home of the Swedish Railway Museum)!

Other News

In recognition of a particular trend in Sweden, and wanting to do something with the four abandoned model car conversion projects (Saab 900i, Volvo 544, Volvo 240, and Volvo 740), they will all be rough-finished to represent the infamous ‘A-Traktor’, which is a common sight. (A-Traktor is a motor vehicle consisting of a converted car, which is designed to tow other vehicles or work equipment and must be equipped with a coupling device. The maximum speed of the A-Traktor may not exceed 30 km/h, and they carry a large red triangle on the back. They can be driven without a full driving licence and without attaining the age for a full driving licence! They are more popular with teenagers than with their intended users! Try selling that idea to the British DfT.)